

The Office of the Registrar does not accept electronic signatures on PDF forms. Online forms will allow you to provide a digital signature by logging in and authenticating via DUO.

DocuSign Instructions

Step 1: Click on “Initiate Request”

Step 2: If you receive a notification that says that the form has already been submitted, you will need to go to your OSU email account and look for an email from [email protected] to complete the DocuSign form.

Step 3: If the form fails to initiate, please try the following steps:

  1. Use a different browser
  2. Perform process on a laptop or desktop
  3. Clear cookies and cache
  4. Try in incognito mode



Step 4: If you still have issues, please reach out to the applicable department for assistance

  1. Registration or Student Records Forms, [email protected]
  2. Veterans Forms, [email protected]
  3. Graduation Forms, [email protected]
  4. Course Articulation Forms, [email protected]  
Registration Forms
Form Description Required Signatures
Audit Registration Allows a student to enroll in a course for no credit and no grade. In place of the grade, the record with show AUD.

Student, Instructor, College Head Advisor

Change of Grading Basis Request to take a letter graded (A-F) course on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading basis. Student, Academic Advisor
Examination for Credit or Waiver Petition for credit by examination to challenge an OSU course by successful completion of an exam or waiver. Student; Instructor; Department Head; College Head Advisor; College Dean
Graduate Student Extra Credits Petition Request to increase credit limit for term. Student; Graduate Dean
Undergraduate Extra Credits Petition Request to increase credit limit for term. Student; Academic Advisor; College Dean or Head Advisor
Joint Campus Registration Enroll in graduate joint campus courses at University of Oregon. Instructor
Petition for Late Change of Registration Request a registration change after the deadlines published in the academic calendar: late add/drop/withdraw; change of variable credits; change of grading basis. Student; Instructor; Academic Advisor; International Advisor (international students only); College Head Advisor/Graduate School.
Request to Remove Late Registration Fee Request to remove the late registration fee applied for initial registrations beginning the first day of classes. Student
Transfer Credit Petition for Baccalaureate Core Requests to reevaluate a transfer course (LDT/UDT) to satisfy a Baccalaureate Core category. Student
Student Records Forms
Form Description Required Signatures
Academic Fresh Start Petition to exclude Oregon State courses from the calculation of institutional requirements, credits, and grade-point average, under a condition of academic fresh start. Student; College Dean or School Director/Head or Program Chair
Biographical Change Request Request to change biographical/personal information - legal name, legal sex, Social Security Number (SSN), name-in-use. Student
Completion of Subsequent Credential Request a subsequent minor or certificate. Student; College Head Advisor; College Dean
Confidentiality Request Restrict the release of all information, including directory. Student
Enrollment Verification Request Request for verification related to student's education (enrollment or degree) not provided by the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC). Student
Student Consent to Release Information Consent for information about a student's education record to be released to a designated third-party (e.g., a parent or guardian). Student
Notary Service Request Form Request for notarized diploma or transcript. Student
Extension of Time to Remove Incomplete Grade Petition Petition for an extension of the one-year calendar deadline to remove an incomplete grade. Instructor; Associate Dean
Readmission Application Returning students (inactive status) who have not been enrolled at OSU for four terms and wish to re-enroll in courses must apply for readmission. Student
Request for Reinstatement Request for reinstatement by two-year absence or 24 credits of transferable college level coursework with a GPA of 2.5 or above. Student; College Head Advisor
Petition for Exception to OSU Reinstatement Regulations Petition for exception for reinstatement with Academic Standing Committee. Student; Academic Advisor; College Head Advisor
Undergraduate Planned Educational Leave Request to temporarily suspend academic studies at OSU for a period of time (four or more terms). Student; College Head Advisor; Office of Student Conduct
Graduation Forms
Form Description Required Signatures
Commencement Visa Letter Request These letters are for international students who plan to attend Commencement and need documentation for visa reasons. Student; Degree Completion Team
Dual Majors in different Colleges Request This form is used to request a single degree with dual majors where the majors are housed in different colleges. Student; Head Advisors
Statement of Degree* A Statement of Degree is a good-faith letter indicating your anticipated graduation date. *Only provided for undergraduate students. Student; Degree Completion Team
Petition for Exception to University Academic Regulations This form is used to request an exception to university academic regulations 1.b, 12, 20, 25, 26, and 27. Student; College Head Advisor
Veterans Forms
Form Description Required Signatures
Request for In-State Tuition - House Bill 2158 Application for in-state tuition for veterans with either an honorable discharge or general discharge under honorable conditions benefits (not applicable to Ecampus courses because the charges are the same for resident and non-resident students).

Student; Veteran & Military Student Services Specialist

Dependent Tuition Waiver Dependents meeting eligibility will receive a waiver for tuition at OSU. Student; Veteran & Military Student Services Specialist
Parent School Letter Request Allows student to take courses at school other than OSU and receive VA education benefits. Student; Academic Advisor; Veteran & Military Student Services Specialist
Request for In-State Tuition - Choice Act

Application for in-state tuition for dependents using transferred Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits, the Fry Scholarship or Dependents Educational Assistance program benefits (not applicable to Ecampus courses because the charges are the same for resident and non-resident students).

Student; Veteran & Military Student Services Specialist
Voyager Assistance Eligible veterans will be awarded funding for the difference between campus tuition/fees and Federal military tuition assistance and/or VA education benefits. Student
CORE Security Override Request Form