Verify Your Enrollment

Enrollment Verification

An enrollment verification is an official document that can be used to verify enrollment status for purposes of health insurance coverage, auto insurance discounts, loan deferments, scholarships etc. 

Enrollment Verifications are available only after the term begins.

Enrollment verifications are available in a variety of forms:

National Student Clearinghouse

Current and past enrollment verification. Anticipated graduation date. Degree verification.

Official Transcripts

Current and past enrollment. Degrees, professional certifications in progress or earned, including credits. Grades and GPA. Academic coursework. Any academic suspension statuses.

Class Schedule

Proof of current enrollment or future registration.


The National Student Clearinghouse is a service students can access to obtain an enrollment verification at no charge. To request an enrollment verification:

  • Login to Beaver Hub
  • Under Resources tab, search for Standard Enrollment Verification: National Student Clearinghouse. You will be routed to the National Student Clearinghouse website.
  • Choose “Current enrollment” to obtain verification of the current term enrollment or choose “All” to obtain verification of your enrollment history at OSU.
  • Once you have made your choice click “Obtain an Enrollment Certificate.” The certificate will load.
  • Print the certificate and provide it to whomever requires verification of your enrollment.

Terms prior to Spring 2000 are not available via the NSC. Transcripts may be used by students needing verification of enrollment for terms prior to Spring 2000.


Students who have completed one or more terms at OSU have an academic transcript which will include any currently enrolled/in progress courses. To print an unofficial transcript:

  • Log into Beaver Hub
  • Search for Unofficial Transcripts and click on the link
  • Select All Levels and WWW Unofficial
  • You can save a PDF of your unofficial transcript by clicking on the spring icon in the upper right corner and printing to a PDF

If you require an official document, see Transcripts on how to order an official transcript.


As soon as you have enrolled in courses for a term you may print a copy of your class schedule to provide as proof of enrollment.


Students in need of an enrollment verification that includes information not provided by the methods above may obtain verification of available information directly from the Office of the Registrar.

To submit a specialized enrollment verification request, complete and submit the Enrollment Verification form with DocuSign to the Office of the Registrar. 

Verification services provided by the Office of the Registrar are subject to a $15 non-refundable processing fee. Please allow 5-7 business days for processing.


  • Login to Beaver Hub
  • Under Resources tab, search for Specialized Enrollment Verification.
  • You will be routed to a landing page, click “Initiate Request”.
  • You can choose to review and sign your form. This will launch a DocuSign page which you need to complete and sign electronically. Your DocuSign form will also be emailed to your Oregon State email account so you can complete and sign it later.

Please note, you can only have one request submitted and outstanding at a time.

Former students who no longer have access to their ONID accounts will need to contact our office directly to request a Specialized Enrollment Verification.

Child Attending School

This section provides information for students who are attending OSU and who are receiving child support payments from their parent(s) regarding Child Attending School Confirmation and Written Consent for Disclosure for the Division of Child Support.

To request that OSU confirm your enrollment to the Division of Child support:

  • Submit a specialized enrollment verification request as listed above. Attach a completed School Confirmation of Enrollment (CSF 01 1805) to the specialized enrollment verification request.
  • Provide a Written Consent for Disclosure form (ORS 107.108) to the Office of the Registrar before or with the School Confirmation of Enrollment form for verification of enrollment. This can be brought to the Office of the Registrar in person or emailed from your OSU email address.
  • Complete an OSU Student Consent to Release naming the parent and the method of communication by which OSU Office of the Registrar can release information to the parent. Please compare the disclosure requirements required by the Division of Child Support with what you list on OSU’s Consent to Release. We will be unable to provide information to the paying parent unless this is completed.

The Confirmation of Enrollment (CSF 01 1805) and the Written Consent for Disclosure are available on the Oregon Division of Child Support website

The $15 fee for the specialized enrollment verification will be waived.

The Office of the Registrar will confirm a student’s enrollment for the current term. If OSU is between terms at the time of the request, enrollment will be based on the previous term.

Oregon State University evaluates a student’s ability to work toward their degree in multiple ways. When responding to a School Confirmation of Enrollment - Child Attending form in accordance to ORS 107.108, Oregon State University will use the following definitions in ORS 107.108OAR 137-055-5110:

“Enrolled at least one-half of a full time course load” means the student is registered for 6 or more quarter credit hours. Please note that it is the responsibility of the student to request a modified form if registered as a Degree Partnership Program student and is taking credits at both OSU and a community college partner.

Maintaining satisfactory academic progress” means the student has one of the following standings:

  • Good Standing, including by default of meeting admissions standards if no formal standing has been determined from grading yet;
  • Academic Warning if the student is enrolled at least half time and working toward their degree; or
  • Academic Probation if the student is enrolled at least half time and working toward their degree.