
Academic and Classroom Scheduling

Academic and Classroom Scheduling supports academic departments in the development of the Schedule of Classes and assignment of classroom space while maintaining and enforcing university and federal scheduling policies.

Academic Scheduling

Courseleaf Section Scheduler (CLSS)

  • Courseleaf Section Scheduler (CLSS, pronounced as "Class") is our section scheduling software
  • CLSS can be accessed here: https://nextcatalog.oregonstate.edu/wen/
  • Only authorized users may access CLSS. If you wish to request access, please contact [email protected].
  • Department Schedulers should access our Canvas site for guides and training materials.

CLSS Information

Modes define how CLSS interacts with Banner. Different Scheduling Units can be in different modes at the same time.


Mode Description
Design Mode
  • Changes made in CLSS are not immediately updated in Banner.
  • Workflows are not triggered individually.
  • Changes and workflows are only submitted when the entire scheduling unit is submitted for approval workflows
  • All changes made during Design Mode update in CLSS at the same time after submission and approval via workflow.
Refine Mode
  • Individual changes made in CLSS are immediately submitted to workflow or updated in Banner.
  • Changes that trigger workflows may experience a delay before updating Banner data.

Phases define how schedulers can interact with CLSS - i.e. what fields can be edited, what types of changes may trigger approval workflows, etc. All units are in the same mode at the same time for any given term.

Phase Description
Cleanup (Locked)
  • Term is locked for scheduler edits while the Schedule Desk does maintenance/cleanup on rolled term in CLSS.
  • Phase can be 1-2 weeks in length.
  • First phase that schedulers are able to edit their units.
  • All units start in Design Mode.
  • Units will switch to Refine Mode during Plan phase if they submit their scheduling units early or on time.
  • Unit submissions with initial edits are due as soon as possible but no later than published dates.
  • Length of phase varies by term, but should allow 4-6 weeks for initial edits.
  • All units that were not submitted or approved in Plan Phase will be administratively switched to Refine Mode for Proof Phase.
  • Term is published to the Schedule of Classes at the beginning of Proof Phase.
  • Units and instructors should proof their schedules carefully, especially any newly added sections.
  • Schedulers should also take care to add room attributes to sections prior to Room Assignment Phase.
  • Phase length varies by term.
  • There is no Proof Phase for Summer terms.
Room Assignment
  • Term is locked for scheduler edits while the Schedule Desk assigns classrooms for the term.
  • Phase may last up to 2 weeks.
  • There is no Room Assignment Phase for Summer terms.
  • Term is reopened for scheduler edits.
  • Units and instructors should proof their schedules carefully, especially room assignments to ensure the assigned classroom fits the needs of the class.
  • Grade mode and registration restrictions should also be carefully reviewed.
  • Phase length varies by term.
  • Registration opens for a term.
  • Adds and edits permitted, but may be more limited, especially for classes with registered students.
  • Many edits require a section to first be saved/updated in Banner with 0 max enrollment.
  • Phase may begin up to one week prior to registration opening for the term to allow for section changes to be approved through workflow.
  • Phase length varies by term.
  • Coincides with term extension start.
  • Term phases may be linked to specific weeks or ranges of weeks in a term.
  • For example, section adds are permitted in CLSS through week 2 of a term, but not after.
  • Another example, only instructor changes are permitted in CLSS after week 2 for regular parts of term, and only through week 7 without workflow for approval.
  • Timelines and exact phases may vary for different terms or parts of term.
  • Term is archived in CLSS, edits are no longer permitted.
Temporary Lock
  • May be used at any time if the term needs to be locked for changes temporarily.
  • This phase is only rarely used and department schedulers will be notified if it will be used for longer than a few hours.
Phase Term
  • What changes?
Phase Functions
Term I Fall
  • Term Extension (EXT) editing ends
  • No changes or adds to EXT part of term
Term II-A Fall
  • Superterm (SUP) editing ends
  • No changes or adds to EXT or SUP parts of term
Term II-B Fall
  • First Five Week (5A) editing end
  • No changes or adds to EXT, SUP, or 5A parts of term
Term II-D Fall
  • SAPR restrictions required on all sections except 5B
  • No changes or adds to EXT, SUP, or 5A parts of term
  • All sections will automatically have SAPR-IS restrictions added to them unless they already have SAPR-DP restrictions
Term III Fall
  • Full term (1) section editing ends
  • Instructor changes require approval
  • No changes or adds to EXT, SUP, 5A, or 1 parts of term
  • SAPR-IS section restrictions automatically removed from all sections
  • Instructor changes require approval via workflow
Term IV Fall
  • Final Exams added to sections
  • No changes or adds to EXT, SUP, 5A, or 1 parts of term
  • Changes to Exams requires approval via workflow
  • Instructor changes require approval via workflow
Term V Fall
  • Second Five Week (5B) editing ends
  • No changes or adds to any parts of term
  • Changes to Exams requires approval via workflow
  • Instructor changes require approval via workflow
Phase Term
  • What changes?
Phase Functions
Term I Winter
  • Term Extension (EXT) editing ends
  • No changes or adds to EXT part of term
Term II-A Winter
  • Superterm (SUP) editing ends
  • No changes or adds to EXT or SUP parts of term
Term II-D Winter
  • First Five Week (5A) editing ends
  • SAPR restrictions required on all sections except 5B
  • No changes or adds to EXT, SUP, or 5A parts of term
  • All sections will automatically have SAPR-IS restrictions added to them unless they already have SAPR-DP restrictions
Term III Winter
  • Full term (1) section editing ends
  • Instructor changes require approval
  • No changes or adds to EXT, SUP, 5A, or 1 parts of term
  • SAPR-IS section restrictions automatically removed from all sections
  • Instructor changes require approval via workflow
Term IV Winter
  • Final Exams added to sections
  • No changes or adds to EXT, SUP, 5A, or 1 parts of term
  • Changes to Exams requires approval via workflow
  • Instructor changes require approval via workflow
Term V Winter
  • Second Five Week (5B) editing ends
  • No changes or adds to any parts of term
  • Changes to Exams requires approval via workflow
  • Instructor changes require approval via workflow
Phase Term
  • What changes?
Phase Functions
Term I Spring
  • Term Extension (EXT) editing ends
  • No changes or adds to EXT part of term
Term II-C Spring
  • First Five Week (5A) editing ends
  • SAPR restrictions required on all sections except 5B
  • No changes or adds to EXT or 5A parts of term
  • All sections will automatically have SAPR-IS restrictions added to them unless they already have SAPR-DP restrictions
Term II-D Spring
  • Superterm (SUP) editing ends
  • No changes or adds to EXT, 5A, or SUP parts of term
  • SAPR-IS or SAPR-DP restrictions required
Term III Spring
  • Full term (1) section editing ends
  • Instructor changes require approval
  • No changes or adds to EXT, SUP, 5A, or 1 parts of term
  • SAPR-IS section restrictions automatically removed from all sections
  • Instructor changes require approval via workflow
Term IV Spring
  • Final Exams added to sections
  • No changes or adds to EXT, SUP, 5A, or 1 parts of term
  • Changes to Exams requires approval via workflow
  • Instructor changes require approval via workflow
Term V Spring
  • Second Five Week (5B) editing ends
  • No changes or adds to any parts of term
  • Changes to Exams requires approval via workflow
  • Instructor changes require approval via workflow
Phase Term
  • What changes?
Phase Functions
Summer I Summer
  • Session 6 Editing Ends
  • Instructor changes for Session 6 require approval
  • No changes or adds to Session 6
  • Workflow approval required for instructor changes in Session 6
Summer II Summer
  • Session 2 Editing Ends
  • Instructor changes for Session 2 require approval
  • No changes or adds to Sessions 6 and 2
  • Workflow approval required for instructor changes in Session 6 and 2
Summer III Summer
  • Session 3 and SUP Editing Ends
  • Instructor changes for Session 3 and SUP require approval
  • No changes or adds to Sessions 6, 2, 3, and SUP
  • Workflow approval required for instructor changes in Session 6, 2, 3, and SUP
Summer IV Summer
  • Session 1 Editing Ends
  • Instructor changes for Session 1 require approval
  • No changes or adds to Sessions 6, 2, 3, SUP, and 1
  • Workflow approval required for instructor changes in Session 6, 2, 3, SUP, and 1
Summer V Summer
  • Session 4 Editing Ends
  • Instructor changes for Session 4 require approval
  • No changes or adds to Sessions 6, 2, 3, SUP, 1, and 4
  • Workflow approval required for instructor changes in Session 6, 2, 3, SUP, 1, and 4
Summer VI Summer
  • Session 5 Editing Ends
  • Instructor changes for Session 5 require approval
  • No changes or adds to any sessions
  • Workflow approval required for instructor changes for all sessions



CLSS General FAQ

CLSS can be accessed by designated department schedulers, CIM users, and those who have been granted view-only access to CLSS. These are all considered "authorized users," though only department schedulers and limited others may make edits to the schedule directly in CLSS.

CLSS FAQ for Departmental Schedulers

How to Read the Schedule of Classes

Registration instructions can be found by visiting our Scheduler information page.

Courses in the Schedule of Classes are arranged alphabetically and numerically by subject code (course designator). For example, ENG for English, MTH for mathematics.

Remote, Mixed, and On-Campus Only Class Modality Filters

Class modality refers to how a class is currently planned to be offered by the instructor with regards to the scheduled meeting times. Class modality is independent of schedule type.

  • Class modality and the search filters encompass all components of the section (lecture, laboratory, recitation).
  • Section modality refers to the specific CRN only and can be found on the course details panel.

Using modality filters, students will be able to register for classes with a clearer understanding of two key factors:

  1. Whether or not a class is planned to require them to be physically present on campus at specific times
  2. Whether or not a class is planned to require them to attend remote meetings at specific times


Synchronous Modalities
Remote Learning Scheduled meetings are 100% remote
  • Students attend class sessions remotely at scheduled times (synchronously)
  • No on-campus requirements.
  • This is not the same as Online schedule type, which includes only asynchronous content.
Mixed Learning Scheduled meetings include both in-person meetings and synchronous remote meetings.
  • Anticipated to include both on-campus and remote elements.
  • Anticipated that students attend class in-person and remotely.
  • Some components may include synchronous remote learning.
  • This is not the same as Hybrid schedule type, which includes reduced contact hour requirements and may be any modality.
  • This is not the same as an instructor simultaneously offering their lecture to both in-person and remote students.
On Campus Only Scheduled meetings are 100% in-person
  • 100% in-person instruction.
  • Students primarily attend class in-person/on-site.
  • Instruction is delivered in person at the scheduled time and location.
Asynchronous Classes
Online No scheduled meetings; asynchronous content only.
  • Fully online (asynchronous) learning. Students participate via Canvas.
  • Search classes by selecting Schedule Type = Online
Other asynchronous classes No scheduled meetings.
  • May include independent study, thesis, research, internships, etc.
  • May include unscheduled in-person requirements (to be communicated by instructor)

Class Details Panel


Section summary

Seats Avail = Remaining seats available
Code Campus Description
B Oregon State - Cascades OSU Cascades Campus in Bend, OR
C Oregon State - Corvallis Courses taught at Corvallis (main) Campus in Corvallis, OR
Dx Ecampus - Distance Ed Courses taught online via Ecampus; additional abbreviations may follow indicating a specific location or course level such as "LD" for lower division and "UD" for upper division.
N Newport/HMSC Courses taught at Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, Oregon
L LaGrande/EOU Courses taught at Eastern Oregon University in La Grande, Oregon
PDX Oregon State - Portland Courses taught at Oregon State Portland Center (Meier & Frank).
H Portland/OHSU Courses taught at OHSU in Portland, OR
Course Numbers
Course Numbers Description
000 Non-credit
100/200 Lower-division, Undergraduate
300/400 Upper-division, Undergraduate
500 Graduate, primarily Master’s
600 Graduate, primarily Doctoral
700 Professional, DPT, DVM, PharmD
800 In-service courses for practicing professionals

The unique Course Reference Number identifying each class.

Cap = Seating Capacity
Curr = Current Enrollment
Cr = Credit

All credits listed in the Schedule of Classes refer to quarter credits.

If a course is taught for variable credits, for example 1–16 credits, Web registration will prompt you to enter the correct number of credits for which you want to enroll. If you need to change that number later, you may do so via the Web.

P/N = Pass/No Credit

A class is graded A–F unless P/N appears, in which case Pass/No Credit grading applies.

All courses registered via the Web are given the A–F or P/N grade option as appropriate. Any change of the A–F option (to S/U) is done in-person at the Office of the Registrar after completing the Change of Grading Basis form. The deadline for these changes is the end of the 7th week of classes. See the Academic Calendar.

Sec = Section
Section Title

Seminars, special topics, blanket courses and others may have course subject section titles.


Summer term sessions, e.g., 8-week session.


Whether the section is open, closed, waitlisted or cancelled for registration.


Number of weeks in the term or summer session.


Su = Summer term
Fa = Fall term
Wi = Winter term
Sp = Spring term


The method of instructional delivery.

Code Schedule Type
A Lecture
B Discussion
C1 Recitation 1hr
C2 Recitation 2hr
D Laboratory
E Seminar
F Independent or Special Studies
FNL Final Exam
G Research
H Activity
HYB Hybrid
J Internship
M Practicum
MID Midterm
N Reading (or Writing) and Conference
O Experiential/Co-op Education
Q Thesis
R Studio
U Externship
V Examination for Credit
W Workshop
Y Online

WL Avail = Seats available on waitlist
WL Cap = Waitlist capacity
WC Curr = Students currently on waitlist



Section Description

Description of what the topic covered.


Registration Restrictions


Prerequisites, corequisites, limitations to registration. See Registration Restrictions below.




A list of course fee codes, their description, and the fee amounts are listed in the Catalog under Tuition, Fees and Payment. Additional information is in the Business Affairs website.


Attribute Description

Baccalaureate / WIC Courses

Courses carrying General Education attributes are indicated by the following:

  • All Baccalaureate Core courses have an asterisk * in the title.
  • All Writing Intensive Curriculum courses (WIC) have a carat ^ in the title.
  • All Core Education courses have a plus sign + in the title.
  • Courses carrying both Baccalaureate Core and Core Education attributes have a plus sign and asterisk +*  in the title.

Class Notes

Class Notes

Special instructions, links to textbooks required, etc.

Graduate Stand-Alone Courses

All graduate programs of study must consist of at least 50% graduate stand-alone courses (numbered 500 and above). Classes noted “Does not meet Graduate School's stand-alone requirement.” do not satisfy this requirement.

No-show-drop (NSHD)

No-show-drop will appear in the class notes. A student who is registered for such a course who attends no meetings of the course during the first five school days of the term will be dropped from the course by the instructor, unless the student has obtained prior permission for absence. See Academic Regulation 9b.


Meeting Info


Days of the week and hours the class meets (see Meeting Time below), and start and end dates of classes.

Start Date

First day of class.

End Date

Last day of classes before finals week.

Meeting Time

Days of the week are abbreviated as follows:

Abbr. Day
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday
TBA To Be Announced
TBA = To be announced.

See the campus map for building abbreviations and locations.


Final Exam




Name of instructor or staff.


All Sections

Courses with Labs/Recitations/Studios

If a course lecture is "linked" to a noncredit lab or recitation or studio, you must register for all parts of the course. Web registration will not permit you to register for one part without the other. Likewise, you may not drop only one part of a "linked" course; if you do so, the other part will be dropped automatically. If you want to change one part of a multi-part course, you should drop the part and add a new part at the same time before processing your requested changes. Be sure to process the request after specifying the drop and the add.


Department Contact(s)


Registration Restrictions


Prerequisites provide the background necessary for successful performance in a course. Students may attempt a course without having prerequisites if they have obtained the consent of the instructor to do so. If the instructor’s consent is not obtained, then students who have not fulfilled published prerequisites may be disenrolled from the course during the first week of classes.

Departmental Approval

Special approval is required for this course; the student requests an "override" from the department teaching the course, and then the student registers for the course.

Instructor's Signature

Approval required to register. All courses will have this restriction added for week 2 of any fall, winter, or spring term, so any registration during that time must include an override from the department.


+ indicates "only." For example, under class limitation +1 means only freshmen, – indicates "no." Under college limitation, –1,7 means no students from College of Agricultural Sciences or the College of Pharmacy may register.

Alpha Restrictions (for WR 121)(AL)

WR 121 course sections have registration limitations determined by the first letter of the student’s last name. These are marked in the comments or restrictions column with the following codes:

Code Restriction
ALAG Students whose last names range from A to G may register that term.
ALHN Students whose last names range from H to N may register that term.
ALOZ Students whose last names range from O to Z may register that term.
Class Standing (CL)

The catalog system translates these codes into the following terminology:

Code Class
1 Freshman
2 Sophomore
3 Junior
4 Senior
5 Undergraduate nondegree
6 Graduate nondegree
7 Postbaccalaureate (undergraduate)
8 Master's candidate
9 Doctoral candidate
G Postbaccalaureate (graduate)
V Professional
College Codes (CO)

The catalog system translates these codes into the following terminology:

Code College
01 Agricultural Sciences
02 Business
03 Education
05 Forestry
07 Pharmacy
08 Science
09 Graduate School
10 Liberal Arts
11 Defense Education (ROTC)
14 University Exploratory Studies Program
15 Veterinary Medicine
16 Engineering
18 Honors College
23 Public Health and Human Sciences
24 Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
EP Intensive English Program
Degree (DG)

If a course is restricted to students pursuing specific degrees, it will list a code of DG + – under the Registration Restrictions column. Degrees listed may include HBA (Honors Bachelor of Art), HBFA (Honors Bachelor of Fine Arts) and HBS (Honors Bachelor of Science).

Level (LV)

The catalog system translates these codes into the following terminology:

Code Level
01 Undergraduate
02 Graduate
03 Postbaccalaureate
04 Nondegree and Credential
05 Professional
06 INTO OSU GE/AE/Pathways
Major Restrictions/Major Code Descriptions

Some courses are restricted to students enrolled in particular majors. Numerical codes of the majors students are restricted to are noted in the Restrictions section in the online Schedule of Classes.

Scheduler Newsletter Archives

AY 2024-25

   Summer 2024
   Fall 2024
   Winter 2025
   Spring 2025
AY 2023-24
  Summer 2023
  Fall 2023
  Winter 2024
  Spring 2024
AY 2022-23
  Summer 2022
  Fall 2022
  Winter 2023
  Spring 2023
AY 2021-22
  Summer 2021
  Fall 2021 - no newsletter
  Winter 2022
  Spring 2022

Scheduling Contacts

  • Each academic department has at least one individual designated as their department scheduler. This individual usually edits sections for specific subject codes in CourseLeaf CLSS.
  • To reserve classroom space or schedule a new course section/CRN, or if you have questions specific to your department’s academic schedule, contact your authorized representative below.
  • Departments not listed here or other/administrative units should visit our 25Live information page to find out more about requesting General Purpose classroom reservations.
  • This list applies specifically to scheduling (departmental/CRN/classroom). Please visit Course Area Subject Contacts for other questions related to classes, registration, or catalog updates.


List last revised October 2024; for updates, contact [email protected].

Code Subject Description College | School/Dept Campus Scheduling Contact Phone | Email
ALS Academic Learning Services Academic Learning Services Corvallis Anna Bentley Email
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Anna Bentley Email
ACTG Accounting College of Business | School of Accounting, Finance & Information Systems Corvallis Carrie Stampe Email
Ecampus Carrie Stampe Email
AHE Adult Education & Higher Ed Lead. College of Education Ecampus Gosia Wojtas 541-737-4317
Portland Gosia Wojtas 541-737-4317
AAE Aeronautical & Astronautical Engr College of Engineering | School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering Corvallis Julie Nist Email
AS Aerospace Studies Defense Education | Aerospace Studies Corvallis Lauri Potter 541-737-3291
AED Agricultural Education College of Agricultural Sciences | Agricultural Education & General Agriculture Corvallis Elizabeth Thomas Email
Ecampus Elizabeth Thomas Email
AGRI Agricultural Science College of Agricultural Sciences | Agricultural Education & General Agriculture Corvallis Paul Dorres 541-737-5655
Ecampus Paul Dorres 541-737-5655
La Grande Penelope Diebel 541-737-5317
AG Agriculture-General College of Agricultural Sciences | Agricultural Education & General Agriculture Corvallis Elizabeth Thomas Email
Ecampus Elizabeth Thomas Email
La Grande Penelope Diebel 541-737-5317
ASL American Sign Language College of Liberal Arts | School of Language, Culture & Society Corvallis Loretta Wardrip 541-737-1571
Ecampus Karen Mills 541-737-3847
AMS American Studies College of Liberal Arts | American Studies Program Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
AMT Arts, Media, and Technology College of Liberal Arts | School of Visual, Performing and Design Arts Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
ANS Animal Sciences College of Agricultural Sciences | Department of Animal & Rangeland Sciences Corvallis Caroline Charlton 541-737-4606
Ecampus Caroline Charlton 541-737-4606
La Grande Penelope Diebel 541-737-5317
ANTH Anthropology College of Liberal Arts | School of Language, Culture & Society Corvallis Loretta Wardrip 541-737-1571
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Karen Mills 541-737-3847
AEC Applied Economics College of Agricultural Sciences | Department of Applied Economics Corvallis Tjodie Richardson Email
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Tjodie Richardson Email
AJ Applied Journalism College of Liberal Arts | School of Writing, Literature & Film Corvallis Amanda Bressler 541-737-1667
Clare Braun 541-737-1630
Ecampus Amanda Bressler 541-737-1667
Clare Braun 541-737-1630
ARE Architectural Engineering College of Engineering | School of Civil & Construction Engineering Corvallis Julie Nist Email
Ecampus Julie Nist Email
ART Art College of Liberal Arts | School of Visual, Performing & Design Arts Corvallis Lei Xue 541-737-5395
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Lei Xue 541-737-5395
AI Artificial Intelligence College of Engineering | School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Corvallis Angela Keeton Email
Ecampus Angela Keeton Email
AT Athletic Training College of Public Health & Human Sciences | School of Biological & Population Health Sciences Corvallis Kara Keenan 541-737-2686
ATS Atmospheric Sciences College of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences Corvallis Rachel Juarez Email
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Rachel Juarez Email
BB Biochemistry & Biophysics College of Science | School of Life Sciences Corvallis Kimberly Webster 541-737-1830
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Kimberly Webster 541-737-1830
BHS BioHealth Sciences College of Science | School of Life Sciences Corvallis Sally Tatala 541-737-1827
Ecampus Sally Tatala 541-737-1827
BEE Biological & Ecological Engr College of Engineering | School of Biological & Ecological Engineering Corvallis Julie Nist Email
Ecampus Julie Nist Email
BDS Biological Data Sciences College of Agricultural Sciences | Department of Botany & Plant Pathology Corvallis Catherine Mullins-Rodriguez Email
BIOE Biological Engineering College of Engineering | School of Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering Corvallis Angela Keeton Email
Ecampus Angela Keeton Email
BI Biology College of Science | School of Life Sciences Corvallis Traci Durrell-Khalife 541-737-5335
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Traci Durrell-Khalife 541-737-5335
Newport Traci Durrell-Khalife 541-737-5335
BRR Bioresource Research College of Agricultural Sciences Corvallis Paul Dorres 541-737-5655
Corvallis Wanda Crannell 541-737-2999
BOT Botany & Plant Pathology College of Agricultural Sciences | Department of Botany & Plant Pathology Corvallis Catherine Mullins-Rodriguez Email
Ecampus Catherine Mullins-Rodriguez Email
Newport Catherine Mullins-Rodriguez Email
BA Business Administration College of Business Corvallis Carrie Stampe Email
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Carrie Stampe Email
Portland Carrie Stampe Email
BANA Business Analytics College of Business | School of Marketing, Analytics & Design Corvallis Carrie Stampe Email
Ecampus Carrie Stampe Email
BIS Business Information Systems College of Business | School of Accounting, Finance & Information Systems Corvallis Carrie Stampe Email
Ecampus Carrie Stampe Email
CHE Chemical Engineering College of Engineering | School of Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering Corvallis Angela Keeton Email
Ecampus Angela Keeton Email
CBEE Chemical, Biological, Enviro Engr College of Engineering | School of Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering Corvallis Angela Keeton Email
Ecampus Angela Keeton Email
CH Chemistry College of Science | Department of Chemistry Corvallis Mak Ashton Email
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Mak Ashton Email
CHN Chinese College of Liberal Arts | School of Language, Culture & Society Corvallis Loretta Wardrip 541-737-1571
Ecampus Karen Mills 541-737-3847
CCE Civil & Construction Engineering College of Engineering | School of Civil & Construction Engineering Corvallis Julie Nist Email
Ecampus Julie Nist Email
CE Civil Engineering College of Engineering | School of Civil & Construction Engineering Corvallis Julie Nist Email
Ecampus Julie Nist Email
CSSA College Student Services Admin. College of Liberal Arts | School of Language, Culture & Society Corvallis Loretta Wardrip 541-737-1571
Ecampus Karen Mills 541-737-3847
COMM Communication College of Liberal Arts | School of Communication Corvallis Kim Rossi 541-737-6115
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Kim Rossi 541-737-6115
CS Computer Science College of Engineering | School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Corvallis Angela Keeton Email
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Angela Keeton Email
CEM Construction Engineering Mgmt College of Engineering | School of Civil & Construction Engineering Corvallis Julie Nist Email
Ecampus Julie Nist Email
COUN Counseling College of Education Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Gosia Wojtas 541-737-4317
Portland Gosia Wojtas 541-737-4317
CSS Crop & Soil Science College of Agricultural Sciences | Department of Crop & Soil Science Ecampus Rachel Swindon 541-737-1286
La Grande Penelope Diebel 541-737-5317
CROP Crop Science College of Agricultural Sciences | Department of Crop & Soil Science Corvallis Rachel Swindon 541-737-1286
Ecampus Rachel Swindon 541-737-1286
La Grande Penelope Diebel 541-737-5317
DSGN Design College of Business | School of Marketing, Analytics & Design Corvallis Carrie Stampe Email
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Carrie Stampe Email
DSI Design for Social Impact Honors College TBD TBD TBD
ECON Economics College of Liberal Arts | School of Public Policy Corvallis Laura Relyea 541-737-2369
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Laura Relyea 541-737-2369
ED Education College of Education Corvallis Gosia Wojtas 541-737-4317
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Gosia Wojtas 541-737-4317
Portland Gosia Wojtas 541-737-4317
ECE Electrical & Computer Engineering College of Engineering | School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Corvallis Angela Keeton Email
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Angela Keeton Email
ESE Energy Systems Engineering College of Engineering | School of Mechanical, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
EMGT Engineering Management College of Engineering | School of Mechanical, Industrial & Manufacturin Engineering Corvallis Julie Nist Email
College of Engineering | School of Civil and Construction Engineering Ecampus Julie Nist Email
ENGR Engineering Science College of Engineering Corvallis Julie Nist Email
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Julie Nist Email
ENG English College of Liberal Arts | School of Writing, Literature & Film Corvallis Amanda Bressler 541-737-1667
Clare Braun 541-737-1630
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Amanda Bressler 541-737-1667
Clare Braun 541-737-1630
ENT Entomology College of Agricultural Sciences | Department of Horticulture Corvallis Elaine Clark 541-737-5477
Ecampus Elaine Clark 541-737-5477
EAH Environmental Arts & Humanities College of Liberal Arts Corvallis Jacob Hamblin 541-737-3503
Ecampus Jacob Hamblin 541-737-3503
ENVE Environmental Engineering College of Engineering | School of Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering Corvallis Angela Keeton Email
ENSC Environmental Sciences College of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences Corvallis Rachel Juarez Email
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Graduate School Corvallis Renee Freeman Email
Ecampus Renee Freeman Email
ES Ethnic Studies College of Liberal Arts | School of Language, Culture & Society Corvallis Loretta Wardrip 541-737-1571
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Karen Mills 541-737-3847
FILM Film Studies College of Liberal Arts | School of Writing, Literature & Film Corvallis Amanda Bressler 541-737-1667
Clare Braun 541-737-1630
Ecampus Amanda Bressler 541-737-1667
Clare Braun 541-737-1630
FIN Finance College of Business | School of Accounting, Finance & Information Systems Corvallis Carrie Stampe Email
Ecampus Carrie Stampe Email
FW Fisheries & Wildlife College of Agricultural Science | Department of Fisheries, Wildlife & Conservation Sciences Corvallis Kristen Jennings 541-737-1978
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Kristen Jennings 541-737-1978
Newport Kristen Jennings 541-737-1978
La Grande Penelope Diebel 541-737-5317
FCSJ Food in Culture & Social Justice College of Liberal Arts | School of Language, Culture & Society Corvallis Loretta Wardrip 541-737-1571
Ecampus Karen Mills 541-737-3847
FST Food Science & Technology College of Agricultural Sciences | Department of Food Science & Technology Corvallis Sarah Haluzak Email
Ecampus Sarah Haluzak Email
FES Forest Ecosystems & Society College of Forestry | Department of Forest Ecosystems & Society Corvallis Kari Jaques 541-747-1485
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Kari Jaques 541-747-1485
FE Forest Engineering College of Forestry | Department of Forest Engineering, Resources & Management Corvallis Madison Dudley 541-737-1349
Ecampus Madison Dudley 541-737-1349
FOR Forestry College of Forestry | Department of Forest Engineering, Resources & Management Corvallis Madison Dudley 541-737-1349
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Madison Dudley 541-737-1349
FR French College of Liberal Arts | School of Language, Culture & Society Corvallis Loretta Wardrip 541-737-1571
Ecampus Karen Mills 541-737-3847
GS General Science College of Science Corvallis Traci Durrell-Khalife 541-737-5335
GEOG Geography College of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences Corvallis Rachel Juarez Email
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Rachel Juarez Email
GPH Geophysics College of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences Corvallis Rachel Juarez Email
GEO Geosciences College of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences Corvallis Rachel Juarez Email
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Rachel Juarez Email
GER German College of Liberal Arts | School of Language, Culture & Society Corvallis Loretta Wardrip 541-737-1571
Ecampus Karen Mills 541-737-3847
GRAD Graduate Education Graduate School Corvallis Ashleigh Anderson Email
Ecampus Ashleigh Anderson Email
GD Graphic Design College of Liberal Arts | School of Visual, Performing & Design Arts Corvallis Jema Patterson Email
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Jema Patterson Email
HHS Health & Human Sciences College of Public Health & Human Sciences | School of Biological & Population Health Sciences Corvallis Katelyn Kirk 541-737-6811
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Katelyn Kirk 541-737-6811
HST History College of Liberal Arts | School of History, Philosophy & Religion Corvallis Jon Bickler Email
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Jon Bickler Email
HSTS History of Science College of Liberal Arts | School of History, Philosophy & Religion Corvallis Jon Bickler Email
Ecampus Jon Bickler Email
HC Honors College Honors College Corvallis Brittany Sundberg Email
Cascades Brittany Sundberg Email
Ecampus Brittany Sundberg Email
-H Honors "H" Courses (e.g ANTH 121H) Honors College Corvallis Brittany Sundberg Email
Cascades Brittany Sundberg Email
Ecampus Brittany Sundberg Email
HORT Horticulture College of Agricultural Sciences | Department of Horticulture Corvallis Elaine Clark 541-737-5477
Ecampus Elaine Clark 541-737-5477
HM Hospitality Management College of Business Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Kristine Lacivita Email
HDFS Human Development & Family Sci College of Public Health & Human Sciences | School of Social & Behavioral Health Sciences Corvallis Kara Keenan 541-737-2686
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Kara Keenan 541-737-2686
HEST Humanitarian Engr Sci & Tech College of Engineering | School of Mechanical, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering Corvallis Julie Nist Email
Ecampus Julie Nist Email
IE Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering College of Engineering | School of Mechanical, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering Corvallis Julie Nist Email
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
College of Engineering | School of Civil & Construction Engineering Ecampus Julie Nist Email
IB Integrative Biology College of Science | School of Life Sciences Corvallis Traci Durrell-Khalife 541-737-5335
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Newport Traci Durrell-Khalife 541-737-5335
IEPA Intensive English Program INTO OSU Corvallis Maggie Brennan Email
IEPG Intensive English Program INTO OSU Corvallis Maggie Brennan Email
IEPH Intensive English Program INTO OSU Corvallis Maggie Brennan Email
IST Interdisciplinary Programs Graduate School Corvallis Maureen Childers 541-737-2033
Ecampus Maureen Childers 541-737-2033
INTL International Degree Overseas Studies Corvallis Stephanie Koser 541-737-2884
IT Italian College of Liberal Arts | School of Language, Culture & Society Corvallis Loretta Wardrip 541-737-1571
Ecampus Karen Mills 541-737-3847
JPN Japanese College of Liberal Arts | School of Language, Culture & Society Corvallis Loretta Wardrip 541-737-1571
Ecampus Karen Mills 541-737-3847
KIN Kinesiology College of Public Health & Human Sciences | School of Biological & Population Health Sciences Corvallis Kara Keenan 541-737-2686
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Kara Keenan 541-737-2686
KOR Korean College of Liberal Arts | School of Language, Culture & Society Corvallis Loretta Wardrip 541-737-1571
Ecampus Karen Mills 541-737-3847
LEAD Leadership Agricultural Sciences | Department of Agricultural Education & Agricultural Sciences Corvallis Elizabeth Thomas Email
Ecampus Elizabeth Thomas Email
LA Liberal Arts College of Liberal Arts Corvallis Sean Bodo 541-737-6233
LS Liberal Studies College of Liberal Arts Corvallis Sean Bodo 541-737-6233
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Sean Bodo 541-737-6233
LING Linguistics College of Liberal Arts | School of Language, Culture & Society Corvallis Loretta Wardrip 541-737-1571
MGMT Management College of Business | School of Management, Entrepreneurship & Supply Chain Corvallis Carrie Stampe Email
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Carrie Stampe Email
Portland Carrie Stampe Email
MFGE Manufacturing Engineering College of Engineering | School of Mechanical, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering Corvallis Julie Nist Email
Ecampus Julie Nist Email
MRM Marine Resource Management College of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences Corvallis Rachel Juarez Email
MAST Marine Studies College of Liberal Arts Corvallis Nicole von Germeten 541-737-4586
Newport Nicole von Germeten 541-737-4586
MRKT Marketing College of Business | School of Marketing, Analytics & Design Corvallis Carrie Stampe Email
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Carrie Stampe Email
MNR Master of Natural Resources College of Forestry | Department of Forest Ecosystems & Society Corvallis Kari Jaques 541-747-1485
Ecampus Kari Jaques 541-747-1485
MPP Master of Public Policy College of Liberal Arts | School of Public Policy Corvallis Cindy Huddleston 541-737-5371
MATS Materials Science College of Engineering | School of Mechanical, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering Corvallis Julie Nist Email
Ecampus Julie Nist Email
MTH Mathematics College of Science | Department of Mathematics Corvallis Christina Foster 541-737-5132
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Christina Foster 541-737-5132
ME Mechanical Engineering College of Engineering | School of Mechanical, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering Corvallis Julie Nist Email
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Julie Nist Email
MIME Mechanical, Indust., & Manuf. Engr College of Engineering | School of Mechanical, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering Corvallis Julie Nist Email
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
MB Microbiology College of Science | School of Life Sciences Corvallis Sally Tatala 541-737-1827
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Sally Tatala 541-737-1827
MS Military Science Defense Education | Military Science Corvallis Lauri Morris 541-737-9298
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
MCB Molecular & Cellular Biology Graduate School Corvallis Maureen Childers 541-737-2033
MUS Music College of Liberal Arts | School of Visual, Performing & Design Arts Corvallis Samantha Ramirez 541-737-4061
Ecampus Samantha Ramirez 541-737-4061
MUP Music (Studio) College of Liberal Arts | School of Visual, Performing & Design Arts Corvallis Samantha Ramirez 541-737-4061
MUED Music Education College of Liberal Arts | School of Visual, Performing & Design Arts Corvallis Samantha Ramirez 541-737-4061
NR Natural Resources College of Forestry | Department of Forest Ecosystems & Society Corvallis Kari Jaques 541-737-1485
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Kari Jaques 541-737-1485
NS Naval Science Defense Education | Naval Science Corvallis Lauri Morris 541-737-9298
NMC New Media Communications College of Liberal Arts | School of Communication Corvallis Kim Rossi 541-737-6115
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Kim Rossi 541-737-6115
NSE Nuclear Science & Engineering College of Engineering | School of Nuclear Science & Engineering Corvallis Angela Keeton Email
Ecampus Angela Keeton Email
OHSU Angela Keeton Email
NUR Nursing College of Public Health & Human Sciences | School of Biological & Population Health Sciences Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
NUTR Nutrition & Food Management College of Public Health & Human Sciences | School of Biological & Population Health Sciences Corvallis Kara Keenan 541-737-2686
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Kara Keenan 541-737-2686
OEAS Ocean, Earth, & Atmospheric Sci. College of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences Corvallis Rachel Juarez Email
OC Oceanography College of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences Corvallis Rachel Juarez Email
Ecampus Rachel Juarez Email
Newport Rachel Juarez Email
OP Outdoor Products College of Engineering Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
PAX Peace Studies College of Liberal Arts | School of History, Philosophy & Religion Corvallis Jon Bickler Email
PHAR Pharmacy College of Pharmacy Corvallis Amy Gagnon 541-737-5230
Ecampus Amy Gagnon 541-737-5230
OHSU Amy Gagnon 541-737-5230
PHL Philosophy College of Liberal Arts | School of History, Philosophy & Religion Corvallis Jon Bickler Email
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Jon Bickler Email
PAC Physical Activity Courses College of Public Health & Human Sciences | School of Biological & Population Health Sciences Corvallis Katelyn Kirk 541-737-3222 | Email
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Katelyn Kirk 541-737-3222 | Email
PT Physical Therapy/Therapist College of Public Health & Human Sciences | School of Biological & Population Health Sciences Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
PH Physics College of Science | Department of Physics Corvallis Kaylee Johnson 541-737-4631 | Email
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Kaylee Johnson 541-737-4631 | Email
PBG Plant Breeding & Genetics College of Agricultural Sciences | Department of Horticulture Corvallis Elaine Clark 541-737-5477
Ecampus Elaine Clark 541-737-5477
PS Political Science College of Liberal Arts | School of Public Policy Corvallis Cindy Huddleston 541-737-5371
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Cindy Huddleston 541-737-5371
PSY Psychology College of Liberal Arts | School of Psychological Science Corvallis Shirley Mann 541-737-1360
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Shirley Mann 541-737-1360
H Public Health College of Public Health & Human Sciences | School of Biological & Population Health Sciences Corvallis Kara Keenan 541-737-2686
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Kara Keenan 541-737-2686
College of Public Health & Human Sciences | School of Social & Behavioral Health Sciences Corvallis Kara Keenan 541-737-2686
Ecampus Kara Keenan 541-737-2686
PPOL Public Policy College of Liberal Arts | School of Public Policy Corvallis Cindy Huddleston 541-737-5371
Ecampus Cindy Huddleston 541-737-5371
QS Queer Studies College of Liberal Arts | School of Language, Culture & Society Corvallis Loretta Wardrip 541-737-1571
Ecampus Karen Mills 541-737-3847
RNG Rangeland Ecology & Management College of Agricultural Sciences | Department of Animal & Rangeland Sciences Corvallis Caroline Charlton 541-737-4606
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Caroline Charlton 541-737-4606
La Grande Penelope Diebel 541-737-5317
REL Religious Studies College of Liberal Arts | School of History, Philsophy & Religion Corvallis Jon Bickler Email
Ecampus Jon Bickler Email
ROB Robotics College of Engineering | Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering Corvallis Julie Nist Email
SCI Science College of Science | Department of Chemistry Corvallis Mak Ashton Email
College of Sciences | School of Life Sciences Corvallis Traci Durrell-Khalife 541-737-5335
College of Sciences | College of Science Administration Corvallis Trenea Moore Email
SED Science & Mathematics Education College of Education Corvallis Gosia Wojtas 541-737-4317
Ecampus Gosia Wojtas 541-737-4317
Portland Gosia Wojtas 541-737-4317
ESC Science of Engineering College of Engineering | School of Mechanical, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
SSCI Social Science College of Liberal Arts | School of Language, Culture & Society Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
SOC Sociology College of Liberal Arts | School of Public Policy Corvallis Cindy Huddleston 541-737-5371
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Cindy Huddleston 541-737-5371
SE Software Engineering College of Engineering | School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
SOIL Soil Science College of Agricultural Sciences | Department of Crop & Soil Science Corvallis Rachel Swindon 541-737-1286
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Rachel Swindon 541-737-1286
La Grande Penelope Diebel 541-737-5317
SPAN Spanish Liberal Arts | School of Language, Culture & Society Corvallis Loretta Wardrip 541-737-1571
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Karen Mills 541-737-3847
ST Statistics College of Science | Department of Statistics Corvallis Denice Huber 541-737-1981
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Denice Huber 541-737-1981
SCLM Supply Chain & Logistics Mgmt College of Business | School of Management, Entrepreneurship & Supply Chain Corvallis Carrie Stampe Email
Ecampus Carrie Stampe Email
SUS Sustainability College of Agricultural Sciences Corvallis Erica Elliott 541-737-5687
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Erica Elliott 541-737-5687
SNR Sustainable Natural Resources College of Forestry | Department of Forest Ecosystems & Society Corvallis Kari Jaques 541-747-1485
Ecampus Kari Jaques 541-747-1485
TA Theatre Arts College of Liberal Arts | School of Visual, Performing & Design Arts Corvallis Shannon Sauvage 541-737-2853
Ecampus Shannon Sauvage 541-737-2853
TRAL Tourism, Recreation, & Adven. Lead. College of Forestry | Department of Forest Ecosystems & Society Corvallis Kari Jaques 541-737-1485
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Kari Jaques 541-737-1485
TOX Toxicology College of Agricultural Sciences | Department of Environmental & Molecular Toxicology Corvallis Mary Mucia 541-737-9079
UEXP University Experience Academic Learning Services Corvallis Anna Bentley Email
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
VMB Veterinary Medicine Biomedical College of Veterinary Medicine Corvallis Jason Tanenbaum 541-737-2268
Ecampus Jason Tanenbaum 541-737-2268
VMC Veterinary Medicine Clinical College of Veterinary Medicine Corvallis Jason Tanenbaum 541-737-2268
WRE Water Resources Engineering Graduate School | Water Resources Graduate Program Corvallis Denise Conner Email
WRP Water Resources Policy & Mgmt Graduate School | Water Resources Graduate Program Corvallis Denise Conner Email
Ecampus Denise Conner Email
WRS Water Resources Science Graduate School | Water Resources Graduate Program Corvallis Denise Conner Email
Ecampus Denise Conner Email
WGSS Women, Gender, & Sexuality College of Liberal Arts | School of Language, Culture & Society Corvallis Loretta Wardrip 541-737-1571
Ecampus Karen Mills 541-737-3847
WSE Wood Science & Engineering College of Forestry | Department of Wood Science & Engineering Corvallis Allison Culver 541-737-5091
Ecampus Allison Culver 541-737-5091
WLC World Languages & Cultures College of Liberal Arts | School of Language, Culture & Society Corvallis Loretta Wardrip 541-737-1571
Ecampus Karen Mills 541-737-3847
WR Written English College of Liberal Arts | School of Writing, Literature & Film Corvallis Clare Braun 541-737-1630
Amanda Bressler 541-737-1667
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Clare Braun 541-737-1630
Amanda Bressler 541-737-1667
Z Zoology College of Science | School of Life Sciences Corvallis Traci Durrell-Khalife 541-737-5335
Cascades Kristine Lacivita Email
Ecampus Traci Durrell-Khalife 541-737-5335
Newport Traci Durrell-Khalife 541-737-5335
Other Scheduling Contacts
Corvallis Campus Classroom Scheduling Office of the Registrar Classroom Scheduling (Non Class Events) Email
Cascades Campus Classroom Scheduling Kristine Lacivita Email
Newport Campus Classroom Scheduling Tami O'Connor 541-867-0203
Portland Center Classroom Scheduling Ryan Johnson 503-273-4301 | Email
La Grande Campus Scheduling Penelope Diebel 541-962-5317
Ecampus Scheduling Zach Kronser Email
Educational Opportunities Program Scheduling Urmila Mali 541-737-3929
INTO OSU Scheduling Maggie Brennan 541-737-5887 | Email
OSU GO Faculty Led Study Abroad Stephanie Koser 541-737-2884 | Email
Catalog Coordinator Belinda Sykes Email
Curriculum Coordinator: Courses Meilianty Gunawan 541-737-9560
Curriculum Coordinator: Programs Janice Nave-Abele 541-737-1611
Conference Services   541-737-9300 | Email
Disability Access Services (DAS) Traci Bentley-Townlin 541-737-8965
Office of Youth Safety and Compliance Eric Cardella 541-737-9362 | Email
Student Clubs and Organizations Lauren Mendoza 541-737-2917 | Email
Classroom Capacities/Fire Safety Jim Patton 541-737-3066
Budget and Resource Planning (Course Fees)   Email
Classroom Maintenance/Repairs Work Coordination Center | Travis LaFon 541-737-2969 | Email
Classroom Custodial/Supplies (Ballard, Bexell, Gilkey, Research Way) Cornerstone Custodial 541-602-1697 | Email
Classroom Custodial/Supplies (all other buildings) ABM Custodial 541-737-2157 | Email
Canvas Site Support Canvas Consultation 541-737-2121 | Email
Media Production Assistance Media Services 541-737-2121
Computer Classroom Support Campus Labs 541-737-2121 | Email
Classroom Technology Support Classroom Technology Services 541-737-2121
Public Safety Emergency Line: 541-737-7000 Business/Non-Emergency Line: 541-737-3010

Scheduling Deadlines

Fall 2025 SOC (202601)
Action Description Date
Term Roll Term is rolled and error checked by the Academic Scheduling team. Week of January 21, 2025
Plan Phase Begins All units begin in Design Mode and submit their scheduling unit for approval after their initial schedule edits are completed. Monday, January 27, 2025 or earlier
Scheduling Unit Submission Due All units submitted no later than this date. Friday, February 28, 2025 by 5pm
Unit Workflow Review Due All approvals in workflow for scheduling unit submissions are due. Please be aware of other workflow steps that come after yours. Wednesday, March 12, 2025 by noon
Term Schedule published in the online Schedule of Classes On or around this date, the Schedule of Classes will be updated with this term's course offerings. ~Monday, March 17, 2025
Proof Phase Begins, all Units in Refine Mode Schedulers should review their schedules carefully and prepare for room assignments, ensuring classes are added, room attributes requested, and departmental room assignments are made. Enrollment capacities should also be set at expected enrollment during this time. ~Monday, March 17, 2025
Room Assignment Phase Begins Term is locked in CLSS while the Academic Scheduling Team runs room scheduling processes. Phase takes about a week. Late March 2025
Review Phase Begins Schedulers should review room assignments and continue to edit/add/delete classes as needed. Enrollment capacities may be dropped as needed in preparation for Registration Phase. Monday, April 7, 2025
Registration Phase Begins Registration phase begins the Thursday prior to registration opening. Changes still in workflow may be pushed through or rolled back. Please plan updates accordingly Thursday, May 15, 2025
Registration Begins Students begin to register for classes on or before this date. Monday, May 19, 2025
Term Phase(s) Begin Term Phase(s) may begin up to one week prior to term start. Changes still in workflow may be pushed through or rolled back. Please plan updates accordingly.  Wednesday, September 10, 2025
Regular Classes Begin   Wednesday, September 24, 2025
Final Exams Rolled   Friday, October 31, 2025 or earlier
Finals Week   Monday 12/8 - Friday 12/12
Term Archived in CLSS   Monday, December 15, 2025

Dates are subject to change and may be approximate.

Winter Term 2025 SOC (202502)
Action Description Date
Plan Phase Begins All units begin in Design Mode and submit their scheduling unit for approval after their initial schedule edits are completed, no later than the deadline below. May 3, 2024
Scheduling Unit Submission Due All units should be submitted no later than this date. No rollbacks will/should be done for units reviewed after this date (even if they were submitted prior to the deadline, if they are reviewed after this deadline they should not be rolled back). May 31, 2024 @ 5pm
Scheduling Unit Re-Submissions Due Any unit that had a rollback must resubmit their unit by this date. June 7, 2024 @ 5pm
Unit Workflow Approvals Due/All units switched to Refine Mode All approvals in workflow for scheduling unit submissions are due no later than 8am. Please be aware of other workflow steps that come after yours. June 21, 2024 @ 5pm
Term Schedule published in the online Schedule of Classes On or around this date, the Schedule of Classes will be updated with this term's course offerings. June 25, 2024
Proof Phase Begins Schedulers should review their schedules carefully and prepare for room assignments, ensuring classes are added and assigned to appropriate times, zones are in balance, room attributes are requested, and departmental room assignments are made. Enrollment capacities should also be set at expected enrollment during this time. June 25, 2024
Room Assignment Phase Begins Term is locked in CLSS while the Schedule Desk runs room scheduling processes. Phase may take 1-2 weeks. Mid August 2024
Review Phase Begins Schedulers should review room assignments and continue to edit/add/delete classes as needed. Enrollment capacities may be dropped as needed in preparation for Registration Phase. Late August 2024
Registration Phase Begins Registration phase may begin up to one week prior to registration opening. Changes still in workflow may be pushed through or rolled back. Please plan updates accordingly. We do not want a change submitted in Review Phase and approved in Registration Phase as it may change the section after students have enrolled. Thursday, November 14, 2024
Registration Begins Students begin to register for classes on or before this date. Monday, November 18, 2024
Term Phase(s) Begin Term Phase(s) may begin up to one week prior to term start. Changes still in workflow may be pushed through or rolled back. Please plan updates accordingly. We do not want a change submitted in Review Phase and approved in Registration Phase as it may change the section after students have enrolled. Friday, January 3, 2025
Classes Begin   Monday, January 6, 2025
Term Archived in CLSS   Monday, March 24, 2025
Winter 2026 (202602) is expected to be rolled in early to mid April 2025. Unit submission due dates are tentatively planned to be mid to late May 2025.


Dates are subject to change and may be approximate.

Spring Term 2025 SOC (202503)
Action Description Date
Plan/Proof Phase Begins All units begin in Design Mode and submit their scheduling unit after their initial schedule edits are completed, no later than the deadline below. Wednesday, August 7, 2024
Scheduling Unit Submission Due All units should be submitted no later than this date. No rollbacks will/should be done for units reviewed after this date (even if they were submitted prior to the deadline, if they are reviewed after this deadline they should not be rolled back). Friday, October 11, 2024 at 5pm
Scheduling Unit Re-Submissions Due Any unit that had a rollback must resubmit their unit by this date. Friday, October 18, 2024 at 5pm
Unit Workflow Approvals Due / All Units Forced to Refine Mode All approvals in workflow for scheduling unit submissions are due no later than 8am. Please be aware of other workflow steps that come after yours. Friday, October 25, 2024 at 8am
Term published in Schedule of Classes Term published in Schedule of Classes on or around this date ~Monday, October 28, 2024
Room Assignment Phase Begins Term is locked in CLSS while the Schedule Desk runs room scheduling processes. Phase may take 1-2 weeks. Mid December 2024
Review Phase Begins Schedulers should review room assignments and continue to edit/add/delete classes as needed. Mid to Late December 2024
Registration Phase Begins Registration phase may begin up to one week prior to registration opening. Changes still in workflow may be pushed through or rolled back. Please plan updates accordingly. We do not want a change submitted in Review Phase and approved in Registration Phase as it may change the section after students have enrolled. Sections can no longer be deleted in CLSS, only cancelled. Thursday, February 20, 2025
Registration Begins Students begin to register for classes on or before this date. Sunday, February 23, 2025
Term Phase(s) Begin Term Phase(s) may begin up to one week prior to term or extension start. Changes still in workflow may be pushed through or rolled back. Please plan updates accordingly. Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Classes Begin   Monday, March 31, 2025
Term Archived in CLSS   Monday, June 16, 2025
Spring 2026 (202603) is expected to be rolled sometime during the summer of 2025. Unit submission due dates will depend on date rolled and other factors.


Dates are subject to change and may be approximate.

Summer Term 2025 SOC (202600)
Action Description Date
Plan Phase Begins All units begin in Design Mode and submit their scheduling unit for approval after their initial schedule edits are completed, no later than the deadline below. Monday, October 14, 2024
Scheduling Unit Submission Due All units should be submitted no later than this date. No rollbacks will/should be done for units reviewed after this date (even if they were submitted prior to the deadline, if they are reviewed after this deadline they should not be rolled back). Friday, January 3, 2025
Unit Workflow Approvals Due/All units switched to Refine Mode All approvals in workflow for scheduling unit submissions are due no later than 8am. Please be aware of other workflow steps that come after yours. Friday, January 17, 2025
Term Schedule published in the online Schedule of Classes On or around this date, the Schedule of Classes will be updated with this term's course offerings. On or around Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Review Phase Begins Schedulers should review room assignments and continue to edit/add/delete classes as needed. Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Registration Phase Begins Registration phase may begin up to one week prior to registration opening. Changes still in workflow may be pushed through or rolled back. Please plan updates accordingly. We do not want a change submitted in Review Phase and approved in Registration Phase as it may change the section after students have enrolled. Sections can no longer be deleted in CLSS, only cancelled. Thursday, April 10, 2025
Registration Begins Students begin to register for classes on or before this date. Monday, April 14, 2025
Term Phase(s) Begin Term Phase(s) may begin up to one week prior to term start. Changes still in workflow may be pushed through or rolled back. Please plan updates accordingly. We do not want a change submitted in Review Phase and approved in Registration Phase as it may change the section after students have enrolled. On or around Friday, June 13, 2025
Session 6 (0 Week) Begins   Monday, June 16, 2025
Term Begins   Monday, June 23, 2025
Term Archived in CLSS   Monday, September 15, 2025

Dates are subject to change and may be approximate.

Scheduling Policies, Protocols and Guidelines

The following policies apply to all scheduled sections taking place on Oregon State University campuses.

Some policies may vary by campus or term where noted.

For information specific to classroom policies, scheduling, maintenance, rules, and access for students with disabilities, please visit our Classroom Scheduling Policies page.

Departments are strongly encouraged to proof their schedules before priority registration opens for the term. Once registration begins, changes to the schedule can be limited or impossible.

Requesting changes to sections after registration begins:

  • Requests must be submitted via email stating the reason for the change and must have the support of the department chair.
  • Late day/time changes will only be approved under very unusual circumstances.
    • In the event a day/time change is approved, the section will be canceled and a new section created. It will be the responsibility of the department to contact students to inform them of the change and invite students to enroll in the replacement section if the new day/time fits their schedule.
    • This cancelation process may be applied to other change types as well, particularly grade mode and section fees.
  • Courses newly approved through CIM, the curriculum proposal system, after registration begins will not be offered until the next term if there is an existing placeholder section with enrollment. Contact the Catalog Coordinator if you have questions about the effective term of a proposal.
  • Once registration begins, sections will no longer be deleted from the Schedule of Classes, but will be changed to “canceled” status.
  • Faculty and departments must not change or trade assigned classrooms without approval from the Schedule Desk.       
  • Room changes are accommodated if an appropriate replacement is available. Departments should not continue to add students to a class with the expectation that a larger room will be found as there may not be one available.
  • In the event of an emergency closure of a classroom building, the Schedule Desk will attempt to relocate classes and will work with departments on this effort.

Related protocols: Changes to Courses and Academic Programs: Catalog Year Policy

Curriculum Management provides a definition of the correlation between credits and contact hours, which should be adhered to when scheduling course sections. 

Course section and classroom scheduling protocols help students to get the courses they need to graduate by reducing scheduling conflicts. For faculty, it optimizes access to instructional technology and facilities. The protocol applies to all classes scheduled in general purpose and departmental classroom space. See our Standard Meeting Pattern and Scheduling Zones for more detailed information.

Department Schedulers may notify the Academic Scheduling team of new or updated fees in CLSS. Course fees will not be added to a course section until they are fully approved and listed in the fee book for the corresponding term.

Fees should only be added to credit bearing sections in a linked group (e.g. not to 0 credit labs or recitations).

Fees must be added to sections prior to registration. Fees will not be added to a section once there are students enrolled in that section. Departments wishing to add fees after registration must cancel the existing section and create a new one with the fee applied.

Each fee will have a fee detail code, a dollar amount, and a type (per credit or per course). All of this information is required in order to add a fee to a section. A fee code must be assigned before a fee can be added.

Fees are not automatically added to most sections, they must be requested for each CRN (though fees will roll forward each like-term until the fee is removed or the section is canceled). Fees are also not automatically updated based on what is in the fee book, so Department Schedulers will need to request updates if fees increase or decrease over time. There is no automatic connection between approved fees in the fee book and scheduled class sections in Banner.

Where is the Course Fees Form?

This form is no longer used. Please ask your Department Scheduler to request a fee be added to a section in CLSS.


See also: CORE report CRS0957 (Course Fees)

Waitlists should be maintained and monitored by the Department Scheduler.

Waitlists should not be added to sections with reserved seating applied.

If adding waitlists to linked sections (e.g. linked lecture with a zero-credit lab/recitation), the waitlist should be applied to the zero credit section(s) only in almost all situations. This allows students to waitlist the particular lab or recitation section that fits their schedule.

If adding waitlists to linked sections, waitlists may never be added to more than one schedule type in the linked group (e.g. a linked lecture lab cannot have a waitlist on the lecture and the lab, only on one section).

If you have students on a waitlist and you have available seats in that section, do not lower your enrollment capacity.

Do not give enrollment capacity (CAP) overrides for sections with active waitlists.

See also: CORE report STU0857 (Student Course Waitlist by Course and Section), CORE report STU0856 (DW Report - Wait list)

The Office of Academic Programs and Assessment (APA) describes parameters and guidelines with regards to crosslisting and slash listing courses at the catalog level; the Schedule Desk uses the term “crosslisting” interchangeably to describe both situations because they utilize the same types of crosslist codes. Sections are considered crosslisted at the section level when two or more sections are linked together via a crosslist code in Banner (consisting of two alphanumeric characters). Sections should only be crosslisted in Banner if they are taught in the same space at the same time, with limited exceptions for remote vs in person modalities.

While crosslisting in the scheduling world indicates mostly that two sections will be taught in the same space at the same time (classroom and/or Canvas site), the Schedule Desk also follows the spirit of those APA guidelines when determining which sections may and may not be crosslisted. At its very essence, crosslisting is intended for otherwise identical sections from different academic units, or for slash courses (graduate/undergraduate).

Crosslisting sections in CLSS and Banner allows for two (or more) sections to be scheduled in the same room at the same time. CLSS will also automatically sync up certain fields between all sections in the crosslist, including part of term, dates, meeting times, instructor, room assignment, and crosslist maximum enrollment.

Courses do not need to be described as crosslisted in the catalog in order to be crosslisted at the section level, but must, in most circumstances, follow those APA guidelines, including:

  • Matching or closely matching titles
  • Matching credit amounts and schedule types
  • Matching or closely matching course descriptions
  • Matching or closely matching prerequisite course requirements

Limited exceptions may be made if the spirit of the courses dictates that the sections should be taught in the same space while not necessarily following those guidelines listed above. Mentor/mentee, teacher/student, presenter/audience, or other similar situations, for example, may involve different titles or credit amounts, but should by their very nature be taught in the same room at the same time and must be crosslisted sections. These types of course relationships should, ideally, be noted in the catalog course descriptions. Special topics courses can also be crosslisted with standard courses with permission from the Schedule Desk.

Other Schedule Desk rules for crosslisting include:

  • Ecampus sections cannot be crosslisted with on-campus sections.
  • Any graduate level section crosslisted (“slash” listed) with an undergraduate section must include the section comment “Does not meet Graduate School’s stand-alone requirement” prior to students registering for the class.
  • Any crosslisted sections will have individual section maximum enrollments, as well as a combined crosslist max enrollment (also referred to as an “internal max”). Internal max should not exceed the sum of the enrollment maxes for all sections.
  • Crosslisted courses will be automatically combined into one Canvas course. Instructors may also choose to use the Canvas Course Merge Tool to merge some non-crosslisted sections of a course into a single Canvas course. Contact Canvas Support for more information about merging Canvas sites.

Class Notes are supplemental information that students should be aware of when registering for a class. These are not meant to advertise or fully describe the course, though short descriptions may be appropriate for special/variable topics courses. Class Notes should be brief, clear, and concise. The Schedule Desk will have final say on Class Note length and content, and may change, remove, add or update comments as needed.

Things that are appropriate, encouraged, or required for Class Notes:

  • Any meeting location information that cannot be scheduled directly on the CRN, such as:
    • Off campus meetings locations,
    • Grad-level courses with unspecified meeting times, or
    • Field trip locations.
  • Ecampus online sections with proctored exams comment (required).
    • For sections with proctored exams: This course requires online proctored testing, which may include testing fees and the use of security measures, such as a scan of your testing environment. Please carefully review online proctor test information at: https://ecampus.oregonstate.edu/services/proctoring/
  • Graduate School comments for grad level sections crosslisted with undergraduate sections (required).
    • For grad sections crosslisted with undergrad sections: Does not meet Graduate School's stand-alone requirement.
  • Hybrid section comments (required).
    • For in-person hybrid sections: Hybrid section; both on-site meetings and online component.
    • For remote hybrid sections: Hybrid section; both virtual meetings and online component.
  • Who the section is meant for if registration restrictions cannot be applied for the group.
    • Ex: EOP students only, or For incoming first-year students, etc.
    • Do not list PhD students only or Student is x major only or similar - there are restrictions for these.
  • No-show-drop or Instructor's consent comments where desired.
  • Evening midterms if desired and where applicable (do not list dates/days/times, those should be scheduled as a meeting pattern).
  • General departmental contact email addresses/phone numbers, if needed (e.g. [email protected] for Chemistry).
  • Hyperlinks using beav.es url shortener, if needed.

Things that should generally NOT go in Class Notes:

  • Do not list course descriptions on non-variable topic courses or excessive information from the syllabus.
    • Course descriptions for established courses should be listed and updated in the Academic Catalog.
    • Syllabus information belongs on the syllabus.
  • Do not list section fees or "additional fees."
    • Section fees should be listed only in the fees section; unapproved fees are not permitted.
  • Do not list extra materials, books, or software that will or may incur extra costs for students.
    • These should be listed with the OSU Beaver Store in accordance with House Bill 2919.
    • Bookstore adoptions are not limited to textbooks - required software, lab materials, other supplies etc. can and should also be listed.
  • Do not list specific meeting times/dates in most circumstances.
    • These should be scheduled onto the CRN as a meeting pattern.
    • If meeting times/dates are determined to be acceptable, they should always list the year in addition to month/day so it is easier to tell if the dates have been updated.
  • Do not list prerequisite/co-requisite/recommended courses.
    • These should be listed and updated in the Academic Catalog.
    • Variable topics courses may list these if desired, but because they cannot be enforced for registration SAPR restrictions are strongly advised.
  • Do not list specific references to other CRN (numbers) or terms:
    • Other courses section may be referenced if desired and appropriate (like "MTH 111"), but CRNs change from year to year and are often forgotten when updating sections.
    • Specific references to terms (e.g. Winter 2019) are discouraged - use general references like "previous winter term" or "following winter term."
  • Avoid person-specific department contacts, email addresses, or phone numbers. Use general, departmental contacts if at all.
  • Do not use non-shortened hyperlinks, and do not use shorteners like tinyurl or bit.ly. Use beav.es as a URL shortener instead.

Academic course sections will have section numbers based on the following protocols determined by campus and/or type.

  • 001-089 sections are for Corvallis campus
  • 090-099 sections are for EOP (Education Opportunities Program) Corvallis campus students
  • 100-179 sections are for Corvallis campus
  • 180-199 sections are for Corvallis campus exam for credit sections
  • 200-399 sections are not available for use
  • 400-449 sections are for Ecampus sections
  • 450-459 sections are for Portland/PDX Campus
  • 460-464 sections are for Ecampus INTO students
  • 465-469 sections are for Portland/PDX Campus - Cascades sections
  • 470-479 sections are for Ecampus OSU-Cascades sections
  • 480-489 sections are for Ecampus Hybrid sections
  • 490-499 sections are for Ecampus OSU-Cascades Hybrid sections
  • 500-599 sections are for OSU-Cascades campus
  • 600-699 sections are for INTO OSU students
  • 700-799 sections are for EOU-La Grande campus
  • 800-899 sections are for HMSC-Newport campus
  • 900-979 sections are for Study Abroad / OSU GO
  • 980-999 sections are for Study Abroad / OSU GO Cascades sections

Only specific variable topic and blanket course sections may have their section title altered from the catalog short title. Any custom section title will include a required prefix to indicate the course type, or another prefix as determined/approved by the Schedule Desk (see table below and https://beav.es/3ku). Titles are system limited to 30 characters including those required prefixes, spaces, and punctuation. Some examples of these prefixes are listed below, but Department Schedulers should consult the Schedule Desk for guidance on custom section titles. All custom section titles are subject to review and edits by the Schedule Desk.

Course Type Prefix/Course Indicator
Special/Selected Topics ST/
Special/Selected Studies SS/
Topics TOPICS/ or T/
Advanced Topics AT/
Studies STUDIES/ or ST/
Research/Research & Conference RESEARCH/ or RES/
Thesis (403 only) THESIS/
Independent Study IS/
Writing & Conference W&C/
Reading & Conference R&C/
Projects PROJECT/ or PROJ/
Special Problems/Projects PROJ/ or SP/
Seminar SEMINAR/ or SEM/
Workshop WORKSHOP/ or WS/
Practicum PRACTICUM/ or PRAC/
Internship INTERNSHIP/ or INT/
Leadership LEADERSHIP/ or LEAD/
Overseas Study OS/

Remote or blended modality sections must be approved via CLSS workflow section by section, term by term. All sections with meeting patterns are set as "On Campus" modality when a term is rolled, and remote or blended modality must be requested and approved each term.

You must have unit leadership approval and meet one or more of the following criteria unless public health restrictions (e.g., maximum course size allowable) require it, as determined by the OSU COVID-19 Response Coordinator:

  1. Content delivery through remote means (other than Ecampus) enhances student access and success and does not compromise access to in-person experiences. This may include the use of innovative methodologies involving remote delivery to provide flexibility for students who find these methods preferable to more traditional methods.
  2. Content delivery through remote means (other than Ecampus) allows students in different physical locations to engage with, and learn from one another in ways that are not possible for a course delivered in person or using the Ecampus, asynchronous approach.

One of those two listed above must be met and included on your request in order to schedule remote or blended classes.

Below is a list of commonly used schedule types, their definitions for scheduling, and the minimum number of contact hours required to be scheduled for them (if any). Types with "No Minimum" contact hours are typically expected to have scheduled meetings, but are not held to any specific guidelines for contact hours. Each credit earned requires 30 hours engagement per regular term. Contact hours vs outside of class requirements vary by schedule type. See credit hour policy

Schedule Type (Code) Description Scheduled Contact Hour Requirements
Activity (H) A course or educational procedure designed to stimulate learning via firsthand experience. No minimum
Discussion (B) A course that is used to facilitate consideration of a question or topic in open and informal debate. No minimum
Examination for Credit (V) A special examination for regularly enrolled student in good standing, either graduate or undergraduate; may petition for credit examination. See Academic Regulation 23 for details. None; exam period only
Experiential (O) A course relating to, derived from, or providing experience. None
Externship (U) An experiential course designed to provide on-the-job experience in an academic setting off campus, where students can earn academic credit. None
Hybrid (HYB) A section including both regularly scheduled on-site classroom meetings, and significant online out-of-classroom components that replace regularly scheduled class meeting time. 30-70% compared to traditional campus section
Independent or Special Studies (F) A course of organized instruction or research determined solely by a student and their instructor. None
Internship (J) An experiential course designed to provide on-the-job experience in an academic setting on or off campus, where students can earn academic credit. None
Laboratory (D) Part of a course set aside for experimentation, observation, or practice in a field of study. A proposal that goes through the full review process must be submitted to add the laboratory schedule type to a course. At least 2 hours per week per credit hour for a regular term
Lecture (A) An academic discourse given by an instructor before a group of students. 1 hour per week per credit hour for a regular term
Group Midterm Exam (MID) An examination held approximately halfway through the course and held at a different time than the regularly scheduled class. Group examinations are scheduled administratively. See https://registrar.oregonstate.edu/exams for more information. None; exam period only
Online (Y) A fully developed course where the dominant medium tool is the internet. Students spend a significant amount of time online in the areas of content, assessment, and interaction to the degree that the student must participate through the use of a computer to complete course requirements. None
Practicum (M) A course designed for the preparation of teachers and clinicians that involve the practical application of previously studied theory, knowledge, and skills under the supervision of a senior instructor. None
Project (S) A course with individualized instruction designed for students to complete an independent project of the students design. None
Reading and Conference (N) A course focused on designated subject matter to be read by a student and discussed in conference with an instructor. None
Recitation (C1 or C2) Part of a course requiring a public exhibition of acquired skills and knowledge. Either one (C1) contact hour (two hours of outside work implied) or two (C2) contact hours (one hour of outside work implied) for each credit. Courses with multiple sections must have uniform recitation contact hours. Any changes to the recitation contact hours must be approved through a CIM course change proposal.
Research (G) A course through which students earn credit for a studious inquiry or examination aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws, and/or the collecting of information about a particular subject. None
Seminar (E) A course pursued by a small group of students under the direction of an instructor for the purpose of presenting and exchanging ideas or research findings via lectures, reports, and discussions. 1 hour per week per credit hour for a regular term
Studio (R) A course incorporating practical experience where students receive individualized instruction and lectures in a studio setting. At least 2 hours per week per credit hour for a regular term
Thesis (Q) A course designed to cover the thesis/dissertation research and writing. Students may register for thesis/dissertation credit each term. None
Workshop (W) A brief intensive course for a small group which emphasizes problem solving.  Classes are expected to provide academic engagement throughout the entire part of term in which it is scheduled. No minimum

Certain section numbers are reserved for blanket courses in the Catalog. These are:

  • 401/501/601: Research and Scholarship
  • 402/502/602: Independent Study
  • 403/503/603: Thesis/Dissertation
  • 404/504/604: Writing and Conference
  • 405/505/605: Reading and Conference
  • 406/506/606: Special Problems/Projects
  • 407/507/607: Seminar
  • 408/508/608: Workshop
  • 409/509/609: Practicum/Clinical Experience
  • 410/510/610: Internship/Work Experience

Blanket courses should have only one instructor listed per section, unless that section has meeting days and times and is being taught by more than one instructor. Multiple instructors should not be listed on blanket course CRNs to act as a "catch all." This avoids confusion as to which instructor should be grading which student when grades are due.

Graduate Thesis Section: Thesis sections may not have "Staff" listed (i.e. may not have no instructor listed); all 503/603 sections must have an instructor listed at all times. 503/603 Thesis sections may only have one instructor listed.

Individualized blanket courses may be offered to students wanting to explore areas of special interest that are not provided in the existing curriculum. A faculty member and student must together negotiate a course of study. The department must then create an individualized CRN before the student can register. The department should request a CRN that will reflect the individual course of study (including a unique course title) and an assigned instructor of record. Please advise students to register for the section with their unique course title and instructor after providing them with an override for the required Departmental Approval-SAPR restriction. Departments should not advise students to register for any available section as a placeholder nor provide overrides for sections without the appropriate instructor listed. This will help to avoid late registration petitions later in the term. Incorrect registration could also negatively impact grade collection, end of term processing, academic history, and degree clearance.

In consultation with the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, the following changes were implemented beginning with the Spring 2010 term:

Instructor of Record:

The “Instructor of Record” will be designated for all courses at Oregon State University by the primary instructor indicator flag assigned to that course. The “Instructor of Record” for a course will have the following requirements and responsibilities with respect to the recording of grades for that course:

  • The “Instructor of Record” will be responsible for the final determination, entry, and/or changing of all final grades associated with their course(s).
  • The “Instructor of Record” may not be a peer to other students taking that course (e.g., undergraduate to undergraduate, graduate to graduate, and/or professional to professional), except in cases where:
    • 1) the instructor of record is teaching a lower level course that another peer happens to take (i.e., graduate TA acting as an instructor of record for an undergraduate course that happens to have a graduate student taking that course), or
    • 2) an instructor of record is also simultaneously acting as a student pursuing either an undergraduate degree or graduate degree in another area that may be taught by another graduate TA.
  • The “Instructor of Record” may not be an undergraduate student with responsibility for either credit bearing or non-credit bearing portions of a course (lectures, recitations, 0-credit laboratories, discussions, etc.).
  • The “Instructor of Record” may not be an administrative staff member if they have no role in actually teaching the course (beginning in the Fall 2010). Emergency situations for an administrative staff to post grades for an individual course can be approved by a unit head each term. Those requests must be made to and approved by the Registrar.
  • Instructors occasionally ask that their graduate students be added as an instructor to a course, so that the graduate student can enter grades for them. Under no circumstances should a graduate student be added as an instructor for this purpose. To do so gives that graduate student access to FERPA protected information, and violates university policy by allowing someone other than the instructor of the course to enter grades. Instructors are required to grade the courses they teach.
  • Do not list any individual on any course, unless that individual delivers instruction in that course section.
  • The “Instructor of Record” may not knowingly provide to others their user account identification/passwords as per the Acceptable Use of University Computing Resources Policy.
  • The "Instructor of Record" must follow the guidelines for the release of student information outlined in the Guidelines for Release of Information.

Graduate Teaching Assistants:

  • Must complete the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Online Tutorial, Online Privacy & Confidentiality Statement, and agree to the Online Acceptable Use of Computing components that are integrated with the online FERPA training.
  • Upon a graduate student’s completion of the online FERPA/Privacy/Acceptable Use of Computing tutorial, the graduate teaching assistant can be an “Instructor of Record” for an undergraduate course.
  • Or, upon completion of the Online FERPA/Privacy/Acceptable Use of Computing tutorial, the “Instructor of Record” can establish that graduate student as a teaching assistant using a course management system (i.e., Canvas). Appropriate roles allowed to such graduate teaching assistants are as a “tutor”, “course builder”, “grader”, and/or full graduate teaching assistant with all roles including “tutor”, “course builder”, and “grader” with grading privileges for assignments and exams for undergraduate students.

When attempting to add an instructor to a CRN in Banner, you may come across the error "Person not an instructor," which will prevent you from saving the section. In order for Department Schedulers to assign instructors and GTAs to course sections, the instructor/GTA must first be given faculty status in Banner by the Schedule Desk. This is a manual process and does not take place unless a Department Scheduler initiates a request for it to be done via email. Instructors are never automatically given instructor status. Instructors must have passed a FERPA exam and have their results logged into Banner before they will be granted faculty status.

Likewise, in CLSS you may notice that and instructor is not showing up when you search for them. This is likely for the same reason as above - the instructor has not been activated in Banner yet, so they cannot be added as instructors to sections (and thus do not show up in CLSS Instructor searches). There are other reasons an instructor may not show up in search, but this is rare - in most cases it will be because they are not active for the term you are scheduling.

Undergraduate TAs are not added as instructors to Banner, but can be added to Canvas (contact Canvas support for guidance).

Steps for Activating an Instructor/GTA:

  1. Instructors/GTAs should take the FERPA training module if they have not already done so.
    • As much as possible, requestors should verify that the instructor has taken FERPA training and that their results have been recorded in Banner BEFORE they submit a request to add them as an instructor.
    • You can verify that training has been completed and recorded using CORE report BIC2911.
    • When taken correctly, the FERPA training will require the individual to log in with their ONID through my.oregonstate.edu.
    • After successful completion of training, results may take 2 to 3 business days to be recorded in Banner and begin showing up in CORE reports.
  2. When the training module has been completed, an email is sent to the Office of the Registrar (not to the Schedule Desk).
  3. Once received, their training results are manually logged into Banner and added to a skill completion page.
  4. The Department Scheduler (or another department designee) will then need to fill out the online request form (https://beav.es/3yk) to request that person be added to Banner as an instructor or GTA.
    • The following will be required on the form:
      • Instructor's full name
      • Their OSU ID number
      • Starting/effective term
      • Primary Department
      • Verification that the person being added has completed FERPA training
    • Important: Individuals are not activated as instructors in Banner unless a department requests them to be; simply completing FERPA training does not complete or initiate this process.
  5. Once a request has been received, the Schedule Desk will:
    • Verify whether FERPA training results are recorded in Banner
    • Verify student/non-student status
    • Add the individual as an Instructor or GTA in Banner.
      • Instructors are given Faculty and Grader status
      • GTAs are given Faculty status only
      • TAs are not added to Banner, but can be added to Canvas.
    • Respond to the requestor to verify whether they have been given Instructor/GTA status.
  6. Once this is completed, the Department will be able to add the instructor/GTA to course sections as needed.
  7. The database of instructors in CLSS will update overnight so a newly added instructor may not be available in CLSS searches until the following day.

Mutual Exclusions

What are Mutual Exclusions?

Mutually exclusive courses are OSU courses that have similar content, but are not considered to be equivalent. Students who have taken courses in this category will be prevented from registering for other associated course(s).

In instances where two new courses replace one existing course, or a non-equivalent course replaces an existing course, we use Mutual Exclusion rules. This prevents students from registering for the new course(s) if they have passed the old course.

Granting mutual exclusion is subject to approval by the OtR via the course proposal process. Mutually exclusive courses are not subject to AR 20. Repeated Courses. If students take mutually exclusive courses, the grades from both courses would apply to their GPA.

Some examples include:

  • BA 223/223H is mutually exclusive to BA 390/390H
  • BA 251 is mutually exclusive to BA 252, BA 351
  • BA 252/252H is mutually exclusive to BA 251, BA 352/BA 352H
  • BANA 270 is mutually exclusive to BANA 370
  • FST 439 and FST 440 are mutually exclusive to FST 438
  • FST 463 and FST 464 are mutually exclusive to FST 461
  • FST 469 and FST 470 are mutually exclusive to FST 467
  • FST 563 and FST 564 are mutually exclusive to FST 561
  • FST 569 and FST 570 are mutually exclusive to FST 567
  • HORT 310 and HORT 312 are mutually exclusive to HORT 311 
  • MTH 264 and MTH 265 are mutually exclusive to MTH 306
  • PBG 440 and PBG 442 are mutually exclusive to PBG 441
  • WR 227Z/227H is mutually exclusive to WR 327/327H

If you have questions or feel you need to register and are receiving an error, please contact your advisor.

Non-Traditional Course Offerings

Non-traditional courses are defined as those learning experiences which do not adhere to traditional, full-length term dates. OSU evaluates and approves all non-traditional course offerings to ensure continued compliance with federal regulations related to federal student aid programs. Examples of non-traditional courses are:

  • Hybrid courses: on-campus courses with significant online, out-of-classroom components to replace 30-70% of scheduled meeting time
  • Term 5A/5B courses: offered in five week modules within a standard term
  • Term extension courses: are attached to an official term, but occur between traditional term dates
  • Summer Session courses: offered during summer term, with multiple sessions of varied lengths
  • Super Term courses: these span a traditional term length, plus the entirety of the approved extension for that term

View future term/session dates on the Academic Year Sessions.

View the Non-Traditional Course information (including add/drop/withdraw deadlines) on the Oregon State University Academic Calendar.

All non-traditional term dates and Summer Session dates are established by the Office of the Registrar and must be adhered to. Proposals for a unique part of term must be submitted, at a minimum, in alignment CLSS Scheduling Unit due dates for the impacted term. Colleges should not publicize courses that do not fall into established terms or parts of term until they are approved by the Office of the Registrar and the Office of Financial Aid. The Office of the Registrar and the Office of Financial Aid will be the sole arbiters of whether or not a class is compliant, and will have final approval of all classes before they are published. This policy also applies to classes that ostensibly adhere to a published term or part of term, but in fact have notes embedded in the schedule that expand or contract the official meeting dates.

No exceptions can be made for classes that are out of compliance.

What are the requirements for offering these courses?

To ensure continued support of Federal Student Aid programs, non-traditional course proposals must follow these federal compliance guidelines, developed by the Office of Financial Aid, in collaboration with the Office of the Registrar.

A course offered in modules is one that does not span the entire length of a period of enrollment (less than that of a standard term). 

  1. Ensure that the total number of contact hours/credits for the course is appropriate for the mode of instruction (e.g. lecture, lab, discussion).
  2. Must be part of a standard term. Courses must adhere to established session dates, and must have academic engagement during all weeks of the session to which they are assigned. These dates are published in the term extension calendar.
  3. 5A modular courses must begin during Week 1 of the term (and have documented contact hours) and finish in Week 5 of the term. These courses will sit for finals during the last scheduled class meeting the fifth week of the term.
  4. 5B modular courses must begin (and have documented contact hours) during Week 6 of the term and finish in Week 10 of the term. These courses will sit for finals during finals week, according to the final exam schedule. 
  5. 5-week or modular courses must be within the zone scheduling requirements.
  6. Drop/add/withdraw deadlines for non-traditional courses will be based on a proportion of class equal to that for the standard full term. These dates will be established by the Office of the Registrar and published via the academic calendar.
  7. Exceptions to 5A, 5B or established summer sessions are allowed, however there must be a verifiable and bona fide reason that the course cannot meet within established dates. These exceptions will be handled on a case by case approval basis, with final decision authority residing with the Office of the Registrar. To request a schedule exception, send an email to [email protected] with details.

To ensure continued support of Federal Student Aid programs, non-traditional course proposals must follow these federal compliance guidelines, developed by the Office of Financial Aid, in collaboration with the Office of the Registrar.

A term extension course refers to a course that happens between regularly scheduled terms. 

  1. Ensure that the total number of contact hours/credits for the course is appropriate for the mode of instruction (e.g. lecture, lab, discussion).
  2. Must be attached to a standard term and take place during established dates for extension. Courses must adhere to established session dates, and must have academic engagement during all weeks of the session to which they are assigned. These dates are published in the term extension calendar.
  3. Courses must not overlap terms (e.g. cannot begin in summer term and end in fall extension).
  4. Cannot exceed two weeks and must encompass the entire length of the extension.
  5. Exceptions are allowed if a term extension course is part of an agreement with another institution that operates on a different academic calendar, or if a department has submitted a request via the normal scheduling process and received approval. Documentation of this agreement must be on file.
  6. Drop/add/withdraw deadlines for non-traditional courses will be based on a proportion of class equal to that for the standard full term. These dates will be established by the Office of the Registrar and published in the academic calendar.

To ensure continued support of Federal Student Aid programs, non-traditional course proposals must follow these federal compliance guidelines, developed by the Office of Financial Aid, in collaboration with the Office of the Registrar.

A Summer Session course is one that is offered during summer term. All courses offered during Summer Session, except those in Session 1, are offered as non-traditional courses.

  1. Ensure that the total number of contact hours/credits for the course is appropriate for the mode of instruction (e.g. lecture, lab, discussion).
  2. Courses must adhere to established session dates, and must have academic engagement during all weeks of the session to which they are assigned. The session dates are published as part of the Summer Session calendar. Fall extension courses are not considered part of Summer Session and must be scheduled as part of fall term. 
  3. Courses must not overlap terms (e.g. cannot start in summer term and end in fall extension)
  4. Drop/add/withdraw deadlines will be based on a proportion of class equal to that for the standard 10-week term; deadline dates are established by the Office of the Registrar and published on the Summer Session website
  5. Summer Session courses will sit for finals during the last scheduled class meeting of the session.
  6. Exceptions to established summer sessions are allowed, however there must be a verifiable and bona fide reason that the course cannot meet within established dates. These exceptions will be handled on a case by case approval basis, with final decision authority residing with the Office of the Registrar. To request a schedule exception, submit a non-traditional course request to [email protected]

To ensure continued support of Federal Student Aid programs, non-traditional course proposals must follow these federal compliance guidelines, developed by the Office of Financial Aid, in collaboration with the Office of the Registrar.

  1. Ensure that the total number of contact hours/credits for the course is appropriate for the mode of instruction (e.g. lecture, lab, discussion)
  2. Courses must begin at the start of the full extension and end with the standard term to which it is attached.Courses must adhere to established session dates, and must have academic engagement during all weeks of the session to which they are assigned. These dates are published in the term extension calendar.
  3. Courses must not overlap terms (e.g. cannot start in winter extension and end in spring extension).
  4. Courses offered during the Super Term will have customized registration deadlines. These dates will be established by the Office of the Registrar and published in the academic calendar.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

A term extension course refers to a course that happens between regularly scheduled terms. For example, if a course was offered over winter break, it would occur after finals week of fall term and before the first week of winter term. It would be an extension of winter term, as term extensions must be attached to the next standard term. View the term extension calendar

In order to allow students to obtain financial aid for these classes, they must comply with US Department of Education guidelines. These stipulate that courses must not overlap with terms for which aid is generated and distributed. Courses must adhere to established session dates and must have academic engagement during all weeks of the session to which they are assigned. These timeframes are published in the academic calendar and the term extension calendar.

This will depend on the format of the class. For example, courses that are 5-weeks in length or are offered in modules may create scheduling difficulties for the remainder of a student's term, particularly if these courses span a longer block of time and/or overlap with peak class times. Additionally, students who receive financial aid may need to be considerate of the timeline for disbursements and how that may affect their ability to afford course expenses.

Grading is associated with the term that extension is tied to (ex. Fall Extension / Fall Term). Instructors will be able to post grades following the last day of the Term Extension, up through the grading deadline for the term with which the extension is associated (typically the Monday following finals week). 

If a department is interested in offering non-traditional courses online, please contact Oregon State E-campus first. E-campus has an online course proposal process for the development of new and refreshed online courses, which if approved, includes funding and instructional design support.

Oregon State University operates on the quarter system (10 weeks in length). If a college or department wants to offer a course with a start and end date that does not coincide with the start and end dates of the traditional 10-week term, or that operates outside of established summer term sessions, the course is considered a non-traditional course and must be approved. The Office of the Registrar, in conjunction with the Office of Financial Aid, must review and approve all non-traditional courses to ensure that the course complies with the OSU Academic and U.S. Department of Education regulations. 

Non-traditional course approval may be requested by emailing the Schedule Desk.


Zone Requirements and Standard Meeting Patterns

This class and classroom scheduling protocol helps students get the courses they need to graduate by reducing scheduling conflicts. For faculty, it optimizes access to instructional technology and facilities.


Unless otherwise noted, the policies below apply to all classes scheduled in both general purpose and departmental classroom spaces.

Oregon State University Scheduling Zones


Zone 1
08:00 - 09:50 08:00 - 09:50 08:00 - 09:50 08:00 - 09:50 08:00 - 09:50
Zone 2
10:00 - 11:50 10:00 - 11:50 10:00 - 11:50 10:00 - 11:50 10:00 - 11:50
Zone 3
12:00 - 13:50 12:00 - 13:50 12:00 - 13:50 12:00 - 13:50 12:00 - 13:50
Zone 4
14:00 - 15:50 14:00 - 15:50 14:00 - 15:50 14:00 - 15:50 14:00 - 15:50
Zone 5
16:00 + 16:00 + 16:00 + 16:00 + 16:00 +

Ideal zone distribution includes spreading out classes throughout the instructional day and the instructional week.

Percentages indicate maximum number of classes a department may schedule in each zone.

Scheduling Zone



Zone 1

20 percent


Zone 2

20 percent


Zone 3

20 percent


Zone 4

20 percent


Zone 5

20 percent

1600 and later

Click here for examples of standard meeting patterns.

Departments should not expect that faculty members will be assigned the same space on a continuing basis.

The Office of the Registrar coordinates all class scheduling and room assignments with departmental schedulers who, in turn, coordinate with their instructional faculty members. Academic departments should do the following:

  1. Determine class offerings and submit schedule information no later than the specified deadlines.
  2. Notify the Schedule Desk of section changes or cancellations immediately.
  3. Enter and maintain in Banner instructor information and maximum enrollment of all sections offered by the department.


  1. Classes that meet two days per week for one hour and 20 minutes must meet on TR; or in zones 1 or 5 only on MW/WF/MF.
  2. Classes must begin on the first hour of the zone with the exception of TR Zones 1 and 5, which may start at 8:30 a.m. or 4:30 p.m.
  3. Classes that meet for longer than two hours (110 minutes) per session must be scheduled in Zone 5, or on Friday.
  4. Classes meeting for 4 contact hours should not meet for three-day meeting patterns (i.e. MWF).
  5. Class meeting times may not cross time zones. Departments may cross time zones when scheduling 500- or 600-level graduate classes that meet for longer than two hours per session if they use their own department-controlled classroom.
  6. Each department must distribute its classes across all five days of the week (approximately 20 percent per day) and across the full class day (according to the percentages defined for each zone). Each class day has five zones. All classes must comply with the zones whether they are assigned to general purpose classrooms or departmental classrooms.
  7. Non-credit sections (those sections that have zero credit) are scheduled after all credit-bearing sections are assigned rooms.
  8. Use of classroom facilities for non-academic events must be approved and assigned by the Schedule Desk.


Three-credit or four-credit lectures that meet for three hours per week can be scheduled in any zone if they are taught on MWF.

Three-credit or four-credit lectures that meet three hours per week on MW, WF, or MF will only be scheduled in Zones 1 or 5.

Four-credit lectures that meet for four hours per week can be scheduled in any zone if they are taught on TR, MW, MF, or WF.

Four-credit lectures that meet four hours per week on MWF will only be scheduled in Zone 5.


Because of the demand for classrooms in the middle of the instructional day, it will not be possible to schedule sections that meet one day a week except in Zone 5 or on Friday.

If a department can schedule additional sections of similar course capacity with "complementary" day and time schedules in the same time slot on different days, then we may be able to accommodate requests for one-day-a-week meetings. If, for example, one three-credit course is scheduled into a room on M at 10:00--11:50, then a different section can schedule its meeting from 10:00–11:50 on W or WF in the same room.


Fridays are often used for department meetings, instructor office hours, research responsibilities, or other tasks related to instructional work. However, Friday is primarily an instructional day and the zone percentages specifically take Friday into account, asking for 20 percent of sections for each day.

Please make use of Friday as an instructional day. The increased use of Friday for class sections makes more effective and efficient use of classrooms.


The zone percentages were established for two reasons—to assure student access to classes, and to ease the difficulty in assigning rooms. Though the zone percentages are applied regardless of whether the sections are scheduled in general purpose or departmental classrooms, if you can schedule sections in departmental rooms, which will alleviate some of the pressures on assigning GP classrooms.

Using departmental rooms is not an option for all departments, and departments may not be able to assign all sections to departmental rooms; however, if you are able to assign sections to departmental rooms, please do so.

Classroom Scheduling

This section includes information about classroom features and reservations, classroom use policies, and scheduling procedures.

25Live Pro

In mid-2020, the Office of the Registrar transitioned from WebViewer to 25Live Pro (also referred to as simply 25Live) for event and classroom scheduling. WebViewer was completely phased out and replaced at the end of June 2020. Event CRNs will no longer be required or provided.

Questions regarding 25Live or this transition should be directed to the Classroom Scheduling Team.


See the quick links below to view different campus spaces in 25Live (login required). Some users may be limited to only be able to view one campus - if you cannot find the space you are looking for or you work on multiple campuses, please contact us.

25Live Information and FAQs


25Live Pro is web-based scheduling and calendaring software. It can be used to view scheduled courses and events university classrooms, request events in classroom spaces, and publish events to calendars.

25Live is used by the Schedule Desk in the Office of the Registrar to schedule classrooms for academic courses, as well as by the Schedule Desk and academic department representatives to schedule non-course events in classroom spaces. Usage of 25Live may expand to other spaces on OSU campuses in the future.

Scheduled classes will be visible in 25Live but are not directly scheduled in 25Live other than during the optimization process. The Schedule Desk and Department Schedulers use CourseLeaf Section Scheduler (CLSS) to schedule classrooms for classes. For more information about scheduling classrooms for academic course sections, please see Scheduling Classrooms for Courses.

For more information and rules about scheduling events in Classrooms, please see Scheduling Classrooms for Events.


Any user with a valid ONID login may use 25Live to view classroom schedules.

Most students, faculty, and staff on Corvallis campus should contact their department scheduler if they wish to reserve a classroom for an event. The department or unit can sponsor an event on behalf of others. Other representatives from departments throughout campus, in addition to department schedulers, may also be given permissions to request GP classroom space on a case by case basis.

Approved schedulers for most OSU departments/offices/units/organizations can be found by searching for that organization in 25Live, viewing the organization details, and finding the Associated Contacts. Faculty/staff wishing to use 25Live to request events frequently should contact the 25Live Schedule Desk to inquire about gaining requesting privileges. Those individuals may instead be directed to department schedulers or others from their unit with requesting privileges at the discretion of the Schedule Desk.

Anyone designated as a department scheduler (or their backups) by the Schedule Desk will have access to request, at minimum, General Purpose classroom spaces for events in 25Live. Department schedulers who wish to use 25Live to schedule their own departmental spaces for events must request this access and complete training before they are able to schedule their rooms in the system - please reach out to [email protected] to start this process.

Approved student organizations may also use 25Live to request use of GP classrooms spaces (and some department classroom spaces). Each student organization should designate one or two individuals to be the “scheduler” for that group. A maximum of three students per organization will be given request capabilities in the software. Students should contact [email protected] to designate those schedulers and to determine if their organization is set up in the software.


Log in to 25Live with your ONID credentials by visiting https://25live.collegenet.com/oregonstate or https://beav.es/25Live.

All authenticated users will have view-only access unless they are approved for requesting privileges per the information above. 

Any users with requesting privileges in the software will generally be able to request use of some or all General Purpose (GP) classrooms. Departments may choose to have their spaces requestable in the software as well. Departments will be responsible for scheduling and approving use of their spaces in the software. Training is available on Canvas for department schedulers to gain access to 25Live to schedule their own rooms.

Please see the following PDF guides and instructions:

Please also see the following training videos for basic use and features in 25Live:


Scheduled reports (including daily and/or weekly emailed building or classroom schedules) are available to interested university faculty and staff. Please contact [email protected] for more details if you are interested in receiving scheduled reports.

All users may also request reporting capabilities to run their own reports with 25Live data. Please email the 25Live Schedule Desk if you wish to request access to reports; this access is not given by default.

Classroom Policies

Room Assignment Policies exist to have the most positive impact on the largest number of students at Oregon State University, while balancing our need to maximize efficiency in the use of our classroom space.

Classroom Scheduling and Use Policies

The following standards are followed when assigning rooms:

  • Classrooms are assigned based on class size (with priority given to larger classes), requested room attributes, and departmental building preference.
  • Seminars, colloquiums, classes and other regularly occurring events with a history of zero (or low) enrollment will be scheduled shortly before the term begins (approximately five business days).
  • Classes offered for credit take priority over all non-class-related or non-credit events.
  • Class sections requesting significantly larger rooms than their current or expected enrollment requires may need to wait until start of term to make those requests.

The institution uses many other detailed rules for scheduling classes that can be found on our website related to zone scheduling.

  • Departments that control classrooms or seminar rooms are expected to adhere to the time zones and to fully use those rooms before requesting a General Purpose Classroom.
  • When an assigned classroom is determined to be inadequate for a disabled student or instructor, Disability Access Services will ask the Schedule Desk to reassign the class to a suitable classroom.
  • If a suitable available classroom cannot be found, another class may have to be moved to accommodate the request. In the event that a course section is moved (either to accommodate a student in that class or another class) the Schedule Desk will contact the department schedulers of the sections being moved. It is the department scheduler’s responsibility to communicate the relocation and the reason to the instructors of those courses.
  • If a section has been relocated to accommodate a student with a disability, the department scheduler should not request to move the class again except under very unusual circumstances.
  • Seating capacity is specified in accordance with state and city safety regulations. If it appears that student demand will surpass the scheduled room, departments should contact the Schedule Desk for alternate space. Overcrowding violates safety codes. It is unacceptable for students not to have appropriate seating.
  • Furniture and equipment such as overheads, chairs, and tables must not be removed from any classroom. If a room does not contain adequate facilities to meet the scheduled maximum enrollment or equipment needs, the instructor should contact the department scheduler for assistance. The department scheduler will work with the Schedule Desk to resolve the problem.
  • Departments should assess anticipated enrollment and base any adjustments on actual course enrollment during the previous corresponding term. Enrollment increases should not exceed 15 percent of the previous corresponding term. Departments projecting an increase greater than 15 percent must add written justification into the Internal Notes on the section in CLSS.
  • Any requests to change a classroom assignment must be made through the department’s designated scheduler. The department scheduler will submit the request to the Schedule Desk via email. Instructors may not move their class from an assigned room without prior approval from the Schedule Desk.
  • In case of an emergency evacuation of a classroom or building, the department should ask the Schedule Desk to relocate classes.
  • Requests for larger classrooms may be submitted any time enrollment has reached the maximum capacity of the classroom in which it is scheduled AND there are students on a waitlist, otherwise waiting/needing to register, or there is a reasonable expectation that enrollment will increase. Because of our limited classroom inventory, larger spaces cannot be guaranteed. Increasing enrollment caps or using capacity overrides before a new room is scheduled is not permitted.
  • Requests for larger classrooms for any other reasons may not be submitted to our office until two weeks prior to term start at the earliest; these request cannot always be accommodated and many requests may not be scheduled until week 3 of the term, depending on available classroom inventory.
  • Instructors wishing to have classrooms larger than their enrollment necessitates are advised to schedule their sections during non-peak hours (peak hours being 10am - 3pm Monday-Thursday) and to strictly adhere to all zone and scheduling rules.
  • If your request for a larger room is denied, the Academic Scheduling Team will let you know when you may resubmit your request (if at all). Requests are not held in a queue.
  • Requests for a change in classroom because there is a reasonable and/or pedagogical reason the room will not work for the class may be submitted at any time and will be accommodated at the discretion of the Academic Scheduling Team if appropriate space is available. Departments are advised to include room attributes required for these classes prior to Room Assignment Phase. Repeated requests to move particular sections each term without efforts to include desired attributes may result in denial of requests.
  • Requests for a change in classroom for EOA accommodations may be submitted at any time. Departments should make efforts to request specific rooms or buildings for EOA accommodations as early as possible in the scheduling process, ideally before Room Assignment Phase so an appropriate room might be pre-assigned.
  • Any other requests for a change in classroom assignment can be submitted two weeks prior to the start of the term with written justification in CLSS. "I don't like the room" is not appropriate justification.
  • If your request for a different room is denied, the Academic Scheduling Team will let you know when you may resubmit your request (if at all). Requests are not held in a queue.


Faculty and instructors are responsible for sharing the ten-minute 'pass time' between classes. Every effort should be made to vacate the classroom in a timely way, allowing the following instructor to set-up and prepare, as well as allow the finishing instructor to make final remarks and gather materials. There is no 'ownership' of this time. Students should be encouraged to meet with the instructor during office hours rather than during the "pass time". Should conflicts develop, instructors should first attempt to resolve the concerns between themselves. If the result is unsatisfactory, conflicts must be mediated by department chairs.

  • GP Classrooms may only be used for scheduled courses or confirmed events with the express permission of the Schedule Desk in the Office of the Registrar. Classes should not be moved or switched without the permission of the Schedule Desk. Permission for event reservations can only be given via email confirmation from the Schedule Desk.
  • Food and drink are not permitted in academic classrooms.
  • If furniture is moved within the classroom for classes or events, it must be returned to its original position at the conclusion of the class or event.
  • Furniture should never be removed or added to a classroom without permission from the Schedule Desk.
  • Some events may be denied use of classroom space if the event is inappropriate for the purpose of the classroom.
  • The possession, consumption, or furnishing of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances is prohibited in all classrooms.
  • Noise must be kept to a minimum at all times, especially while classes are in session
  • Classes may be moved at the discretion of the Schedule Desk.
  • Academic Technology, 541-737-2121, maintains and repairs all audio/video technology in a classroom. For immediate assistance, pick up the help phone in the classroom for direct connection to the Academic Technology's Service Desk.
  • Facilities Services Work Coordination Center, 541-737-2969, handles classroom furniture requests, damage, seating, heating/air conditioning, or other maintenance issues.
  • Custodial Services, 541-737-2157 (most rooms) or [email protected] (BALE, BEXL, GILK only), for rooms needing chalk, dry erase markers, erasers, new light bulbs, or needing clean up.

Classroom Definitions

General Purpose (GP) Classrooms

General Purpose Classrooms are scheduled centrally by the Schedule Desk in the Registrar's Office through your college or departmental representative.

Departmental Classrooms

Departmentally controlled classrooms are assigned as requested and directed by departments. Maintenance, scheduling, and inventory of those classrooms is the responsibility of the controlling department.

Enhanced Classrooms

Enhanced classrooms are computer-equipped and networked to campus servers for classes ranging in size from 21 to 615. Enhanced Classrooms may have either ceiling projectors or wall mounted, flat panel displays. All Enhanced Classrooms include a document camera. A full-time support person is on-call to assist faculty with equipment or network problems. Please see 25Live for enhanced classrooms.

Remote Learning/Web Collaboration Technology

Most General Purpose classrooms and many Departmental Classrooms are now equipped with Remote Learning/Web Collaboration technologies, including various styles and setups of cameras and microphones. While most classrooms equipped with these technologies are "Remote Ready," meaning that individuals may use them to deliver classes and meetings remotely without assistance, while a limited number require either training to use or a technician to be present to assist. Camera setup may include front/instructor facing cameras, back/audience facing cameras, both, or a movable tripod camera or webcam. Microphones may include instructor lavalier (clip) microphones, ceiling microphones, both, or integrated webcam/computer/soundbar microphones. A number of portable kits (a.k.a. Flex Kits) are also available for classrooms without installed Web Collaboration Technology.

Computer Station Classrooms

There are five General Purpose Computer Classrooms available for departments to use for classes and events.

Please use 25Live to see room schedules or request use of GP Computer Classrooms (only authorized users will be able to make requests).


Room No.



25Live Link
Bexell Hall 324 48 PC Computer Classroom BEXL 324
Kidder Hall 028 34 PC Computer Classroom KIDD 028
Kidder Hall 033 29 PC Computer Classroom KIDD 033
Strand Agriculture Hall 363 29 PC Computer Classroom STAG 363
Cascades Hall 118 24 PC Computer Classroom CASC 118

Hardware and software questions in computer classrooms? Send email to [email protected]

Instructors and students will need an ONID account to log in and use computers in these classrooms. Visit the room before your first class to insure it meets your needs and that the software you need is available.

Scheduling Classrooms for Courses


The Schedule Desk assigns classes to General Purpose (GP) classrooms using 25Live room scheduling software. Classrooms are also scheduled by the Schedule Desk and department schedulers in CLSS.

  • Departmentally controlled classrooms are assigned as requested by and at the direction of departments that control those classrooms. Departments wishing to borrow another unit’s classroom space should reach out to that department’s scheduler.
  • General Purpose (GP) classrooms are classrooms which are scheduled and controlled by the Office of the Registrar. These rooms should only be requested via approved department schedulers. They are available for use by any department for classes. These rooms are assigned to academic course sections based on class size (with priority given to larger classes), room features/attributes, and with regards to departmental building preferences. They may also be scheduled for meetings and limited events using 25Live (contact your department scheduler to request).

Course Classroom Scheduling Information


Building Preferences are buildings that your department overall would prefer to be in when assigned a General Purpose Classroom. These building assignments are not guaranteed and are only one factor that the scheduling software takes into account. To update or review building preferences for your department, have your department scheduler contact the Schedule Desk.


Classroom Attributes are the attributes you require — not desire an assigned GP classrooms to have for a particular course section. Consider carefully which attributes are truly needed for a class and do not request combinations of attributes that do not exist or if there are not appropriately sized classrooms for the section you're scheduling. If you have very specific attribute needs, you should also consider scheduling during non-peak hours (peak hours are 10am-2pm weekdays, particularly Tuesday/Thursday) to increase your chances of getting that room. The Schedule Desk cannot guarantee particular room attributes for sections requesting GP classrooms, but we can work with departments to find a time where a desired room is available.

Any combination of up to three attributes may be included for individual CRN sections in CLSS. Attributes should be added in Plan or Proof Phase for the term (i.e. prior to Room Assignment Phase).

Also, be aware that all attributes are treated as "AND" requirements. For example, if you list requirements two conflicting attributes for one section such as "S1" (Tablet Arm Chairs (movable)) and "S3" (Tables/Chairs (movable)), the system will only find you rooms with both, of which there are none and the section may miss the first phase of room assignments.

We have supplied attributes to encompass many "OR" situations, such as the "S0" (Moveable Chairs (any)) attribute, which includes rooms with movable tables and chairs AND rooms with movable tablet arm chairs.

DO NOT request a combination that physically does not exist on campus. This is not the place to indicate to Facilities Services what kind of rooms we should have.

Room Attributes for Class Scheduling

Below is a list of current room attributes, their Banner code, their 25Live Feature translation, and (in most cases) a short definition of what the attribute is. Most of these attributes are things that a scheduler may wish to request for room assignment purposes using CLSS.

There are many attributes/features in 25Live that we track outside of this list but that we wouldn't expect or don't allow anyone to request for classes. Keeping these separate allows us to manage our inventory, help to assist with room selection in 25Live, while not overburdening our scheduling optimizer with too many options and combinations.

CLSS includes a list of pre-approved room attribute groupings that can be assigned to a CRN. If one does not exist in the system that you wish to request, please contact [email protected]. There may be groupings we will not allow or that do not exist. There may also be rules built into CLSS to prevent requesting specific attribute groupings if the max enrollment for the section is not appropriate for existing spaces with those attributes.

Valid Room Attributes
Banner/CLSS Code 25Live Feature Definition
GP Classroom - General Purpose General Purpose Room. We add this automatically when entering attributes. You do not need to write this, but you will see it on the report. You can also write this in if you wish the system to ignore departmental requirements and give you any appropriately sized and located GP room.
E111 AV - Enhanced Classroom - Ceiling Projector Enhanced Classroom Projector. Fully enhanced with projection onto an appropriately sized white screen.
E112 AV - Enhanced Classroom - Monitor Cart Monitor Cart. Monitor cart for displaying images/presentation. Generally does not include a computer (users must bring their own).
E110 AV - Enhanced Classroom - Flat Panel Monitor Flat Panel Monitor. The same basic technology as E111, except no ceiling projector. Images are shown on a large flat-panel monitor/screen on the wall instead.
GPC Computer Classroom - General Purpose General Purpose Computer Classroom. This is a classroom with computer stations for each student. Due to limited availability, these rooms are pre-assigned. As of Fall 2022, all GP Computer Classrooms have PC computers.
ILT Interactive Learning Technology Interactive Learning Spaces - Technology Enabled. Interactive learning environment that provide cooperative learning pods with one computer per pod and available laptop connections. These pods encourage student collaboration and peer teaching with technology that allows them to easily present work for review by peers and instructors.  Furniture is designed to facilitate small-group work and the ability for instructors to interactively coach students during activities.
ILS Interactive Learning Space

Interactive Learning Spaces. Interactive learning environment that provides cooperative learning pods without technology. These pods encourage student collaboration and peer teaching. Furniture is designed to facilitate small-group work and the ability for instructors to interactively coach students during activities.

Banner/CLSS Code 25Live Feature Definition
Z2 AV - Instructor Speech Amplification Instructor Speech Amplification. .
V15 AV - Interactive Display Interactive Display (SMRT). Ability to annotate over any computer image. This used to be listed as SMRT.
VPOD AV - Lecture Capture (Zoom) Lecture Capture. Ability to record presentation and instructor audio and upload into learning management systems. As of 2022, Lecture Capture is now available through the Zoom/Remote technology in the room.
VPWR AV - Power Outlets at Seats Power Outlets at Seats. For those who forgot to recharge all their electronic devices the night before.
DI AV - Projection - Dual Image Dual Image.  Ability to display two different images simultaneously in the classroom.
WP AV - Wireless Presentation Wireless Presentation.  Ability to present and control presentations from a tablet or mobile device.
IM AV - Image Magnification Image Magnification. Ability to project the screen images or activities from a demonstration table or hood.
SS AV - Surround Sound Surround Sound. Classroom equipped with surround sound for films/video playback.
WCRR AV - Remote/Zoom Ready Remote Ready. Room is set up for remote instruction needs. Generally self-service and able to be set up by the user without technical assistance.
MIC1 AV - Instructor Microphone Instructor microphone.
MIC2 AV - Ceiling Microphones Ceiling microphones.
CFF AV - Camera - Front/Instructor Facing Camera Front/Instructor Facing Camera. Camera mounted/positioned at the back of the room pointing towards the front. Good for recording/broadcasting lectures.
CBF AV - Camera - Back/Audience Facing Camera Back/Audience Facing Camera. Camera mounted/positioned at the front of the room pointing towards the back. Often used in videoconferencing.
Banner/CLSS Code 25Live Feature Definition
Z5 Board - White Whiteboard. Rooms that have at least one whiteboard of any size.
Z6 Board - White (No Chalk) Whiteboard Only (no Chalk). Rooms that have whiteboards, but no chalkboards.
Z7 Board - Chalk Chalkboard (Any Size). Rooms that have at least one chalkboard of any size.
Z8 Board - 25ft or Longer Board >= 24ft long. Rooms that have writing surfaces longer than 24 ft. This includes white boards and chalkboards, so you may wish to combine this with Z5 or Z7 if a specific type is desired. Also includes rooms where the board may be shorter than 24ft but has sections that can be raised and lowered as needed.
Banner/CLSS Code 25Live Feature Definition
S0 Seating - Chairs - Movable Moveable Chairs (any). This includes both S1 and/or S3 rooms. The perfect choice if you want to be able to move things around.
S1 Seating - Tablet Arm Chairs - Movable Tablet Arm Chairs (movable). Not bolted to the floor.
S3 Seating - Tables and Chairs - Movable Tables/Chairs (movable). Some tables are more movable than others. We tried to include those that can reasonably be repositioned to meet the needs of the class.
S10 Seating  - Round Tables Round Tables.  Round tables that seat 6 - 9 people.
Banner/CLSS Code 25Live Feature Definition
A4 Floor - Carpet Carpeted Floor. All or partially carpeted floors.
A6 Floor - Flat Flat Floor. May be carpeted, linoleum, wood, or concrete.
S5 Floor - Tiered Tiered Seating. Actually tiered or sloping, but generally fixed seating. Can be long tables, theatre style, starting flat and then going up, etc. Mostly large rooms.
A7 Raised Platform for Instructor Raised Platform for Instructor. Be aware that not all platforms are wheelchair accessible.
A8 Windows Windows. Some degree of natural light.
A9 Lighting - Room Darkening Capable Room Darkening Capability. This was somewhat of a judgment call. We didn't include any rooms with those wimpy white shades or blinds that won't close.
A10 Other - Ground Floor Room Ground Floor Room.
A2 Other - Air Conditioning Air Conditioning.
F2 Other - Demonstration Facilities Demonstration Facilities. Rooms with gas/air hookups, etc. Not just a long table to put your stuff on.
FH Other - Fume Hood Fume Hood.
F7 Other - Periodic Table of Elements Periodic Table of Elements.
SINK Other - Sink Sink used for class purposes.
Z03 AV - Screen - Powered Powered screen-up/down.
Z11 AV - Screen - Offset from Board Proj Screen Offset From Board. One of the more confusing attributes. It includes rooms where the projection screen is not dead center of the front of the room. The screen may be half the front (to one side) or at an angle. Also includes rooms with multiple screens and rooms with one screen and writing surfaces on more than one wall. With multiple screens, the screen for the enhanced projector may still be centered. Generally more restrictive than the "Z12" attribute.
Z12 AV - Screen - Blocks less than 50 percent of Board Proj Screen blocks < 50% board. Again, somewhat of a judgment call. We didn't include rooms where you have a bit of writing surface, the screen, and then a bit more of writing surface. We tried to include those where you can have the screen down and still have a single sizable chunk of writing area. Little whiteboards to the side don't count.

Scheduling Classrooms for Events

GP Classrooms may be scheduled for events for departments and approved student organizations after classroom assignments are finalized for a term. Rooms may be scheduled with a tentative status for the first two weeks of any term; classes are still being moved and added through this time and rooms must be available to make those changes.

Reservations are required in 25Live to use General Purpose classrooms for everything other than scheduled classes (which must also be scheduled through the Schedule Desk via CLSS). This is to prevent scheduling conflicts, ensure the safety of students and faculty in case of an emergency, and manage crisis response effectively.

Event Classroom Scheduling and FAQs

  • Scheduled classes always take priority over events in academic spaces.
  • Please allow three business days to complete your request.
  • Events in classrooms during the term are often not scheduled until one or two weeks prior to term start - we are moving classes sections around through week 2 of any given term and need classroom inventory available to make those changes
  • Events during the instructional day for first two weeks of a term can often not be confirmed until 1 day prior to the event. If you need earlier confirmation of an event during the first two weeks of the term, please find other spaces on campus that are dedicated to event scheduling.
  • Events during the instructional day for weeks 3-10 of a term can often not be confirmed until the Friday of week 2. If you need earlier confirmation of an event during the term, please find other spaces on campus that are dedicated to event scheduling.
  • Events during finals week can often not be confirmed until week 9 of the term. If you need earlier confirmation of an event during the term, please find other spaces on campus that are dedicated to event scheduling. Student groups are not permitted to schedule events during finals week at all.
  • Weekend or evening events may be scheduled or confirmed earlier than indicated above at the discretion of the Academic and Classroom Scheduling team.

Events and meetings taking place in university classrooms are expected to follow all guidelines and protocols set forth by Oregon State University and the State of Oregon. See Oregon State University COVID-19 Safety & Success for Resources and Updates. Event requestors needing or wanting additional support for resumption of in-person events may fill out University Relations and Marketing's In-Person Event Resumption Form.


  • Food and drink are not allowed in GP classrooms.
  • Student groups may not schedule events during Finals week of any term.
  • If you move furniture around in the room or make a mess, put it back and clean it up.
  • Do not "borrow" furniture from other classrooms; do not remove furniture from the room.
  • Reservations made via the Office of the Registrar include the room only. We do not offer room arrangement, event services, or event management.
  • To request use common areas (hallways, lobbies, etc.), please contact the building manager.
  • Some events may be denied use of classroom space if the event is inappropriate for the purpose of the classroom.
  • Possession, consumption, or furnishing of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances is prohibited.
  • Noise must be kept to a minimum; there may be classes/tests in session in nearby rooms.
  • Events in a series will not include University Holidays; General Purpose Classrooms are not scheduled on holidays.
  • Events in a series should include only one term at a time. Please submit separate requests for each term.
  • Events taking place during Finals Week should be requested/submitted separately from other events in a series.
  • All events in GP classrooms must start on the hour or half hour (:00 or :30) and must end on the :20 or :50 after the hour. If your event does not follow these guidelines the time may be edited by the Schedule Desk before approval, or denied.
  • If your event takes place after building hours or on a weekend, the ADA/Accessible entrance to the building should be open. If you find that entrance is locked when you arrive, please contact Public Safety’s non-emergency line (541-737-3010) to have it unlocked; be prepared to provide them with proof of your reservation.
  • All events and activities involving unaccompanied minors (under age 18, not OSU students) are required to register with the Office of Youth Safety & Compliance. Registration can be completed online at youth.oregonstate.edu.   
  • Events charging admission, involving financial transactions, open to the public, or involving non-OSU attendees should contact University Events ([email protected]) to ensure compliance.
  • If your event will have attendees from off-campus (not affiliated with OSU), you must inform the Schedule Desk and email [email protected] with details about your planned event. You may need to work with University Events or Conference Services to ensure compliance.
  • Some other events may require event support from University Events; after review, requestors will be contacted if this is the case.
  • If we receive confirmed complaints regarding your event, your organization may be barred from using GP classrooms for future events.
  • Failure to comply with the listed rules, failure to respond to emails regarding your event, or misrepresentation of your event in the request may result in cancellation or denial of room use now or in the future.
    Please review the information on your confirmation email carefully to make sure it is correct (dates, days, times, room, etc.). Let the Schedule Desk know via email if there are any changes needed. You can verify your reservation is correct in 25Live after receiving your confirmation email. If you notice anything incorrect about your reservation, please let the Schedule Desk know as soon as possible.

Notice: Events and meetings taking place in university classrooms are expected to follow any and all current guidelines and protocols set forth by Oregon State University and the State of Oregon. Please see https://covid.oregonstate.edu/ for any pertinent updates. Event requestors needing or wanting additional support for resumption of in-person events may fill out University Relations and Marketing's In-Person Event Resumption Form (https://communications.oregonstate.edu/person-event-resumption).

Certain GP classrooms may involve fees, including many LINC classrooms and Milam Auditorium (MLM 026). These fees are not controlled or assessed by the Schedule Desk. Contact the 25Live Schedule Desk for more information and to be directed to those assessing the fees.

If you are part of an academic department (colleges, schools, departments) or are an instructor, you likely already have a department scheduler that can submit requests on your behalf. To request use of a GP classroom for any event (academic or non-course related), please find and contact your department scheduler. If you do not have a department scheduler listed, contact the Schedule Desk to request a contact from your college, school, or department.

You can also search for your office or department in 25Live and see if there are any Associated Contacts listed for that organization. Any contact listed as a requestor is able to make requests for GP rooms on your behalf. Access organization search by visiting beav.es/wwX. Click the name of your department in the search results, then find Associated Contacts on the Details page.

If you are part of an administrative office or other department on campus and wish to request use of a General Purpose classroom, you may already have designated requestors for your organization in 25Live. You can search for your office or department in 25Live and see if there are any Associated Contacts listed for that organization. Any contact listed as a requestor is able to make requests for GP rooms on your behalf. Access organization search by visiting beav.es/wwX. Click the name of your department in the search results, then find Associated Contacts on the Details page.

If you cannot find your organization in a search, if your department does not have any associated contacts, or if you wish to become a requestor for your department, please contact the Schedule Desk to request permission to request spaces.

Student groups and organizations recognized for the current academic year are permitted to use General Purpose (GP) classroom space for meetings and events.

Representatives from student groups interested in requesting GP space should first reach out to Student Clubs & Organizations (Experiential Learning  & Activities) to ensure their group and scheduling contacts are properly set up to request reservations in 25Live. Student groups are limited to three designated scheduling contacts. Student Organizations are responsible for completing those steps and submitting their own requests in 25Live - departments should not do this on their behalf. Department Sponsored Organizations (DSOs) may have the department submit requests on their behalf if desired, but student representatives are still encouraged to do so.

Each summer all student group organizations in 25Live will have their status set to "Unrecognized" at which point they will no longer be able to request events sponsored by that group. Any existing requests at that point may remain in the queue, but will not be scheduled until that group is recognized for that academic year. New requests will not be accepted until the group is recognized for the current academic year and their status is updated by Student Clubs & Organizations in the 25Live system, at which point any designated scheduling contacts will also be granted requesting privileges.

Events in classrooms can be scheduled or requested using 25Live Pro. Please see 25Live Pro for more information.

Advising and Staff Resources

This page provides various resources from training, presentations, and campus communications pertaining to advising and the Office of the Registrar.  Most resources related to academic advising are posted in the Canvas site for Advisors. You can also find helpful video tutorials on our Tutorials page.

Links available under Online Services menus titled “Web for Advisors,” “Student Records,” and “Final Grades Menu” can be accessed via Beaver Hub (students) or MyOregonState (staff and faculty). Crosswalks between old links/pages and new locations can be found here: 

Contact Resources

If you need direct assistance with an issue, please see our Contact Us page for a list of contacts that may be able to assist you.

Staff Directory

Requesting Access to OSU Administrative Systems

To request access to systems such as Banner or OnBase, please see this IT knowledge base article.

Updates and Communications

Archive Advisor Digests

Student Communications

Reference Sheets and Quick Resource Sheets

Recording Lectures

Using Zoom and FERPA implications

Scheduler advanced guide

Academic Committees

Academic Standing Committee (ASC)

ASC meetings are held prior to the start of each term. The petition must be received by the Office of the Registrar by 10:00 am on deadline date. Meeting and deadline dates are found here.

Academic Requirements Committee (ARC)

ARC meetings are held on Wednesdays at 9:00 am. For a petition to be on the Wednesday docket, the petition must be received by the Office of the Registrar by 12:00 pm on the prior Thursday.

Catalog and Curriculum

The Academic Catalog is the primary source of information for student curriculum requirements. It is often referred to as the university's "contract" with students and in rare situations where there is a discrepancy between the Catalog and information distributed by colleges and academic units (such as advising guides), the Catalog is considered the accurate source. While the Catalog is primarily a student tool, it is also used by internal and external stakeholders for accreditation, compliance and transfer articulation.

Publication Schedule

The Academic Catalog is published on June 1 each year. If June 1 falls on a weekend, the Catalog is published on the Monday immediately following June 1. Curriculum changes follow Catalog Year Policy, with a deadline of May 1 for most course and program changes.

The following table outlines when changes are visible in the Catalog based on the requested term of an approved curriculum proposal. This table does not refer to the Schedule of Classes. Dates and deadlines for class scheduling can be found on the Scheduling Deadlines webpage.

Summer is the start of the academic year. When submitting a curriculum proposal, any effective term may be requested but the Catalog Coordinator in the Office of the Registrar will determine the final effective term in accordance with Catalog Year Policy, based on the approval date of the proposal. Effective term refers to the implementation date of the new or changed course or program. Refer to the following examples:

  • A course may request a change for winter term, this academic year, but Catalog Year Policy prevents mid-year changes so the effective term will be moved to summer of the following year.
  • A new course is approved for fall term, next academic year, but it will not be visible in the Catalog until next year's edition is published on June 1. 
  • A program being extended to a new location may request a fall term implementation but if that term has already commenced, the effective term will be moved to winter. 
  • A new program is approved for winter term, this academic year, but if it is approved after week 7 of fall term, the effective term will be moved to spring.

Proposers should always check the final effective term of their proposal when they receive the approval email notification.

Requested Term
New Courses
New Programs New Program Location Course & Program Changes
Summer, this academic year Effective term will be changed to fall term if approved before week 7 of summer Effective term will be changed to fall term if approved before week 7 of summer Effective term will be changed to fall term if approved before week 7 of summer Effective term will be changed to summer, next academic year
Fall, this academic year Week 7 of summer term Immediately, if approved before week 7 of summer term Immediately, if approved before week 7 of summer term June 1, next academic year
Winter, this academic year Week 7 of fall term Immediately, if approved before week 7 of fall term Immediately, if approved before week 7 of fall term June 1, next academic year
Spring, this academic year Week 7 of winter term Immediately, if approved before week 7 of winter term Immediately, if approved before week 7 of winter term June 1, next academic year
Summer, next academic year June 1, next academic year June 1, next academic year June 1, next academic year June 1, next academic year
Fall, next academic year June 1, next academic year June 1, next academic year June 1, next academic year June 1, next academic year
Winter, next academic year Week 7, next fall term Week 7, next fall term Week 7, next fall term June 1, next academic year
Spring, next academic year Week 7, next winter term Week 7, next winter term Week 7, next winter term June 1, next academic year

Curriculum Changes

Program pages in the Catalog (majors, minors, options, certificates) can only be changed through the curriculum proposal process. Some of the information on those pages is not subject to Catalog Year Policy because it is not curricular in nature, but a proposal is needed to make any changes. Examples include the overview content describing the program, formatting changes and spelling errors. The Catalog Coordinator will determine if the proposal is eligible to be expedited and if the change can be made immediately and/or if further review is needed.

College requirements and reorganizations, such as department mergers and name changes, impact programs and are therefore considered curriculum changes under Catalog Year Policy.

Academic Regulations (ARs) can only be changed with approval from Faculty Senate, on the recommendation of the Academic Regulations Committee. Changes to ARs appear in the Next Catalog, published on June 1.

Proposal Type

Required or Recommended



Add Core Ed to an Existing Course

Nov 1 (Required)

March 1

New Core Ed Course with effective term no later than Summer 2025

Nov 1 (Required)

March 1

New Core Ed Course with effective term of Fall 2025 or later

Any time

Week 6 of each term

New Non-Core Ed Course

Any time

Week 6 of each term

Change or Drop Non-Core Ed Course

Feb 1

May 1


New Program

Any time

Week 6 of each term

Major or Option Core Ed Change

Nov 1 (Required)

March 1

Major or Option Non-Core Ed Change

Feb 1

May 1

Minor or Certificate Change

Feb 1

May 1


New Course

Any time

Week 6 of each term

Change or Drop Course

Feb 1

May 1


New Program

Any time

Week 6 of each term

Change Program

Feb 1

May 1



Any time

Any time

College or Department Change

Dec 1

May 1

Non-Curricular Changes

Information that does not appear on program or college pages in the Catalog, such as admissions, financial aid, advising and accreditation, can be changed during the annual non-curricular editing period. This typically opens in March and ends on May 1. During this time, approved faculty and staff are given access to the unpublished Catalog website and make changes using an online editing tool. The changes are submitted to the Catalog Coordinator for review and if approved, will appear in the Next Catalog, published on June 1. Faculty and staff can be added to the editor list with approval from a member of their academic unit's leadership team. Requests to be added as an editor and other editing inquiries should be directed to the Catalog Coordinator.

Changes to contact information, such as phone numbers, can be made immediately by emailing the Catalog Coordinator

Other Resources

  • Academic Calendar: Lists registration deadlines for regular (11-week) and non-traditional (term extension, 5A, 5B, super term) courses.
  • Academic Policies and Procedures: Lists the curriculum policies.
    • Any curriculum policies not listed on the Curriculum Management website are enforced by the Office of the Registrar and exemptions are at their discretion.
  • Academic Regulations: All students are subject to the Academic Regulations as listed in the Catalog and are governed by the program requirements set by their catalog term.

Catalog Rights Policy

The Policy

For an explanation of the policy and procedural guidelines for catalog year implementation, see the official policy in the catalog.

Catalog Term Obsolescence

At the time of graduation, all students, including transfer students, must use a catalog that is not more than 10 years old. A student may petition to the head advisor of their college for any extension of a catalog greater than 10 years from their expected graduation term.

Catalog Term in the Curriculum Record

The catalog term of the curriculum record governs the catalog year used to evaluate baccalaureate core and university degree requirements in MyDegrees. The term here should reflect the term of the student’s admission and matriculation at a particular student level or their term of readmission at a particular student level. For Degree Partnership Program students, the first term the student is admitted to OSU will be the matriculation date and will determine the catalog year for institutional and baccalaureate core requirements.

Also, changing degree type (e.g., BA to BS degree) does not necessitate a change in the curriculum record unless that degree type was not available in that college and major at the original time of matriculation.

Field of Study Catalog Term

The 'field of study' is a major, minor, option, or certificate. Each field of study can carry a different catalog term from one another and from the curriculum catalog term. The field of study catalog term is determined by the term in which that particular field of study was officially declared by the student and entered into Banner. However, if the student is pursuing a major and option, the major and the first option associated with that major must have the same catalog term. If the option being declared did not exist at the time of the major declaration, then the major catalog term must be moved forward to the term the new option was declared. Subsequent majors/minors/options/certificates will be assigned a catalog term based on the term they were declared.

Students can choose to move their field of study catalog year forward by consulting with their academic advisor. The student's advisor can submit a program change with the new catalog year information in the comments. Catalog terms can be moved forward in time, but not backward, (with the exception of moving the first option back to synchronize it with the major).

For specific examples, refer to the attached document.


Curriculum Policies

Prerequisite Policy

Course prerequisites and corequisites are established by curriculum proposals and enforced by Banner. Refer to the information on prerequisite enforcement.

  • No prerequisites or corequisites may be deleted from or added to a course or section without an approved curriculum proposal. Prerequisites for a section must be in place before registration for the term begins.
  • Prerequisites and corequisites may not be switched or changed without an approved curriculum proposal.
  • All sections of a course must use the same prerequisites and/or corequisites that have been approved for that course.
  • Departments may add prerequisites or corequisites to the X99 or blanket course section Comments field of the online Schedule of Classes prior to registration. These may be enforced by the instructor; they are not enforced by Banner Registration.
  • Undergraduate prerequisites for graduate-level courses cannot be enforced by Banner.
  • Recommendations may be deleted without an approved curriculum proposal. Once deleted, they may not be reinstated without a curriculum proposal. Email your request to the Catalog Coordinator.
  • Recommendations may only be added with an approved proposal.

Course Number Reuse Policy

Six-Year Moratorium on the Re-Use of Course Numbers

If a non-credit or academic credit-bearing course is discontinued, that course number may not be re-used within six years of the last time that course was offered at Oregon State University. Any exceptions to this rule are solely at the discretion of the University Registrar.

OrACRAO Curriculum Tracking

OrARCRAO Curriculum Tracking

Curriculum changes approved by Faculty Senate Curriculum Council are implemented according to the Catalog Year Policy. Proposals are submitted by academic units through the university's proposal system and are approved by Curriculum Council throughout the academic year (September to June).

New program proposals for majors and certificates approved prior to 2011 were reviewed and processed on paper. Contact the Office of Curriculum Management/Assessment and Accreditation for assistance locating a historical proposal.

Proposals approved between 2011 and June 2020 are recorded in the archived Curriculum Proposal System (CPS). Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM) began a soft rollout in October 2019 but course proposals were approved in the CPS through June 2020.

Contact the Catalog Coordinator if you have questions.

Data Requests

About Data Requests

The data request form is for OSU faculty and staff to request data from Enrollment Management units, including the Office of the Registrar, the Office of Financial Aid, and the Office of Admissions. In order to uphold students' rights as protected under FERPA, we ask questions about the purpose of the data request and where/how the data will be used. The data request form is only for those individuals who are requesting data to fulfill their professional responsibilities at the institution or for those academic researchers who have obtained a determination notice from the Institutional Review Board (IRB). If you are an academic researcher wishing to obtain student data who has not yet received a determination from the IRB, you will need to fill out this feasibility form prior to receiving an IRB determination.

  • For guidance on the release of data, please see this page.
  • If you are external to OSU and have a data request, you will need to fill out a Public Records Request here.
  • If you are a student from a student group and have a data request, you should consult this handout with information that explains who you should contact depending on your student group type.
  • For more general enrollment or demographic reports, please see the resources compiled by the Office of Institutional Research.
  • Any staff requests that involve immigration data will go through Office of International Services.

Please note:  Those requesting data should plan for the data request to take roughly two weeks; this may vary depending on the nature and complexity of the request. If you have not heard anything from us and two weeks have passed, please contact [email protected]. On the form, you are asked for your ONID username so that we can send you the information via Box. When the request is complete, you will receive an invite to the file from Box.

See our Student Data FAQs here.

Data Request Process and Considerations

We recommend taking a few minutes to prepare the information you'll need for the data request. It asks the following questions for all purposes:

  • Select the purpose of your data request (institutional evaluation/assessment; academic research; non-research related)
    • An example of institutional evaluation/assessment: you need data on students in a particular program to see if your targeted population received services as desired or you're trying to track performance in a particular course after curriculum changes
    • An example of academic research: thesis work, dissertation work—generally anything you plan on presenting or publishing externally
    • An example of non-research related: data needed for a grant application in order to give the granting body a snapshot of the population you aim to serve with the grant
  • Do you already have access to the data that you want to use? We ask this because there are instances where individuals want to send student data outside the institution for particular reasons, whether for grants, research, et. al., but want to ensure this data release is permitted through FERPA.
  • Briefly explain the reason for your request. More specifically, why do you need this data to complete your task?
  • List all requested data fields. If you already have access to the data, please list what data fields you plan to use.
  • Indicate here if/how this data will be shared.
  • List any additional requests (e.g., actions such as sending research recruitment emails, permission to access course assignments, et. al.)

The data request form asks these additional questions/requires these actions if you are requesting data for academic research:

  • Did you submit a feasibility form through the Office of the Registrar — If you answer no, it will end the survey and direct you to the feasibility form.
  • Upload a PDF of the study feasibility determination email you received from the Office of the Registrar
  • Please indicate if there are any changes to your plan since you received your feasibility determination.
  • Does your data request involve obtaining informed consent
  • Upload your IRB-approved informed consent form
  • Indicate how the confidentiality of the data will be maintained (if applicable)
  • Upload a copy of your protocol.
  • Upload your IRB determination notice.

Step one:  Submit a feasibility form with the student data you plan to use, whether you have the data or not. The OtR will forward the feasibility determination to the IRB and copy the PI listed on the form. Please be sure to keep the email that notes that your research is feasible, as the data request form asks for this documentation in order to process the data request.

Step two: Submit your protocol to the IRB.

Step three: Once you have received a determination notice from IRB, submit a data request if you need data from Enrollment Management. If your study included obtaining informed consent, you must provide information on who consented (e.g., ONID user names).

Please note:  Oregon State University does not permit a request for future consent on future studies that have not gone through Institutional Review Board review. Data may be used only for the study for which students consented.

We often receive assessment data requests that ask to report aggregate numbers of students by certain criteria without obtaining student consent. When reporting in aggregate, we follow a general rule of 10 to protect student identity. That is, upon filtering by particular criteria, if the student group displays fewer than 10 students, you should not report information for that group if that information will be available to those external to OSU.

Find frequently asked data questions here.

Degrees and Graduation

University faculty, advisors, and staff play an important role in guiding students to degree completion. Learn about the tools available to you for reviewing degree requirements and the degree clearance process and associated deadlines. Also, learn more about the commencement ceremony and the availability of diplomas.

Degree Clearance at OSU

The Office of the Registrar monitors institutional requirements as defined in Academic Regulation 25, while the academic college and departmental advisors monitor baccalaureate core, college, major, option, and minor requirements.

The Office of the Registrar Role

  • Create the Week 10 Institutional Awarding reports
  • Review IA Checklist Notes from Advisors
  • Load students into the graduation pool based on MyDegrees information
  • Add/remove deficiency holds
  • Communicate progress to students and advisors:
    • OSU email address with information about graduation status and any existing deficiencies.
    • Provide graduation pool and deficiency reports to advisors
  • Perform final reviews and award degrees
  • Produce PDF of Final Audit for storage in OnBase

The Advisor Role

Learn more about the Degree Clearance Timeline and MyDegrees.

When are degree clearance deadlines, reports produced, communications sent, degrees awarded, and more? Degree Clearance Process Graphic 

Application for Graduation

Undergraduate students

Undergraduate students are automatically evaluated for graduation through Institutional Awarding.

Please note: Undergraduate students that are registered for courses for a term subsequent to the term in which their degree is awarded must apply for admission under a new status. If an application for a new status is not completed, the status will be changed to non-degree for the future term in which they are enrolled.


Graduate Students

Graduate students, must apply for graduation via the Apply to Graduate link in their Beaver Hub account. It is recommended that graduate students apply for graduation three terms prior to the term in which they intend to complete their degree requirements. Applications must be submitted no later than the end of the second week of the term in which the student plans to complete degree requirements. Please direct graduate students to the Graduate School or have them email [email protected].

Degree Requirements Resources

OSU Academic Catalog

The OSU Academic Catalog contains detailed program and university degree requirement information.

Overview of Double Degrees, Dual Majors & Honors Degrees


MyDegrees is a degree planning and clearance tool for students and advisors. The degree checklist and academic planner are tools for advisors to use in helping students plan their schedules and to clear degree requirements for pending graduates. From the beginning of their academic career at OSU, students should be using this system to plan their enrollment and monitor their progress.

Faculty/staff login to Online Services, choose a term, identify a student, and you will be taken directly to MyDegrees to see the student's information.

Detailed information about this system is provided in the Intro to MyDegrees for Advisors documentation provided to assist faculty and staff in the use of this system. Video Tutorials are also available. 

MyDegrees Exception Access

  • MyDegrees allows advisors to apply exceptions to a student's audit to clear degree requirements. These exceptions are part of the audit trail of the degree clearance process.
  • Users with exceptions privileges may apply exceptions only in their areas of responsibility.


  • Exceptions may not be applied to university level requirements; these are the responsibility of the Office of the Registrar.
  • Users applying exceptions privileges inappropriately will receive a warning and the exception will be reversed. Continued violations will result in revocation of the user’s exceptions privileges.

Visit the Graduation & Degree Pages for Students:

Advisor & Registrar Roles

The Advisor Role
  • Select students from the Week 10 Institutional Awarding reports
  • Review audit for accuracy and completeness
  • Notify students if curriculum change is needed (i.e., add a minor)
  • Create Substitutions and exceptions (click to download PowerPoint How-to) for major, option, minor or bacc core for area of responsibility
  • Create Checklist Notes for Registrars (IA, DEGR1, DEGR2, DEGR3)
  • Goal is completed Degree Audit Checklist. Intro to MyDegrees documentation is available to assist you in the use of the sytem.
The Registrar Role
  • Create the Week 10 Institutional Awarding reports
  • Review IA Checklist Notes from Advisors
  • Load students into the graduation pool based on MyDegrees information
  • Add/remove deficiency holds
  • Communicate progress to students and advisors:
    • Email ONID account with information about graduation status and any existing deficiencies.
    • Provide graduation pool and deficiency reports to advisors
  • Perform final reviews and award degrees
  • Produce PDF of Final Audit for storage in OnBase

Double Degrees, Dual Majors, & Honors Degrees

Double Degrees

A student may earn multiple, different degrees simultaneously. Additional degrees may also be earned after your first degree was awarded. The degrees may be offered by the same college, or by different colleges. To earn a double degree, or for each additional degree, a student must complete a minimum of 32 credits above the minimum number of credits needed for one of the degrees.

On the student’s academic record, each degree awarded will be recorded as a separate degree with its major, (e.g., Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Bachelor of Arts in English). The student will also receive a separate diploma for each degree awarded (See Academic Regulation 26).

Some majors may only be pursued in conjunction with another degree or as a subsequent degree.

Dual (or Multiple) Majors

Though less common, a student may receive a single degree with multiple majors. Often the number of credits required to complete the requirements for multiple majors allows a student to earn multiple degrees, but that is not always the case. 

When the degree is awarded there will be one degree award with two majors recorded on the student’s record. The student will receive one diploma. 

Learn about standalone certificates

Honors Degrees

Students completing the Honors College curriculum receive an honors degree in the college of their major, (e.g., HBS Honors Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, or HBA Honors Bachelor of Arts in English). In some cases it might be possible for an Honors College student to earn multiple degrees simultaneously, each of which would be recorded as an honors degree.


Students seeking an honors degree must meet the requirements of the Honors College in order to receive their degree. Students that complete an honors degree will have the honors degree recorded on their academic record. The student’s diploma will also include the honors degree designation (e.g., Honors Bachelor of Science).

MyDegrees Exceptions Access Policy

MyDegrees allows advisors to apply exceptions to a student's audit to clear degree requirements. These exceptions are part of the audit trail of the degree clearance process.

Users with exceptions privileges may apply exceptions only in their areas of responsibility.

Exceptions may not be applied to university level requirements; these are the responsibility of the Office of the Registrar.

Users applying exceptions privileges inappropriately will receive a warning and the exception will be reversed. Continued violations will result in revocation of the user’s exceptions privileges.

Degree Requirements (Faculty)

OSU General Catalog

The OSU General Catalog contains detailed program and university degree requirement information.


MyDegrees is a degree planning and clearance tool for students and advisors. The degree checklist and academic planner are tools for advisors to use in helping students plan their schedules and to clear degree requirements for pending graduates. From the beginning of their academic career at OSU students should be using this sytem to plan their enrollment and monitor their progress.

Faculty/staff login to Online Services, choose a term, identify a student, and you will be taken directly to MyDegrees to see the student's information.

Detailed information about this system is provided in the Intro to MyDegrees for Advisors documentation provided to assist faculty and staff in the use of this system.

Updating MyDegrees

Advisors: Please email [email protected] and type "mydegrees support" in the subject box.

Undergraduate Students: Contact your advisor to answer questions and resolve problems.

Changes to academic program requirements require curriculum proposals reviewed and approved by the University Curriculum Council. The Office of the Registrar receives notification of approved curricular changes from the curriculum proposal system and automatically adjusts your department's program requirements.

Grading and Advising

Links available under Online Services menus titled “Web for Advisors,” “Student Records,” and “Final Grades Menu” were retired. Most of these links/pages can be accessed via Beaver Hub (students) or MyOregonState (staff and faculty). Crosswalks between old links/pages and new locations can be found here: 

Online Grading

Grade submission is critical to many functions of the university; not least of which is the ability for advisors and students to evaluate their progress towards a degree. This section provides detailed information about who may submit grades, how to submit grades, when grades are due, and how errors may be corrected. You may also view video grading tutorials here.

Faculty access to Banner Self Service is requested via the Instructor Access Request form.


Advisors with appropriate access may use Web for Advisors to view more information about students.

Training Requirements

FERPA training is required before requesting access to Grading or Web for Advisors. You must first complete the tutorial and submit a Request for Access form before you may have access to any student information systems.

Grades and Commencement

Information and timeline for preliminary grades for degree candidates

Grade Submission

Links available under Online Services menus titled “Web for Advisors,” “Student Records,” and “Final Grades Menu” were retired. Most of these links/pages can be accessed via Beaver Hub (students) or MyOregonState (staff and faculty). Crosswalks between old links/pages and new locations can be found here: 

Final Grades Submission

Review this section to find out when grades are due, who can enter grades, how to monitor grade processing within a department, and for detailed instructions about how to enter grades online.

Grade Records Retention

All academic departments must comply with the Oregon Administrative Rule (section 166-475-0110 Student Records) governing instructors' grade records.

Incomplete Grade Policy

As stated in Academic Regulation 17 if circumstances exist which are acceptable to the instructor and the rest of the academic work is passing, an incomplete grade may be assigned and additional time granted for completion of course work. The additional time granted shall not exceed one year. At the time the incomplete is submitted, an alternate grade that represents the grade the student would receive in the course if no further course work is completed, will also be submitted. If the incomplete is not removed within the one-year deadline the alternate grade will become the grade of record.

Online Grade Change

Who, when, and how to submit an online change of grade is explained.

OSU's Grading System

Academic Regulation 17 defines the OSU grading system. Additional information is provided both on this site and in the Grades, Regulations, & Records section of the OSU General Catalog.

Final Grades Submission

Grade Deadlines

Consult the Faculty Grade Deadlines charts to find out when grades are due for the term. Note: In Summer term the deadlines vary according to the session in which the course is being held.

Who Can Submit Grades

Find out who is eligible to submit grades for a course. Also, we provide detailed instructions for how to assign an instructor to a course that they may submit grades.

Monitoring Grade Processing

Our office greatly appreciates the assistance of departmental staff in the monitoring of grade processing in their departments. This section provides methods and instructions for obtaining missing grade reports.

Web Grading FAQ's

Have a question not answered in the sections above? See if the answer is in the frequently asked questions.

How to Enter Grades Online-Choose One

Faculty Grade Entry 

Option 1: NEW!  Use the CANVAS tool to generate an Excel file to upload into Faculty Grade Entry.

Option 2: View the grading class roster for each of your courses and enter grades individually for each student See how to Log into Faculty Grade Entry.

Faculty Grade Deadlines

Final Grade Deadlines

Online grading for full-term courses will be available beginning the Monday morning of Finals Week.

Online grading for shorter courses that do not last the entire term, such as 5-week courses or courses that meet only during the Term Extension, will generally open when the course is officially complete (according to the term dates designated in the Academic Calendar).

For the benefit of students, please submit grades as soon as possible following the completion of the courses. 

The final grade submission is 5:00 p.m. on the dates listed below. 
Summer 2024
Part of Term Grading Open Grade Submission Deadline
Session 6 (6/17/24 – 6/21/24) Jun 21 Jun 24
Session 1 (6/24/24 – 9/6/24)         Sep 3 Sep 9
Session 2 (6/24/24 – 7/19/24) Jul 19 Jul 22
Session 3 (6/24/24 – 8/16/24) Aug 16 Aug 19
Session 4 (7/22/24 – 8/16/24) Aug 16 Aug 19
Session 5 (8/19/24 – 9/6/24)            Sep 5 Sep 9
Super Term (6/17/24 – 9/6/24) Sep 3 Sep 9
Fall 2024
Part of Term Grading Open Grade Submission Deadline
Term Extension Sep 24 Sep 30
Full Term Dec 9 Dec 16
1st 5 Weeks Nov 1 Nov 4
2nd 5 Weeks Dec 9 Dec 16
Super Term  Dec 9 Dec 16
Winter 2025
Part of Term Grading Open Grade Submission Deadline
Term Extension Jan 3 Jan 6
Full Term Mar 17 Mar 24
1st 5 Weeks Feb 7 Feb 10
2nd 5 Weeks Mar 17 Mar 24
Super Term Mar 17 Mar 24
Spring 2025
Part of Term Grading Open Grade Submission Deadline
Term Extension Mar 28 Mar 31
Full Term Jun 9 Jun 16
1st 5 Weeks May 2 May 5
2nd 5 Weeks Jun 9 Jun 16
Super Term Jun 9 Jun 16
Spring 2025 Preliminary Grades
Part of Term Grading Open Grade Submission Deadline
All May 5 May 12

Please note that preliminary grades cannot be entered for courses offered during the Term Extension (EXT) or 1st 5 Weeks (5A), as they end on May 2. Please submit final grades for EXT and 5A courses.

Faculty Grade Entry

Faculty Grade Entry

Faculty Grade Entry provides a user-friendly experience for entering midterm and final grades in Banner.

Faculty Grade Entry highlights are:
  • Display of all gradable courses as one list.
  • Easy navigation between multiple courses and rosters.
  • Multiple system notifications informing of missing grades, errors in grade submission, and status of grading process for each course.
  • Improved Grade File Upload process.
  • Less time spent searching for courses and students.
  • Course Details Tab with pertinent information about the selected course.

Entering Grades

There are two ways to enter final grades in Faculty Grade Entry - keyed-in entry of grades or the file upload process.

Faculty Grade Entry Instructions & Screenshots

  In MyOregonState, the Final Grade Entry link is under Resources > Academic.

  • Once logged in, click on one of the courses displayed as a list to load the student roster.
  • You may need to scroll down to view the student roster that appears below the list of courses.
  • Grades can be entered directly in student roster Final Grade column or through File Upload process. See below instructions on grade entry.

  • For keyed or manual entry of grades, simply click on the grade box and select a grade from the drop-down list of grades.
  • Alternatively, a grade can also be typed in.
  • Last Date of Attendance information is required for the grades F, N, I/F, I/N.
    • Last Date of Attendance must be within Monday of week one and Friday of Finals Week of the term.
    • Last Date of Attendance must be entered in the following format with leading zeros: mm/dd/yyyy. For example, 01/08/2024.
    • If there was no attendance/participation, enter the first day of class in the Last Attend Date field and 0 in the Hours Attended field.

  • Grades can be entered by uploading an excel file with student roster and grades.
  • It is highly recommended that faculty use the Final Grades Tool in Canvas or use the Export Template function to prepare the Excel file for uploading grades.
  • Last Date of Attendance information is required for the grades F, N, I/F, I/N.
    • Last Date of Attendance must be within Monday of week one and Friday of Finals Week of the term.
    • Last Date of Attendance must be entered in the following format with leading zeros: mm/dd/yyyy. For example, 01/08/2024.
    • If there was no attendance/participation, enter the first day of class in the Last Attend Date field and 0 in the Hours Attended field.
  • File must contain the following columns: Term, CRN, Student ID, Grade, Last Attended Date and Narrative Grade Comment. In the "gear" icon on the right corner of the screen next to the logout button, select Import from drop-down list. Grade Import Wizard will start the file upload process.

Step One: Select the file with grades from your computer. And click Continue.

wizard step 1

Step Two: Preview the file that you have selected within the Grade Import Wizard for accuracy, and click Continue.

wizard step 2

Step Three: The file you uploaded should automatically map correctly. Note: The file must include a “Narrative Grade Comment" column even though it states it's not required.

wizard step 3

Step Four: This step provides a validation report and any errors that occurred while processing the grade file. An excel file with errors can be downloaded to review the errors. If no issues, click Continue. Otherwise correct the errors and start the process over with step one. Click the Cancel button on the top right corner of the grade wizard if there are issues that must be resolved before submitting the grades.

wizard step 4

Step Five: Click Finish, and address any errors separately.

wizard step 5

  • To download the class roster, select the course in the course list and click on the "gear" icon on the top right corner of the page.
  • Select Export Template. Save the class roster as an excel file on your computer desktop to enter student grades and last date of attendance information.
  • Preparing the grade file following these steps will reduce grade entry errors in the system and will eliminate the step of mapping the file columns for the grade upload process as in step three below.

Import Expor1

Expor as excel


Excel file inside

Additional Features

Getting Started, Course Details, and Student Details provide brief information and tips on grade submission, links to related tutorial webpages, course start and end dates, number of grades needed, missing grades, and student information.

Information tabs

  • Search for students or courses in the two search fields in Faculty Grade Entry.
  • Search for students in the student search field by entering students name or OSU ID number.
  • Search for courses by entering either one of these keys: CRN, subject code, or course title. The first three characters entered start narrowing down the search results.


Course list and student rosters can be sorted. Sort any column by alpha A to Z or Z to A, or by number lowest to highest and highest to lowest.

  • Each course in Faculty Grade Entry has a Grading Status Indicator.
  • Final Grades have two indicators: Indicator "Grading Status" shows grade entry process status.
  • Indicator “Rolled” shows if entered grades have rolled to academic history.
  • When grade entry has been successfully completed, "Grading Status" indicator turns green.
  • "Rolled" indicator remains gray until the submitted grades have fully rolled to academic history by Office of the Registrar.

TIP: You can also sort your classes by Grading Status bar indicators.

grade status bars

  • Faculty Grade Entry displays system notifications.
  • Notifications appear when grades are submitted successfully, grades have not been saved, or entered grade or last date of attendance date format is incorrect.

notification successful

notification grade not saved

notification last day attendance

Grades that have rolled to academic history must be changed using the Online Change of Grade page.

Helpful Quick Guides

Faculty Grade Entry Navigation

Faculty Grade Keyed Entry Upload

Helpful Grading-related Sites

Grading and Web Services

Grade Submission

Grading Videos

Contact Us

Email us at [email protected] with grade submission related questions. Grading team will be happy to assist you with your question.


Faculty Grade XE provides this message to indicate that student has not withdrawn from the course and therefore needs a last date of attendance if receiving any of the grades F, I/F, N, I/N.

File Upload


Text files must contain a minimum of OSU Student IDs (the 9-digit SIS number) and Grades, formatted as either Comma Separated Values (CSV) of Tab Separated Values (TSV) on the same computer.

For the typical example, an instructor downloads his/her class list from Faculty & Advisors Menu Class List Download or the Student Data Warehouse as a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file. This file would then be uploaded into Excel. Each student would be loaded into a Row and each data element for that student would be loaded into the Columns of that Row.

The instructor would then save the completed document, with final grades, as a CSV file.

Using the Final Grades - File Upload process, the instructor uploads his/her complete grade book file. The instructor only has to identify the locations (columns) of the data needed for grading. All other data columns are ignored. For example if the CRN was in Column 1, Student ID (9-digit SIS number) in Column 2, and Final Grade in Column 19, those would be the only columns needed to be identified in the Grade Upload forms.

After processing the file, there will be a summary presentation of each record in the file and the results (success or failure) of that individual record. Records that fail are displayed with messages indicating the errors.

Grade book files could be submitted more than once. However, once a student's grades have been processed into their record, subsequent records that attempt to change that grade will be rejected.

Course Identifiers

Courses to be graded must be identified by using only one of the following four methods. The first and second methods are universally applied to the grade book file submitted and are external to it; the values are selected on the final grade upload Web page. The third and fourth methods require the selection criteria to be included with the grade book file for each record, and as such, the grade book file could contain grades for different courses.

  1. Subject/Course: An instructor who teaches multiple sections of the same course sometimes treats the combination of all sections as "one" course and maintains only one grade book file for all students in all sections. Using the Subject/Course selection criteria, the upload process will attempt to match each student in the grade book file to the course taught by this instructor, with a matching Subject and Course, regardless of the Section Number.
  2. CRN: Using the CRN selection criteria, the upload process will attempt to match each student in the grade book file to the course taught by this instructor matching this specific CRN.
  3. Data Items Subject/Course/Section: The upload process will attempt to match the student, subject, course number and section number in each file record to the course taught by the instructor.
  4. Data Item CRN: The upload process will attempt to match the student and CRN in each file record to the course taught by this instructor.
  1. Log on to MyOregonState using your ONID username and password. For assistance with your GAP, call or email the Service Desk, 541-737-8787, [email protected] or http://is.oregonstate.edu/service-desk.
  2. Under 'Resources,' type 'grades.' You will see 'Final Grades Menu.' Click and it will take you to Online Services.
  3. Choose the Final Grades - File Upload option
  4. Select the appropriate term from the drop down menu, and then click "Submit."
  5. The classes you teach will appear in a drop down box. Select the CRN for which you want to process grades, and then click "Submit."
  6. Follow the steps outlined on this form to submit your file.
    • Enter path/file name
    • Indicate file type (comma separated values or tab delimited values)
    • Identify course identifiers common to all student grade entries, if not included in each entry.
    • Indicate the position of data elements in a student grade entry (subject code, course number, section number, CRN, student ID number (the 9-digit SIS number), student name, grade)
  7. Click on "Process File." This "submits" your grades to Banner.
  8. Review of Final Grade Upload Process - This screen indicates the results of your file submission. If an entry failed to complete successfully, a descriptive error message will be displayed. To immediately enter or correct grades (or to review your work), return to the Faculty and Advisors menu and choose the "Final Grades - Keyed Entry" option. Be sure to "submit" your corrections. (You may also make corrections by resubmitting your file, through Final Grades - File Upload process. If so, be sure to check results of this submission).
  9. Missing Grades - If there are students registered for one of the classes just processed who did not receive a grade, that information will be listed at the end of the Review of Processing page. You may make corrections by accessing "Final Grades - Keyed Entry", making the changes, and then clicking on "Submit."
  10. Changing Grades on a Later Day - Grades submitted to Banner are processed (rolled) into a student's record nightly from the first day of finals through the final date. Accessing the "Final Grades - Keyed Entry Form" you will see a column called "Rolled," If a Y appears in that column, you know that the grades have already been entered into the student's record. To change a grade that has been rolled, use the Change Posted Grades option in the Final Grades menu.
  • Large files may take a few minutes for processing before the Review of Processing screen appears.
  • Be sure to correct any problems or missing grades.
  • Click on a "student's name" to access the student's address and phone number.
  • If the word confidential appears next to a student's name, all of the student's information, in addition to grades, is to be kept confidential.
  • Be sure to use the student's 9-digit ID

Keyed Entry

Step 1 – To access grade menus and rosters:

  1. Log on to MyOregonState using your ONID username and password. (If you need assistance with logging into MyOregonState, please contact the Service Desk, 541-737-8787 or [email protected] or http://is.oregonstate.edu/service-desk)
  2. Go to the Academic Resources tab.
  3. Click on Final Grades Menu. Please then see Step 2 for grade roster entry instructions below.

  4. This will open a new tab. Select the appropriate term from the drop-down menu, and then click "Submit."

Screen print for select term

6. The classes you teach will appear in a drop-down box. Select the CRN for which you want to process grades, and then click "Submit."

Screen shot of Select CRN

7. This will open the grade roster.

Step 2 – How to enter the grades once you have opened the grade roster:

  1. Your grade roster will display with twenty-five students per page.
  2. Enter a grade for each student by selecting a grade from the drop-down list in the Grade column. Only those grade marks valid for the section will appear as choices. You may need to scroll down to see the entire list of grade options. If you are not a mouse clicker, you can tab through the grade roster and type in the grade.
  3. Highlight the first student's grade box. Type in the grade (A, B, etc.). If you wish to award a plus or minus, continue typing the grade until the correct variation appears. (That is, hit B twice for B+ and three times for B–). Tab twice to grade the next student.
  4. If a grade appears for a student, the student has already been graded. Withdrawn classes ('W' grades), or thesis classes ('R' grades) are recorded (rolled) prior to the grading period and are not available for update.
  5. You will need to enter the last date of attendance for all F, N, and I/F grades. Dates must be entered with leading zeros – e.g., 01/01/15.
  6. Scroll down to the bottom of the roster and click on "Submit" to input the page of grades to Banner. Choose the next record set to get to the next page.
  7. Continue entering grades and submitting the pages until you are finished.
  8. When finished, click on View Missing Final Grades to see if you omitted any grades. If so, enter the grade and resubmit the page of grades.
Useful Tips
  • If the word Confidential appears next to a student's name, all of the student's information (in addition to grades) is to be kept confidential.
  • There is a 60-minute time limit per page. Save changes regularly!
  • Click on View Missing Final Grades to see if you have omitted any grades.
  • Click on a student's name to view the student's address(es) and phone(s).

Monitoring Grade Processing

Several tools are available to departments for monitoring grade submission by your faculty.

Class List

This report provides an avenue for printing class lists for the current term and also a grade roster for a department once grade processing is complete.

  • For Class List — log onto Banner Data Warehouse. Select SIS Student - SIS Reports. Select Current Term Class List. Fill in the parameters. Print the report.
  • For Grade Roster — log onto Banner Data Warehouse. Select SIS Student - SIS Reports. Select Past Term Class List. Fill in the parameters. Print the report.
Missing Grade Report

This report helps departmental staff monitor which grades are outstanding. Departmental staff who wish to monitor every grade roster should print the report at the beginning of grade submission (Monday of Dead Week) and continue to run the report as needed to review the department's submission progress.

AWA Submission Process:
Run Term Select Banner Term Code.
201900=Summer 2018 
201901=Fall 2018 
201902=Winter 2019 
201903=Spring 2019

Print Mode

Select "Detail" button

Part of Term

Enter "1" for Corvallis campus. Enter "B1" for Bend Campus. For Summer term, run report for each part of term separately. Please refer to the session numbers as listed in the Summer Schedule of Classes.


Select department or school code: ART

Campus Code

Enter campus code:
% = all; C = Corvallis; D% = Ecampus courses; B = OSU-Cascades; for others contact the Office of the Registrar, [email protected]

  1. To access and run the Missing Final Grades job, go to the Banner Login page and log into AWA.
  2. Under My Catalog, select SFR2700, Missing Final Grades, then click the Execute button.
  3. Under Results, click on the job request.
  4. Fill in the parameter values. See above for example.
  5. Click the "Submit" button.
  6. The report results will be emailed to you automatically as a csv and lis file. The subject line of the email will look like this: [PROD] JOBP.STUDENT.SFR2700.
Preliminary Grades

Departments are able to run Spring Term Preliminary Missing Grades by using SFR2690 in step 1. The Spring Term Preliminary Missing Grades does not have the part of term parameter.

Web Grading FAQ's

  • Faculty members who have been listed by their department as the primary instructors.
  • Non-primary instructors with a percent workload responsibility of greater than 0%, who have been identified in Banner as "graders" and are cleared for online grading access.

If a faculty member that should be able to grade is not able to grade, they may not be formally listed as an instructor on the CRN. Contact the department scheduler for that section to have an instructor activated and/or added as an instructor to a course section.

You may use a PC or a Mac, a desktop or a laptop and any operating systems (Windows, NT, even Linux) You may access online rosters from on campus in offices or computer labs, from your home, or anywhere in the world. Minimally, you need an Internet connection, Netscape or Internet Explorer version 4.X or higher, and your Web browser set to accept cookies. (This service supports only MS Explorer and Netscape. It does not support AOL or Safari.) If you have problems with the redirection process, connect directly to Banner Self Service and choose "Student Registration and Records."

  • Login to MyOregonState with your ONID username and password. If you've forgotten your ONID credentials, contact the OSU Computer Helpdesk at 541-737-3474. If you do not know your OSU ID, contact the Center for HR Systems and Technology at 541-737-8300.
  • Select the Resources tab.
  • Select Web for Advisors.
  • Choose from the menu of services available.

You need to be listed as a primary instructor or grader for each course you are teaching and grading. Check with your departmental office to correct.

If you have clicked the "submit grades" box at the bottom of a page, that page is saved within Banner. If you have not "submitted" your grades, your entries will not be saved.

As long as you have "submitted" prior to logging off from your computer, your previously entered grades will be available for update prior to any grade processing done by the Office of the Registrar. The Office of the Registrar will process grades nightly during Finals Week until grade processing is finished from 2 a.m.–6 a.m. As a further check to see if grades have been processed, access Final Grades-Keyed Entry and check the column on Rolled; Y means grades are processed (rolled), N means grades are not processed (rolled). If the column has a Y (yes), the grade has already been processed. If the grade has been processed grade changes and removals of incomplete can be made online via the Online Grade Change featurePlease note that the Online Grade Change Feature will be disabled from 5:00 p.m. Friday of Finals Week until the following Thursday morning, to allow for end of term processing. Once the feature is reengaged you will be able to enter the system and make any necessary changes.

Grades are available to students on the Web following the nightly processing by the Office of the Registrar. The final posting of grades and the updating of GPAs and academic standings are done the Tuesday night following Finals Week.

It is the responsibility of the instructor of the course to assess the students, calculate the appropriate grade, and submit grades for the their students. Only the instructor of record can submit grades for a course. In no circumstances should you share your General Access PIN (GAP) with another person.

Which one of us has access to online grade rosters for our course? If your department office has designated more than one instructor with teaching and grading responsibilities, both persons should be able to grade. Check with your departmental staff if there is a problem.

Students in thesis courses are pre-graded with R grades and do not need updating by the instructor.

Faculty members may upload files of grades into the Web. You will need to create a file from the data on your spreadsheet. See Help for File Upload of Grades.

If paper copies are desired, you may copy the grades from your Web forms page by page. These grades will remain accessible to you on the Web for 5 terms. Or, after grading has been completed on June 18, you may access the Data Warehouse. Select SIS Student - SIS Reports. Select past term and click on class list button. Fill in parameters. Print the report.

For assistance or if you have a question you think should be added here, email [email protected].


Grade Records Retention

It is important that all instructors who assign grades to students, and all academic departments, comply with the Oregon Administrative Rule (section 166-475-0110 Student Records) governing instructors' grade records.

Incomplete Grade Policy

The “incomplete” grade policy as stated here is effective for incompletes assigned Fall 2007 forward. To reference the incomplete policy for prior years consult archived copies of the general catalog. Refer to Academic Regulation 17 for more information.

Requesting an Incomplete

A student may request that an incomplete (for a course that has not been completed) be granted by an instructor, if the reasons for the incomplete are acceptable to the instructor, and the student is passing the course at the time of the request.

It is recommended that when an incomplete is granted the instructor and student complete a Contract for Completion of I Grade to define the terms under which the incomplete course work will be completed.

The Incomplete/Alternate Grade

The incomplete that is filed by the instructor at the end of the term must include an alternate/default grade to which the incomplete grade defaults if the student does not make an effort to resolve the incomplete course work within one year of recording the incomplete.

Examples of the incomplete grades are I/A, I/A–, I/B+, I/B, I/B–, I/C+, I/C, I/C–, I/D+, I/D, I/D–, I/F, I/P, and I/N. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grade options are converted after the “I/Alternate Grade” is submitted by the instructor.



If the student requested an incomplete and opted for an S/U grade, the instructor will submit an “I/Normal Grade” (e.g., I/B+) at the end of the term. The Office of the Registrar will subsequently convert the “I/Normal Grade” to an “I/S” or “I/U” in accordance with the grading option chosen by the student.

Calculating the Alternate/Default Grade

  • Calculation of the Alternate/Default Grade is determined by the work to be completed for the course over the entire term.
  • For example, while a student may be passing at the time the incomplete request is granted, the Alternate/Default Grade is NOT what the student has earned up to the point of the incomplete request.
  • The instructor must submit the grade the student will earn if the missing work is not completed.
    • That alternate grade will become the default grade if the missing work is not completed.

A student has earned a “B” through the eighth week of the term, but requests an incomplete for the rest of the term. The remaining work would comprise 50% of the final grade. Without completing the remaining work the earned grade would have been an “F”. The student, consequently, would have an “I/F” filed by the faculty/instructor at the end of the term when grades are reported to the Office of the Registrar.


A. If the student does not complete the assigned work within one year’s time or within the time allotted by the faculty/instructor, the instructor can change the grade to an “F” or the grade would default to an “F” after a year.

B. If the student completes the work, the instructor will submit the appropriate grade the student earned.

Submission Guidelines for Removal of Incomplete Grades

  • Removal of an incomplete grade within the one-year deadline must be submitted by 5:00 pm on the Friday of Finals Week using the Online Grade Change tool before the incomplete reverts to the alternate grade.
  • Incompletes older than one year require review and approval by the University Registrar. 
  • Contact the Office of the Registrar at [email protected] to request the specific form for faculty to complete
  • The form must be signed by an instructor of record and the associate dean.
    • An instructor of record is defined as an individual who delivers instruction for a course and is listed as an instructor on the section of the course in Banner screen SSASECT.
    • The departmental grade contact is not considered an instructor.
  • Incorrect or missing information on the form will cause a delay in processing.

Impact on Degree Conferrals:

  • Another aspect of the revised Incomplete Policy in Academic Regulation 17 affects the degree audit completed for students who have applied to graduate from Oregon State University.
  • Since Fall 2007, all pending applications for graduation include a review of any incomplete grades with an alternate/default grade.


  • If an “I/Alternate Grade” is currently outstanding at the time a pending graduate’s file is being reviewed for graduation (which happens after grades are processed for the term in which the student is graduating), that review will take into account the automatic default of the incomplete to the Alternate/Default Grade.
    • This automatic default may impact a student’s ability to graduate, if by its inclusion, the student’s GPA (major GPA or institutional GPA) or other major/institutional requirements are altered.
    • This encourages the student to ensure that all “I/Alternate Grades” are resolved with their instructor prior to the last day of Dead Week for the term in which they are graduating.

Note: Academic Regulation 17 specifically states: “Under no circumstances shall a student who earns an A–F grade or an N or U grade have their grade changed retroactively to an I grade.”

Extension of Time to Remove Incomplete Grade

  • A student may petition via the Office of the Registrar for an extension of the one calendar year deadline with the concurrence of the faculty.
  • An approved petition will grant an extension of a single additional term, with a maximum of three total extensions being possible.
  • An approved petition for an extension of time to remove an incomplete will be voided at the time of degree conferral.


The petition must be submitted before the one-year deadline is reached.

To request an extension, complete the Extension of Time to Remove Incomplete Grade Petition. Instructor and departmental approval is required. Submit the completed petition to the Office of the Registrar. If the instructor and department approve, and the student is eligible, an extension of a single term will be granted. To request an additional term extension the process must be repeated.

Incomplete Grade FAQs

Q: When is the last point at which an incomplete grade can be resolved by the student?

A: Typically, it is within a time period established by the instructor. If the instructor has not established a deadline, then the student has until the last day of Dead Week before finals begin, to submit the required work to the faculty a year after the term in which the student received the incomplete. For example, if a student received an “I/Alternate Grade” in Fall 2016 without any specified deadline by an instructor, they have until the last day of Dead Week of Fall 2017 to turn in the completed work to the instructor to complete the “Incomplete”. The instructor has until the last day of term (normally Friday of Finals Week) to submit the removal of an incomplete to whatever grade the student earned to the Office of the Registrar.

Q: What happens if the instructor is no longer at the institution a year after the “I/Alternate Grade” was recorded?

A: The student should meet with the department chair who offered the course to reinstate the expectations of what would need to be completed (and by when it needs to be completed) for the incomplete to reflect the earned grade for that course.

Q: What if the student requests an “I/Alternate Grade” but also intends on graduating that very same term?

A: The student should know whether the Alternate/Default Grade will impact their ability to graduate that same term. If it does, the student should withdraw the request to graduate at the Office of the Registrar before the last day of final exams for that term, until the incomplete has been resolved at some future date/term and an earned grade has been recorded. Subsequent to the earned grade replacing the incomplete, the student can then re-file to graduate.

Q: What if the student has applied to graduate, final grades have been processed for the term the student wished to graduate; and the “I/Alternate Grade” defaults to a grade that does affect their graduation status. Can the student request the Alternate Grade revert back to an incomplete?

A: No. Academic Regulation 17 specifically states: “Under no circumstances shall a student who earns an A–F grade or an N or U grade have their grade changed retroactively to an I grade.” Students need to pay careful attention to “I/Alternate Grades” that are clearly displayed on all unofficial (and official) transcripts and the “Grade Term Report” via the Student On-Line Services web site where a student’s grades can be accessed by the student. If the student suspects or is informed by their academic advisor or the Office of the Registrar that the “I/Alternate Grade” will negatively impact their ability to graduate, they should go to the Office of the Registrar to withdraw their application to graduate. This request to withdraw the application to graduate must be made before all grades are processed for the term in which the student wishes to graduate.

Q: What if an instructor does not turn in their grades on time, will the instructor still be able to submit an “I/Alternate Grade for the student?

A: Yes. While 99.7% of all grades are turned in by the required deadline for each term, if the instructor misses the cutoff for turning in grades the Office of the Registrar will be able to process these late grades (including the “I/Alternate Grade”) and ensure they are correctly attributed to the students affected.

Q: Will other incomplete (“I”) grades from terms prior to Fall 2007 also default to an alternate grade (i.e., an “F”) after a year or when a student applies to graduate?

A: No. The revised Academic Regulation 17 goes into effect for Fall 2007 and all future terms. It is not retroactive to previous terms. Incompletes for all terms prior to Fall 2007 are at the discretion of the instructor and can either be changed to an earned grade or remain as an incomplete indefinitely. These grades are clearly identified by the lack of an alternate grade. For example, an “I” denotes the incomplete was assigned by the instructor prior to Fall 2007. All incompletes from Fall 2007 on would be reflected as an “I/Alternate Grade” (I/A, I/A-…I/F, I/P, I/N, etc.).

Q: Does Academic Regulation 17 apply only to undergraduate students, or are other student populations similarly affected?

A: All students are held to the same grading systems. Academic Regulation 17 will apply equally to undergraduates, post-baccalaureates, graduate, non-degree seeking students, etc.

Q: What will we see on our unofficial and official transcripts?

A: Students will see the incomplete and the alternate grade (i.e., I/A, I/A-…I/F, I/P, I/N, etc) in the grade field. However, until the incomplete is resolved, it will retain all of the same characteristics of an incomplete grade. In other words, the incomplete will not count in credits earned or a student’s institutional GPA. This will ensure that a student will not have an incomplete grade count in their credit totals or have it affect their GPA until the incomplete is resolved or defaults to the Alternate Grade.

Q: If a student selected a grading option of Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U), will the instructor assign an “I/S” or “I/U” during the submittal of the grades for that term the incomplete was requested?

A: No. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grade options are converted after the submission of the “I/Alternate Grade” is determined by the instructor. For example, if the student has requested an incomplete and has opted for an S/U grade, the instructor will submit an “I/Normal Grade” (i.e., I/B+) at the end of the term. The Office of the Registrar will subsequently convert the “I/Normal Grade” to an “I/S” or “I/U” in accordance with the grading option chosen by the student.

Q: What happens if a course had received an “I/Alternate Grade” the first time the course was taken, but the student retakes the course for a grade?

A: According to Academic Regulation 20 (Repeated Courses), both courses would appear on the student’s academic record (transcript), but only the second grade would be counted in the cumulative GPA and toward graduation requirements. Even if the “I/Alternate Grade” were to subsequently default to the Alternate Grade, the second taking of the course would be the one that counts.

Q: What happens if a student’s academic progress in a given term is interrupted by an emergency situation (serious illness, accident, or death of a family member)? Can the student request incompletes for all his/her courses?

A: Yes. Subsequent to the revision to Academic Regulation 17, the Faculty Senate also approved a revision to Academic Regulation 13c that allows the student to withdraw within the last four weeks of the term with incompletes in all subjects. The student (or family member), however, must submit evidence of the emergency situation to the Registrar for consideration. The Office of the Registrar is then charged with contacting each instructor and recording the individual “I/Alternate Grade” for each course the student is still enrolled for that term.

Q: Can a student petition for an extension to resolve the incomplete in excess of the one year?

A: Possibly. The instructor must be willing to provide an extension. However, if the instructor does not agree to extend the timeline, it is unlikely anyone else would supersede that decision. If the instructor is willing to extend the timeline, the student can complete the Petition Extension of Time to Remove Incomplete Grade. The petition requires the signatures of the course instructor and department chair, and potentially, the approval of the Academic Requirements Committee to gain approval of the extension.

Q: Who can the student talk to for specific questions regarding the changes to Academic Regulation 17?

A: The students are encouraged to ask questions of their departmental or college advisors and/or to contact staff in the Office of the Registrar. Students are encouraged to call by phone (541-737-4331), utilize email ([email protected]), or visit the office in-person, B102 Kerr Administration Building.

OSU's Grading System

The OSU grading system is described by 3 academic regulations.

Academic Regulation 17 Lists and defines grades in the OSU grading system.

Academic Regulation 18 Describes the alternative grading system. Knowing how alternative grading is applied will help you make informed decisions regarding your academic record. 

Academic Regulation 19 describes the point system and provides an example of how to perform the calculation. You should understand how your GPA is calculated.


Grade Points



4.0 grade points per credit



3.7 grade points per credit



3.3 grade points per credit



3.0 grade points per credit



2.7 grade points per credit



2.3 grade points per credit



2.0 grade points per credit



1.7 grade points per credit



1.3 grade points per credit



1.0 grade point per credit



0.7 grade point per credit



0.0 grade point per credit



No grade point per credit

Reserved for Graduate Credit*

I/Alt Grade

Incomplete, no grade points or credits

If not resolved after 12 months or degree conferral, the "I" reverts to the alternate grade.


No grade point per credit

No Credit


Credit given, no grade points



Credit given, no grade points

Thesis in Progress*


Credit given, no grade points




Accepted Transfer Credit


No credit or grade points



No credit or grade points

Withdrawal (passing)*


No credit or grade points



No credit or grade points

Withdrawal from Audit

WC No credit or grade points Complete withdrawal

* Grade mark not enterable by faculty. Entered by the Office of the Registrar.

Online Grade Change

Links available under Online Services menus titled “Web for Advisors,” “Student Records,” and “Final Grades Menu” were retired. Most of these links/pages can be accessed via Beaver Hub (students) or MyOregonState (staff and faculty). Crosswalks between old links/pages and new locations can be found here: 

Online Grade Change

The online change of grade function will allow changes of grade, for corrections to initial grades, submission of late grades and removal of incomplete grades within the one year deadline. View the step-by-step instructions for additional information.

Change of Instructor

If a change of grade or removal of incomplete is necessary for a section where the original instructor is no longer with the university, the academic department will have to add the faculty member who is reviewing the course material to the section.

Any questions on adding instructors to a section should be addressed to the department chair or the department grade contact.

Online Grade Change Restrictions

An online change of grade cannot be completed for students who have graduated. A request to change a grade within three months of the final degree conferral must be approved by the Office of the Registrar.

An academic record where no other degree objective is being pursued is permanently locked/frozen three months after the final degree conferral, and all subsequent grade change requests will be denied.

Grade Changes in Excess of One Year

Online changes to grades will be allowed for up to one academic year from the term when the course was taken. See Academic Regulation 17. Any changes that are for a course older than one year will need to be reviewed and approved by the University Registrar. Contact the Office of the Registrar at [email protected] to request the specific form for faculty to complete for a grade change in excess of one year and for more information about the process.


Any questions related to final grade submission or online grade changes can be directed to the Office of the Registrar at [email protected].

Online Grade Change

The Online Grade Change form allows grade changes, corrections to initial final grades, and removal of incomplete grades within the one-year deadline.

Quick Guide: Online Grade Change

Access Online Grade Change form through MyOregonState under the Resources and search for Change Posted Grades.

  1. Select the term using the Term drop-down. Courses assigned to you as the instructor of record will appear below.
  2. Highlight the course to display the class roster.
  3. Select the student from the dropdown list. The dropdown list is searchable and will show the matching name as you type.

  4. Highlight the row with the student’s information (ID and Student Name) to display the section to enter the grade change.
  5. Select the new grade using the Grade Options dropdown. Only the applicable grades will display based on the grade mode (A-F grading or P/N grading) for the course.

    1. Note: F grades, N (no pass) grades, I/N and I/F grades require a Last Date of Attendance. The date selected must be within Monday of Week 1 and Friday of Finals Week of the term of the course.

  6. Click Submit. A successful confirmation message will display in the top right corner of the page.

Important Notes

  • Removal of an incomplete grade from one year must be submitted by 5:00 pm the Friday of Finals Week before the incomplete reverts to the alternate grade.
  • Once a letter grade (A-F) or pass/no credit (P/N) is assigned, you cannot change it to an incomplete (see Academic Regulation 17).
  • If you need to submit a grade change for a graduated student, email your request to the Office of the Registrar at [email protected]. Requests must be within three months of the final degree conferral.


Please email us at [email protected] with grade submission-related questions. The grading team will be happy to assist you with your question.

Preliminary Grade Submission

The next preliminary grades due date will be determined in Spring 2025. 

These grades should reflect the anticipated final grade. This grade holds significant importance as it determines whether a student will receive their diploma at commencement.

Important Notes

  • “I” Grades and non-passing grades: A preliminary grade of "I" (or any non-passing grade) will prevent releasing a student’s diploma at commencement.
  • Final Exams: Graduating students are required to take final exams held during the regularly scheduled Finals Week of Spring Term. These exams are crucial to ensure the fulfillment of their degree requirements. The distribution of diplomas at commencement may be updated based on a final grade, provided we receive it by Friday, June 14.

Preliminary Grade Submission

Please use the Midterm Grades tab in Faculty Grade Entry to submit preliminary grades. There are two ways to enter preliminary grades:  manual entry or by uploading the grade file.

Preliminary Grade Entry Methods

Click on the course to load the student roster.

Students with an asterisk (*) next to their name need a preliminary grade. Here’s a handy trick: you can quickly narrow down the list of graduating students by typing an asterisk (*) followed by a wildcard (%) in the Search box (e.g., *%).

Step 1 Click on the Midterm Grade box and pick a grade from the drop-down list. You can also type the grade directly into the field.

Step 2 Once you’re done, simply click on the Save button in the bottom right of the screen to save your preliminary grade entries.

Grade Status Indicator

The Status indicator will remain as “In-Progress”. This status reflects that you are entering preliminary grades for graduating students and not the entire class roster.

Enter the preliminary grades directly into the attached preliminary grade from the Office of the Registrar.

Locate the Midterm Grade column, add your preliminary grades, save the file as an Excel (.xls) spreadsheet and close it.

Import Wizard

To import and submit your preliminary grades, click the Gear icon in the top right corner, next to the profile button. Then select “Import” from the drop-down list.

Step 1. The Grade Import Wizard will appear. Follow the steps to upload and import your preliminary grades:

  • Click the white Browse box next to “Upload” and select your grade file (Excel). Then click “Open” to add the file name to the Browse box.
  • Click “Upload”. Wait for the progress bar to finish (it will say “Preparing”) and then disappear. Afterward, click “Continue” to move forward.

Step 2. Review the preview screen to ensure all your data has been imported accurately. Click “Continue” to move forward.

Step 3. If you’re using the preliminary grade file from the OtR, no mapping is needed. Simple click “Continue” to proceed.

Step 4. Click “Finishto import the preliminary grades.

Feel free to click on the course again under the “My Courses” section to review the preliminary grades for graduating students.


Please email the Office of the Registrar at [email protected] with grade submission-related questions. We are happy to assist you with your question.

Last Date of Attendance FAQs

Oregon State University does not require that professors take attendance; however, the U.S. Department of Education nevertheless requires (34 CFR 668.22) the Office of Financial Aid to determine if a student who receives financial aid and fails to earn a passing grade in a course has actually attended and/or completed the course, or if they withdrew from a course without providing the university official notification. In addition, for students who officially withdraw we are required to document that they also began attending the course(s) from which they withdrew in order to determine the type and amount of financial aid they may be eligible to retain. Because a student could be a financial aid applicant at any point during the academic year, we must collect this information for all students, so that financial aid eligibility can be accurately determined.

F grades, N (no pass) grades, I/N and I/F grades require a last date of attendance.

Who must provide the Last Date of Attendance information?

Since the instructor is the only person at the institution who can document whether a student attended class or participated in an academically-related activity, this documentation must come from the instructor.

If you do not take attendance, you should provide the date of the last known academically-related activity. Definition of Academic related activity is below.

Indicate the student did not attend. According to federal regulations 34 CFR 668.21(c), the student is considered to have not begun attendance if the institution is unable to document the student’s attendance.

Indicate the student did not attend. According to federal regulations 34 CFR 668.277(I)(7)(I & ii) if there is no documented attendance or academically-related activity, you must identify that the student “Never Attended”.

If attendance is not taken, provide the date of the last academically-related activity. Definition of Academic related activity is below. The student is considered to have not begun attendance if the institution is unable to document the student’s attendance. 34 CFR 668.21(c)

Online course CRNs are set up to end on the last day of Dead Week or tenth week of the term, online course CRNs do not include the final exam week because online courses do not require a physical space on campus for the exam date and time. Therefore, if a student attended the online course, participated in final exam and still received a non-passing grade, the last date of attendance would be the last day of Dead Week, or tenth week of the term.  The dates entered in grade book as the last date of attendance for online courses that are after the tenth week will not be accepted by the system.

Last date of attendance can be corrected through the change posted grades feature.

Yes. Please indicate either the last date of attendance. If attendance cannot be documented through actual attendance records, your memory of the student’s attendance or an academically-related event, you must report that the student never attended. 34 CFR 668.21(c)

34 CFR 668.22(c)(3)

34 CFR 668.22(l)

The last activity may include, but is not limited to:

  • Class attendance.
  • Turning in a class assignment.
  • Taking an exam, tutorial or computer-assisted instruction.
  • Attending a study group that is assigned by the institution.
  • Participating in an online discussion about the course.
  • Initiating contact with a faculty member regarding the course material.

Academically-related activities do not include:

  • Living in institutional housing.
  • Participating in a school’s meal plan.
  • Logging in to a distance education course without any other active participation.
  • Academic counseling or advising.

Have a question you think should be added here? Email us!


FAQs: Fall Term Start, Tuition Refund, and Drop/Withdraw Dates

Start Date Related:

Q: Why is the fall quarter starting two days early when Veterans Day is only one day?

A: Due to the loss of class time for multiple holidays observed, Veterans Day and Thanksgiving Day, the OSU academic calendar for fall term was changed for all campuses. The first day of class will now take place during Welcome Week. The following week will officially be referred to as Week 1. These changes were necessary to both honor veterans and to maintain the number of class days in the term.


Q: What is a Welcome Week and is it only for incoming freshmen?

A: Welcome Week includes events that go on for the new and continuing students at OSU.


Q: Are winter and spring quarter start dates changed?

A: No, only the fall term start date was changed. Other term start dates remain the same as before.


Q: Is Welcome Week considered the first week of the fall term?

A: No, the first full week of the quarter is considered the first week of the quarter. For fall term, it is the first full week after the first day of fall classes.

Tuition Refund Related:

Q: When is the last day to receive a 100% tuition refund according to the new refund deadlines?

A: Last day to drop a class and receive a 100% tuition refund is on Sunday, 11:55 p.m., after the first full week of classes.


Q: When is the last day to receive a 50% tuition refund for classes I withdrew from?

A: Last day to withdraw from a class and receive a 50% tuition refund is Sunday, 11:55 p.m., after the third full week of classes.


Q: Are there any other tuition refund deadline tiers besides 100% and 50%?

A: No, there are only 2 tiers to tuition refund: 100% and 50%.


Q: Why did the refund periods change?

A: The new pro-rated tuition period now aligns with the new deadlines. For unexpected individual circumstances, the tuition appeal process will still be available.

Add/Drop/Withdraw Date Related:

Q: Why did the date change for drop and withdraw deadlines?

A: The shorter time frame encourages student success by solidifying schedules earlier in the term and increasing time in class.


Q: What happens if I want drop a class during week two?

A: W grade will be recorded on your transcript if you withdraw from a class starting Monday of the second full week onwards. 


Q: What other deadlines around registration have changes?

A: The changes are around drop and withdraw dates. No changes have been made to the course add deadline. To view all term dates, please visit the Academic Calendar in the Office of the Registrar's website.


Q: I get an error message when I try to add during week 2, what is happening?

A: You need instructor permission and a departmental override to add a course during week 2. Please contact the department offering the course for assistance.


Q: What do I do once permission is received?

A: You should register for the class as usual through Online Services.

Finding Courses

Prerequisite Enforcement

More information on prerequisites can be found in the Prerequisite Policy. Questions should be directed to the Catalog Coordinator in the Office of the Registrar.

  • Prerequisite — courses or test scores that must be satisfactorily completed before enrolling in another course.
  • Concurrent prerequisite — a prerequisite course that may be taken prior to or concurrently with the course requiring it.
  • Corequisite — a course that must be taken concurrently with another course.
  • All sections of the same course carry the same prerequisites. Prerequisites should only be enforced where there is substantial evidence that it is essential for success in a given class. Departments should be selective and targeted in their decisions.


  • Prerequisites cannot be applied to special topics or blanket courses because they cover multiple topics. Section restrictions such as 'Departmental Approval' may be used to control registration for these courses.


  • Avoid adding corequisites to undergraduate courses with honors versions. Banner can only use ‘and’ logic for corequisites and it is therefore not possible for a student enrolled in the honors version to have their corequisite recognized. A prerequisite with concurrency would prevent the need to grant an exception in that case.


  • Enforcing prerequisites for 100 and 200-level courses should be limited, with the exception of certain courses such as math and foreign language. Students will have difficulty fulfilling Baccalaureate Core requirements in a timely manner if many of these courses require the completion of prerequisites. Also, students who are dually enrolled at another institution will be disadvantaged because their partner school enrollments are not entered into their Banner records until after the beginning of the next term.


  • Departments are encouraged to review their decisions regarding OSU equivalents for transfer courses and make certain they are up-to-date and complete. Revisions and changes to transfer equivalencies are coded into Banner by the Office of Admissions. Up-to-date transfer equivalencies help reduce the number of students seeking exceptions. Most students have transfer credits in their academic history.


  • Be prepared to handle exceptions and appeals from students in a rapid manner. Students register 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and often must compete for available space in classes. A delay of 2 or 3 days could mean the student loses the window of opportunity to claim a seat in a class.


  • Expect slightly lower enrollments in courses with prerequisites. Drops in enrollment may be temporary for the first few terms of enforcement or they may indicate permanent patterns. Some students will shy away from elective courses that have enforced prerequisites.


What prerequisites will be checked during registration?

The only prerequisites checked during registration are those approved for the course, with a specific subject code and number, such as MTH 111, that have been completed with the passing grade indicated in the Catalog. The minimum passing grade for most courses is D– or better, achieved prior to registration or concurrent with the course being registered for. Some colleges have higher minimum passing grade requirements, such as the College of Engineering which requires a C. All courses used to satisfy Math prerequisites must be completed with C- or better.


How does prerequisite checking work during registration?

Banner checks the student's academic record, including transfer credit, to see if the prerequisite course has been successfully completed with a passing grade. If the course was not successfully completed, the student will be told the prerequisite has not been met and they will not be allowed to register for that course. Prerequisite checking occurs for all students who attempt to register for the course, regardless of level, rank, or college.


Banner also counts as "satisfied" any prerequisite that the student is currently enrolled in. However, if the student fails to satisfactorily complete the currently enrolled prerequisite course after registration, they will be removed from the next term's course.


Banner can enforce the following:
  • Specific OSU courses with subject code and number that are satisfactorily completed, e.g., MTH 111 with a grade of C– or better.
  • Transfer equivalents to OSU courses articulated by the Office of Admissions.
  • Standardized placement test scores that have been recorded in Banner.


Banner cannot enforce the following:
  • Generic courses, such as a "social science course."
  • Courses not offered by OSU.
  • Transfer credit that has not been articulated to a specific OSU subject/number, such as LDT and UDT course numbers.
  • Older OSU courses (pre-1990) that are no longer listed in Banner.
  • Courses for which the student received a mark of N, W, I, F, U, AU, Y.
  • Undergraduate-level prerequisites for graduate-level courses. The system does not search the undergraduate transcripts of graduate students.
Can prerequisites be recommended but not enforced?

No, prerequisites by nature are enforced. However, recommendations can be added to courses and they display in both the Catalog and Schedule of Classes. Recommendations are established through curriculum proposals and may be deleted but not reinstated without an approved proposal. They are mostly used to indicate prior knowledge or experience that cannot be enforced by Banner, such as “Completion of Western Culture BCC requirement” or “One year of biology” but you can request specific OSU courses be recommended as well.

How do transfer credits satisfy prerequisites?

Transfer credits are brought into a student's OSU record when the Office of Admissions articulates those credits to OSU equivalents as directed by departments. Where there are no direct equivalents, the transfer credit cannot count toward prerequisite checking during registration but students can be granted an exception at the discretion of the department.

How to handle exceptions and appeals?

Some students who do not meet prerequisites may wish to appeal to the offering department for an exception. Departments are able to grant exceptions by entering overrides into Banner. Overrides allow the student to continue with their registration. If desired, override permissions may be entered into Banner in advance to the start of registration, with an override code of PREQ.

Priority Registration

What is priority registration?

Students are assigned registraton dates and times according to their student status and credits earned. The registration schedule is separated into two phases.

  • Phase I: Undergraduate students are eligible to enroll in a maximum of 16 credits and waitlisting is not available. You may enroll from your eligibility date until the end of Phase I. At the close of Phase I, registration is closed for a business day while the system is enabled for Phase II.
  • Phase II: You may waitlist courses that have waitlisting available and the maximum credits for undergraduates is raised to 19.
The priority registration schedule

The schedule displayed in the online catalog represents a range of dates and times during which students will be eligible to register depending on their status and credits earned. To view your assigned registration date and time, log in to MyOregonState, click on the Academics tab. Under Resources select Check Your Registration Status.” Here you will see the specific dates and times assigned to you for Phase I and Phase II of registration. Your registration status and times will be available approximately one week before registration begins.

Phase 1 & II Priority Registration Calendars by Term: http://registrar.oregonstate.edu/priority-registration

When and how are PINS assigned?

The Office of the Registrar assigns registration PINS to students at the beginning of the current term for the next available registration term:

Flow chart for PIN assignment

PINs are assigned to students on the following timescale:

Week 3
(After add/drop deadlines)
From the beginning of week 3 onwards, PINs start being assigned to students automatically based on the term PIN rules set up for individual colleges.
Weeks 3–4

Some students are assigned PINs manually based on a particular status, e.g., disability access students, First-Year Experience students, student athletes, international Exchange students, etc.

This takes up to two weeks because information must be gathered from many departments. During this time, it is possible that a student’s PIN will be updated from one that was automatically assigned to one that reflects a particular status.

Week 4 At the end of week 4, the Office of the Registrar informs all advisors that PIN assignment processes have been completed.
Weeks 5–7 Advisors meet with students to distribute PINs and plan registration schedules.
Week 7 Priority registration phase 1 opens at the end of week 7.

Restriction Overrides

This procedure allows a student to register for a course they are otherwise restricted from enrolling in.

  1. Type "SFASRPO" into the Direct Access box on Banner's General Menu screen in order to access the Student Restriction Permit-Override Form.
  2. Fill in the ID and Term boxes.
    Term example: ID of Student needing restriction override, Term: 201801
  3. Page Down to Student Permits and Overrides box.
  4. Enter Permit-Override Code. (See codes below.)
  5. Tab to CRN box and enter specific course CRN.
  6. Save the entry to complete your transaction.
  7. The students can now register themselves on the Web.


Restriction Permit—Override Codes
ALP Alpha Section Override
ATT Attribute Override
CAM Campus Override
CLA Class Override, i.e., Freshman, Sophomore
COL College Override, i.e., Business, Liberal Arts
DEGR Degree Override, i.e., BS, BA
DUP Duplicate Section Override
FOS Field of Study Major/Minor/Option Override
LEV Level Override, i.e., undergraduate, graduate
LKL Linked Lab Override (capacity)
LKR Linked Recitation Override (capacity)
PREQ Prereq/Coreq override
SAPR Special Approval Override (use for Department Override)
TIM Time Conflict

Web for Advisors & Faculty

Links available under Online Services menus titled “Web for Advisors,” “Student Records,” and “Final Grades Menu” were retired. Most of these links/pages can be accessed via Beaver Hub (students) or MyOregonState (staff and faculty). Crosswalks between old links/pages and new locations can be found on this page.

Web for Advisors Being Retired

As part of the deprecation of Self-Service Banner 8, the Web for Advisors SSB8 Menu was retired on January 29
For the transfer coursework shown on the Advanced Standing Report, you can view this information in three different locations.

  • MyDegrees Class History Tab (click on the three dots, top right)
  • MyDegrees Student Data (link below the format dropdown section)
  • The Unofficial Transcript

The Advising Student Profile can be accessed via either Beaver Hub (tied directly to a specific student) or generically via MyOregonState.

Web for Advisors SSB8 Menu Crosswalk

Menu Item Where to Locate Information

Student PIN Lookup

Beaver Hub

Student Academic Transcript

Beaver Hub

Advanced Standing Report

TBD-Owned by Admissions    

Advising Worksheet

Advising Student Profile

Faculty & Advisor Security Information    

Sunsetting-Rarely Used


Beaver Hub

Schedule of Classes (New Scheduler)

OtR Website

Advising Student Profile

Beaver Hub

Web for Faculty

Faculty members who have been officially assigned as instructors for a class or classes will have access to the class lists for those courses. Also available will be basic information (name, address, email, major, etc.) about students in your classes. If you have not been officially assigned as an instructor for the course, contact your department for assistance.

To access Web for Faculty and Advisors:

Step 1: Login to MyOregonState with your ONID username and password. If you've forgotten your ONID credentials, contact the OSU Computer Helpdesk at 541-737-3474. If you do not know your OSU ID, contact the Center for HR Systems and Technology at 541-737-8300.

Step 2: Select the Resources, then the Academic tab.

Step 3: Choose from the menu of services available.

Downloading a Class List from the Web

Step 1: In MyOregonState, locate the Faculty Class List under the Academic tab in the Resources menu, or search Faculty Class List in the search box.

  • On the CRN Listing page, the default view is for All Terms. You may want to select a specific term from the All Terms dropdown menu to limit the courses to that specific term.

Step 2: To view the class list, click on any row or record other than the hyperlinked Course Title or CRN. The Course Title or CRN will open course details in a pop-up window.

  • You can switch between Summary View and Detail View to see more information about each student.
  • Hover over a student's name to see their major and email address.
  • You can toggle the information you want displayed in either view by clicking the dropdown to the left of the search box and selecting or unselecting the options


Emailing Students

 To email students in your class -

  • You can either select the box left of the Student Name column to select the entire class roster or you can select the individual boxes next to the student photo to email specific students.
  • After selecting the student(s), click the email icon on the right-hand side below Summary View.
  • Your email application will populate and the student(s) email address will be listed in the To: line.

Exporting Your Class List (Excel)

To download the class list, click Export in the upper right corner, choose the file type (.xls or .xlsx) you want, and click Export again.

*Note: This will not export student(s) email addresses. It will only export the data you see on the Class List.

For questions, you may contact [email protected], 541-737-2830.

In MyOregonState, locate the Faculty Class List under the Academic tab in the Resources menu, or search Faculty Class List in the search box.

On the CRN Listing page, the default view is for All Terms. You may want to select a specific term from the All Terms dropdown menu to limit the courses to that specific term.

To view the class list, click on any row or record other than the hyperlinked Course Title or CRN. The Course Title or CRN will open course details in a pop-up window.

You can switch between Summary View and Detail View to see more information about each student.

Summary View

Detail View


Hover over a student's name to see their major and email address.

You can toggle the information you want displayed in either view by clicking the dropdown to the left of the search box and selecting or unselecting the options

Emailing Students

 To email students in your class -

  • You can either select the box left of the Student Name column to select the entire class roster or you can select the individual boxes next to the student photo to email specific students.
  • After selecting the student(s), click the email icon on the right-hand side below Summary View.

  • Your email application will populate and the student(s) email address will be listed in the To: line.

Exporting Your Class List (Excel)

To download the class list, click Export in the upper right corner, choose the file type (.xls or .xlsx) you want, and click Export again.

*Note: This will not export student(s) email addresses. It will only export the data you see on the Class List.

SSB8 Advising Worksheet Crosswalk

Worksheet Item Where to Locate Information

Student Name and ID

Beaver Hub Profile

Confidential Flag

Beaver Hub Profile

Priority Registration Times

Beaver Hub Profile

Prior Education 

Beaver Hub Profile/Advising Student Profile


Beaver Hub Profile/Advising Student Profile/MyDegrees Header

Transcript Statistics (e.g., GPA)

Beaver Hub Profile/Unofficial Transcript

Academic Standing by Term

Beaver Hub Profile/Unofficial Transcript/MyDegrees Student Data Tab

Fin Aid SAP Calculation

Beaver Hub Profile

Fin Aid Maximum Time Frame

Beaver Hub Profile

Transfer Coursework 

Unofficial Transcript/MyDegrees Student Data Tab

OSU Coursework

Unofficial Transcript/MyDegrees Student Data Tab

Courses with Attributes

MyDegrees Student Data Tab

Final Grades SSB8 Menu Crosswalk 

Menu Item 

Where to Locate Information

Final Grades – Keyed Entry 

MyOregonState > Faculty Grade Entry 

Final Grades – File Upload 

MyOregonState > Faculty Grade Entry 

View Missing Final Grades  

- SFR2700 Missing Final Grades Report (Department Grading Contacts) 

- Missing Grade Notifications from OtR 

Final Grades – Change Posted Grades 

MyOregonState > Change Posted Grades  

Faculty Grade Entry 

MyOregonState > Faculty Grade Entry 

Student Records SSB8 Menu Crosswalk

Menu Item 

Where to Locate Information


Beaver Hub > Academics > Academic Resources > MyDegrees 

Standard Enrollment Verification: National Student Clearinghouse 

Beaver Hub > Academics > Academic Resources > Standard Enrollment Verification

View Holds 

Beaver Hub > Academic Overview > View your Holds > Check your registration Status

Final Grades 

Beaver Hub > Academics > Academic Resources > Unofficial Transcript

View Unofficial Transcript 

Beaver Hub > Academics > Academic Resources > Unofficial Transcript

Order Official Transcript 

Beaver Hub > Academics > Academic Resources > Order Official Transcript 

View Account Statements 

Beaver Hub > Finances > Financial Resources > View Account Statements 

Account Summary by Term 

Beaver Hub > Finances > Financial Resources > Account Summary by Term

Account Summary 

Beaver Hub > Finances > Financial Resources > Account Summary by Term

Tax Notification 

Beaver Hub > Finances > Financial Resources > Tax Notification Document (1098T Forms)

Student Evaluation of Teaching 

Beaver Hub  > Academics > Academic Resources > Student Learning Experience Survey (Formerly sSET) 

View Advanced Standing Report 

Beaver Hub > Academics > Academic Resources > Unofficial Transcript or MyDegrees 

Graduate Students ONLY – Apply to graduate 

Beaver Hub > Resources > Graduate Students – Apply to graduate

Graduate Students ONLY – Cancel graduate application 

Beaver Hub > Resources > Graduate Students – Cancel graduate application

View Applications(s) for Graduation 

Beaver Hub > Resources > Graduate Students – Apply to graduate 

Update Diploma Name 

Beaver Hub > Resources > Graduation Diploma name 

View Test Scores 

Beaver Hub  > Academics > My Academic Profile > View my Student Profile > Prior education and Testing

Faculty & Advisors Menu Has Become the Faculty Services Menu

Menu Item 

Where to Locate Information Starting June 18

MyOregonState > Faculty Services link

Term Selection

No longer a standalone menu link

CRN Selection

No longer a standalone menu link

Faculty Detail Schedule

MyOregonState > Faculty Detail Schedule link

Faculty Schedule by Day and Time

MyOregonState > Faculty Week at a Glance link

Summary Class List

MyOregonState > Faculty Class List link

Detail Class List

MyOregonState > Faculty Class List link

Detail Wait List

MyOregonState > Faculty Class List link > Wait List tab

Summary Wait List

MyOregonState > Faculty Class List link > Wait List tab

Class List / Grade List File Download

MyOregonState > Faculty Class List link > Export (Excel) or Print (PDF) buttons (top right of screen)

Mid-Term Grade Worksheet

MyOregonState > Faculty Grade Entry link > Midterm Grades tab

Student Menu

To view a student’s email address and major, hover over the student’s name in the Class List.

Instructor Access to Student Evaluation

MyOregonState > Student Learning Experience Survey for Faculty/Advisors link

Insight Resume Scoring Application

No longer used

Attendance Tracker

MyOregonState > Faculty Attendance Tracking link

Who Can Submit Grades

Who Can Enter Grades Online?

Faculty members who have been listed by their department as the primary instructors. Non-primary instructors with a percent workload responsibility of greater than 0 percent, who have been identified in Banner as "graders" and are cleared for online grading access.

What if the instructor is unable to access the course?

If a faculty member is not able to obtain their CRN online for grading purposes, it may be because this person has not been formally listed as an instructor for a course section in Banner. To remedy this, follow the steps below.

  • Contact your Department Scheduler. They should go to CourseLeaf Section Scheduler (CLSS) to assign the instructor to the section. Only Department Schedulers or other scheduling representatives will have access to make section updates in CLSS.
  • If the instructor does not come up in a CLSS search, the Department Scheduler should fill out the Instructor Add form (https://beav.es/3yk). Once the Schedule Desk has given the individual faculty status in Banner, they should show up in a CLSS search the following day.
  • If the individual you are adding does not have teaching responsibility, you must change the percentage from 100 to zero. If they do have teaching responsibility, you may adjust the percentages so they equal 100 percent.
Secure Submission Guidelines for Grade Changes and Removal of Incomplete forms.

All Change of Grade and Removal of Incompletes over one year require a form submission to the Office of the Registrar. To request this DocuSign form, email [email protected].

Notices to Students

Notices to Students: The Office of the Registrar periodically notifies students about services and deadlines via their ONID email accounts. Advisors may see which messages are sent to particular students and the dates the Office of the Registrar anticipates sending the notice.

View Notice to Students Regarding Privacy of Records

Click here for emails sent to student populations via student communications.




Who receives notice

Multiple times throughout the term

Withdrawn Course Limit Reminder Notice

Notifies the student of how many courses they have withdrawn from, and how many they may withdraw from in the future in accordance with AR 12 (A student may withdraw from no more than 12 courses while an undergraduate (including terms as a postbacc student).

Students who have withdrawn from a course for the term.

Multiple times throughout the term

Withdraw from Term Confirmation Notice

Notifies students they were successfully withdrawn from the term by the Office of the Registrar after taking the ‘Withdraw from the Term’ survey.

Students who have successfully completed the ‘Withdraw from the Term’ survey.

Multiple times throughout the term

Withdraw from Term Unsuccessful Notice

Notifies students they unsuccessfully completed the ‘Withdraw from the Term’ survey. Informs them that if they intend to withdraw from the term, they will need to successfully retake the survey or no further action will be taken by the Office of the Registrar.

Students who did not successfully complete the ‘Withdraw from the Term’ survey and need to retake it if they intend to withdraw from the term.

Week 2 of term

Notifies students using Chapter 33 benefits that tuition and fees will be certified to the VA


Notifies students using Chapter 33 benefits that the School Certifying Officials are beginning the process to certify tuition and fees


Students coded in Banner for Chapter 33 benefits. Includes Yellow Ribbon.


Week 3 of Spring Term

Summer term VA Certification Information


Notifies students collecting VA benefits about the Summer Term Certification Process. The student must notify our office in writing if they do not want to use their VA benefits for Summer Term.  Also lets them know when we will pull our Certification Report and how the VA will pay out benefits for Summer Term. Summer Term has 6 different sessions instead of the standard 11-week term.

All students coded in Banner for VA benefits during Spring and Summer Term.


Week 8 of term

Future term VA certification information

Notifies all current students when we will pull registration reports for the upcoming term. Advises the student to please be fully registered at that time. If they cannot complete registration at that time they are asked to notify our office for a certification hold.

All students coded in Banner for VA benefits.

Week 9 of term

Notifies Choice Act recipient of requirements to remain eligibility once benefits have exhausted

Notifies students with the Choice Act that If they do not remain continuously enrolled or if they change their program/major after transferred VA education benefits end, they will be changed to the non-resident rate code and be billed accordingly.  

Students coded in Banner for Choice Act benefits who no longer receive transferred VA education benefits and who are not registered in the upcoming term or have changed their degree program.

Week 13 of term

Academic Warning/Probation notices to VA students

Notifies students that they are either on Academic Warning or Probation and informs them of available resources on campus for tutoring or learning assistance. Also explains that if their academics continue to decline they will no longer be able to use their VA benefits.

Any student who receives VA education benefits and is currently on Academic Warning/Probation.

Week 1 of the term

"I/grade" One-year Notices

Notifies students that their "I/grade" will revert to the letter grade at the end of the term because the one-year deadline will expire. Intended to give students ample warning to complete the course before the grade reversion.

Students who have an "I/grade" that will revert to the letter grade at the end of the term because the one-year deadline is about to expire.

Week 3 of the term

"I/grade" Graduation Notice

Notifies student who intend to graduate at the end of the current term that they have outstanding "I/grade(s)" that may affect their graduation and/or permanent record if they are unresolved at the end of the term.

Students who have an active graduation application for the current term and have an unresolved "I/grade".

Week 4 of the term

3 Term Clean Up for accurate VA numbers

Notifies student who has not registered for a class within the past three terms (including the current term), asking if they are still an active student at OSU. Before the email goes out we remove any future term coding in Banner designating them as a Veteran student collecting a VA benefit. If they are still active then we ask that they respond to the email and let us know.

Any student who has not had registration at OSU for at least 3 terms.

Week 5 of the term

Reverse Transfer Notice

Notifies students who are part of the DPP program with LBCC that we are sending their OSU transcripts to LBCC. The purpose is to see if the OSU courses help the student qualify for an Associate’s degree through LBCC.

Students who are enrolled at OSU and are part of the DPP program with LBCC.


Week 13 of the term

"I/grade" Received for the Term Notice

Notifies the student that they have received an "I/grade" for the term. It also provides information on how to resolve the "I/grade", information about deadlines, and what will happen when the grade reverts to the alternate grade.

Students who receive an "I/grade" for the term just completed.

Week 13 of the term

Removed from a Course for Not Meeting the Prereq Notice

Notifies students that the Office of the Registrar has removed them from a course in the current/future term because they have failed to meet the course prerequisite(s), often by failing the prerequisite course in the term that just ended.

Students who have been removed from a course for failure to meet the prerequisites.

Week 13 of the term

Academic Warning/Probation/Suspension Notices

Notifies students who have been placed on warning/probation/suspension the reason for their current academic standing. Lists resources to help improve their academic standing, and what will happen if their academic standing does not improve.

All students who have been placed on academic warning/probation/suspension for the term just completed.


Graduation Notices to Students




Who receives notice

Week 0 of the term

Institutional Awarding

Notifies students who may graduate within the next few terms. This reminds them to check MyDegrees to review their progress toward graduation.

Seniors and postbacc students close to graduation.

Week 3 of the term

Candidate for Graduation Notice

Notifies students who are put in the graduation pool after the course add deadline to let them know they are a graduation candidate for the current term.


All students that are enrolled in their final courses to graduate, or those with an IA advisor note.

Week 4 of the term

Deficiency Notice regarding Graduation Requirements

Notifies students of their missing requirements to ensure that they are fully informed of any issues that might prevent them from graduating this term. This gives them the opportunity to consult with their advisors and the Office of the Registrar to resolve these issues.

All students with holds who are graduation candidates for the current term.

Week 4 of the term

"I/grade" Graduation Notice

Notifies student who intends to graduate at the end of the current term that they have outstanding "I/grade(s)" that may affect their graduation and/or permanent record if they are unresolved at the end of the term.

Students who have an active graduation application for the current term and have an unresolved "I/grade".

Week 2  of Spring Term

Grad Fair Reminder and Financial Aid Repayment Information

Notifies students of upcoming opportunities at the Grad Fair and provides dates of important financial aid repayment workshops.

All students are candidates for graduation during Spring term or who have graduated during the prior Fall or Winter terms.

Week 10 of Spring Term

Graduation Holds and Commencement Participation

Notifies students that there are graduation holds in place that will prevent students from receiving their diploma at the Commencement ceremony.

All students who have been added to the graduation pool in Spring term, are participating in the Commencement ceremony, and have graduation holds in place.

Week of 10 Spring Term

Commencement Instructions for Future Summer and Fall Term Expected Graduates

Notifies these students that they will not receive their diploma at the Commencement ceremony, and that pending completion of their degree, their diploma will be available after degree clearance has been completed. This also includes information about how to obtain diplomas once degrees are cleared and awarded.

All students who have applied to graduate in the future Summer or Fall terms, and have registered to participate in Commencement.

After degrees have been awarded – multiple times a term

Congratulations, You’ve Graduated!

Congratulates graduates of OSU and to provide answers to questions regarding diploma, transcripts, etc.

All students whose degrees are awarded.

After degree audit process is complete

Cancelled Graduation Application Notice

Notifies students that their graduation application was cancelled due to unresolved deficiencies, and gives instructions about next steps.

Students who have graduation applications that were cancelled by the Office of the Registrar.















[Archive] Log of Emails Sent to Students via Student Communications

Note: This page is an archive. Please visit the current page for the 2019-2020 academic year.

The emails below were approved by the OSU Registrar to be sent to Student Communications listserves.

Members of the OSU community,


You may be aware that Portland city officials, business and community leaders, and community event planners are promoting safety and personal responsibility in the face of anticipated protests this weekend along Portland’s downtown waterfront involving a right-wing rally and a left-wing counter-protest.


We are writing to share with you the prospects of such a protest on Saturday. And to encourage that if you are in the Portland area, to safely enjoy all that the region has to offer by visiting other locations. If you are in the area of Portland’s waterfront, please be aware of your surroundings, and should any disturbance or protest occur nearby, please leave that area without engaging.


Meanwhile, entry to the Meier & Frank building -- in which the OSU Portland Center is located -- will be locked on Saturday, Aug. 17, and will require an access card to gain entry. Security personnel will be on-site Saturday during the building’s regular weekend operation hours from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.


Please enjoy your weekend and stay safe if visiting the Portland area.




Mike Green                                                                          Dan Larson

Vice President                                                                      Vice Provost

Finance and Administration                                                   Student Affairs

OSU Students,


Duo two-step login will become mandatory for all students during this upcoming fall and winter term. Mandatory dates start in late-October and continue until mid-February. You can find your specific, assigned mandatory date at beav.es/student-duo. You can sign up for Duo now to begin protecting your information - As your mandatory date approaches, you will receive reminder emails from the Duo project team until you sign up.


What is Duo?

Duo two-step login protects your OSU account by verifying your identity with two forms of identification: something you have (your phone or hardware token) and something you know (your password).


Why are we doing this?

The university is implementing Duo two-step login due to an alarming increase in the number of compromised OSU accounts. By using Duo, you can protect yourself from unauthorized:

  • Changes to your financial aid and payroll direct deposit
  • Reading and sending of your email
  • Access to your Student Health records
  • Criminals attempting to commit identity fraud

Please take a moment to visit beav.es/student-duo to learn more and sign up for Duo two-step login.


Thank you,


Michael McDonald, IT Communications Manager

Oregon State University | University Information & Technology

Members of the OSU community,


You may be aware that Portland city officials, business and community leaders, and community event planners are promoting safety and personal responsibility in the face of anticipated protests this weekend along Portland’s downtown waterfront involving a right-wing rally and a left-wing counter-protest.


We are writing to share with you the prospects of such a protest on Saturday. And to encourage that if you are in the Portland area, to safely enjoy all that the region has to offer by visiting other locations. If you are in the area of Portland’s waterfront, please be aware of your surroundings, and should any disturbance or protest occur nearby, please leave that area without engaging.


Meanwhile, entry to the Meier & Frank building -- in which the OSU Portland Center is located -- will be locked on Saturday, Aug. 17, and will require an access card to gain entry. Security personnel will be on-site Saturday during the building’s regular weekend operation hours from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.


Please enjoy your weekend and stay safe if visiting the Portland area.




Mike Green                                                                          Dan Larson

Vice President                                                                      Vice Provost

Finance and Administration                                                   Student Affairs

OSU community members,

Oregon State University is introducing a new OSU personal identification card for students and employees to enhance security and increase efficiencies.


In addition to a new look that highlights the university logo, the new ID cards include:

  • Enhanced security – Technology integrated within the new ID cards features security capabilities compatible with the latest technology in card-access readers and prevents unauthorized duplication of ID credentials.
  • Expanded functionality – New cards are compatible with all OSU electronic access points on the Corvallis and OSU-Cascades campuses, at the Hatfield Marine Science Center and within the OSU Portland Center. The cards allow for management of student meal plans and event tracking with student ID cards, and the capacity to manage ID credentials to support business needs up to 30 years in the future.
  • Resource stewardship –This new ID card technology will enable Facilities Services to install electronic-access entry points within OSU buildings with the long-range goal of eliminating the need for employees to lock and unlock buildings daily.

The first phase of this ID card transition focuses on those new to OSU. Distribution of new ID cards began with new and transfer students attending START sessions, as well as new OSU employees who began working after June 16. Employees working at OSU Extension offices or experiment stations will receive new cards if their current card is more than five years old or they need electronic access to OSU campuses or primary locations such as the Portland Center or Hatfield. Meanwhile, full migration to the new ID card will take approximately two years to complete. 

This summer, the OSU Campus Access Committee has worked with Facilities Services to modify door-access equipment within university buildings to ensure all equipment works effectively with the new ID cards. As this work continues, new ID cards and information about the cards will be provided faculty and staff working in these facilities.

Please visit the Orange Card website to learn more about the university’s new ID card system and its rollout. 



Mike Green                                                                        Dan Larson

Vice President                                                                   Vice Provost

Finance and Administration                                         Student Affairs


OSU community members,

I am pleased to announce that Oregon State University’s new $70 million arts and education complex will be built on our Corvallis campus at the corner of Southwest 15th Street and Washington Way.

This complex will be a dynamic cultural hub for teaching, learning and artistic performance, not only for OSU but for the Corvallis-Benton County community and all Oregonians. The complex will include classrooms and student-centered learning spaces, a 500-seat orchestra hall, a 200-seat black box theater, art exhibition space, rehearsal and practice rooms, faculty and staff offices, technology and recording rooms and landscaped outdoor gathering places.


Design of the complex is underway and we anticipate that groundbreaking will occur in June 2020, with construction completion in summer 2022. Here is a link to a news release regarding the location of the arts complex.


Moving forward to launch this complex is an enormous and essential step for Oregon State University. In my view, the arts drive a culture of creativity, innovation and diversity that is essential to a thriving research environment. In addition to enhancing our strengths in the sciences, this arts and education complex will enrich the education, career and life preparation of all OSU students.


Meanwhile, this location will enable the LaSells Stewart Center to remain an important community and university gathering and meeting place, and home for valuable research and academic conferences that bring our faculty, staff and students together with world leaders in science, teaching and higher education thought leadership.


Over the next several months, we will complete donor fundraising and approach the 2020 Oregon legislature for state bonding support for the arts and education complex.




Edward J. Ray




Oregon State University community members,


Across the nation, one in eight people struggle with hunger. Close to home, one in six residents in Linn and Benton counties sought emergency food assistance last year. And among those served by local and state food banks, as many as two-thirds say they are sometimes forced to choose between paying for food versus paying for their rent, medical services and utilities.

As the number of people affected by food insecurity grows, it includes individuals who make valued contributions to their communities and others, and increasingly, students on our nation’s college and university campuses.


Nationally, according to recent research conducted by the Hope Center for College, Community and Justice, 43% of college students surveyed reported that they felt food insecure in the past 30 days. This problem is striking close to home. Of the nearly 2,800 OSU students who applied for food assistance and food vouchers in the 2017-18 academic year, 81% met the federal definition of food insecurity.

The causes for food insecurity among college students are many: the cost of higher education; the share of educational costs that students now pay versus the state; and the cost of housing, utilities and food. The stark reality is that many students balance going to class and working multiple jobs to minimize college debt, and still don’t have enough money to attend class or take a test with the benefit of a recent nutritious meal.

Whatever the reason, the crisis of food deprivation at Oregon State must end. It is not acceptable for this university and for this state to have students in our OSU community that do not know where their next meal will come from.

It’s up to all of us to help address student hunger.

I am committed to ending hunger at Oregon State, and I call upon university leaders, faculty and staff, student leaders and OSU stakeholders to join with me.

With that commitment in mind, I have directed Dan Larson, vice provost for student affairs, to lead this effort to increase the scale of our programs and services starting in fall term 2019 to make a greater impact on reducing food insecurity among our students. We will do so more fully and more prominently than we do today through the good work already occurring at the Human Services Resource Center (HSRC) on the Corvallis campus or through the Associated Students of Cascades Campus Food Pantry in Bend at OSU-Cascades.


Here are examples of what will take place:

  • Over the summer, University Housing and Dining Services and HSRC managers will develop a pilot program to make available to eligible students food that has been produced in university dining centers, but at the end of a day, otherwise would go to waste. This effort will be implemented in fall term and will be in addition to existing UHDS efforts that provide re-packageable food to Linn Benton Food Share, which then – within state and local health requirements – provides these food supplies back to the HSRC food pantry.
  • Approaches will be evaluated to leverage university financial aid dollars with food assistance programs such as Mealbux, which provides eligible students with a meal card to use on campus.
  • Efforts to make students more aware of their eligibility for state and federal food assistance programs. As Oregon’s land grant university, we can help inform more of our own students -- and students attending other Oregon colleges and universities – by increasing communications regarding valuable programs, such as SNAP-Ed – the Supplemental Nutrition Education Program. The goal of this program is to provide people eligible for food stamps and food assistance with information about making healthy food choices within limited budgets – and choose physically active lifestyles. Additionally, this work will make more students aware of how the HSRC can aid students to complete their applications for food assistance.
  • We will engage with the OSU faculty to increase the sharing and prominence of a basic needs support message statement, such as within course syllabi and OSU websites. Such statements would help direct all students to centers and programs that may help address needs such as food insecurity, mental health services and others.Vice Provost Larson will create a task force in fall term 2019 made up of university administrators, faculty, student government leaders in Corvallis and Bend, students who served through our assistance programs, UHDS and financial aid representatives, and other university partners to develop additional action plans for implementation in 2020.

I am directing Steve Clark, vice president for university relations and marketing, to lead OSU’s efforts to better inform our students and the university community about the benefit and availability of food assistance programs and other services available throughout OSU to address food insecurity.


Meanwhile, leaders within the OSU Foundation are sensitive to the issue of food insecurity, as well as student mental health, and are beginning to discuss how to be part of OSU’s efforts to help address these student needs.


As a community, I call upon us to expand the already impressive culture of caring within Oregon State University. That culture includes the annual Corvallis campus food drive. For example, the 2019 food drive raised the equivalent of 382,000 meals. Of that total, more than $67,000 in payroll contributions were made and another $55,000 was contributed in various food drive fundraising campus events.


These contributions aid the OSU Food Pantry on the Corvallis campus in making a real difference. Approximately 65% of those served by the pantry are college students, and 93% of these households have at least one college student in their family. According to self-reported data from those served at the HSRC, 57% are first-generation students; 56% are students of color; and 158 reported sleeping in a tent, car or homeless shelter in the previous 12 months.

Meanwhile, at OSU-Cascades, the food pantry is supported by donations from the campus community.


I assure you that even greater personal and university engagement in the problem of food insecurity are needed, and I know that our collective efforts will have a direct impact on our students. But it will take OSU’s institutional commitment and our respective individual consciousness and engagement year-round to fully make a difference.


Please join me and Vice Provost Larson by engaging in this effort to end food insecurity among OSU students.




Edward J. Ray



State of Diversity at

Oregon State University


Address and Reception


Wednesday, June 5, 4-5:30 pm

MU Ballroom


We invite you to the second annual State of Diversity at Oregon State Address and Reception hosted by the Office of Institutional Diversity. Dr. Charlene Alexander, Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer, will highlight the incredible work underway across the university to advance inclusive excellence and discuss progress made on Oregon State’s Diversity Strategic Plan.


Following the presentation, Dr. Alexander and the Office of Institutional Diversity invite you to enjoy refreshments and connect with other members of the university community to celebrate a successful academic year.


The event will be livestreamed and recorded. Livestream will be available at live.oregonstate.edu.


The event is free, but your RSVP is requested. Tickets will not be required for this event.


For accommodations related to ability please contact [email protected] or call 541-737-1063.

21 May, 2019


OSU faculty, staff and students,


Oregon State University is committed to providing its faculty, staff and students with access to global opportunities and experiences that promote expanded research opportunities, student success, global understanding and engagement, and safe travel associated with university activities.


International travel and exchanges serve the university’s land grant mission to teach, pursue research, and engage in outreach and engagement to promote economic, social, cultural and environmental progress for the people of Oregon, the nation and the world.


To ensure that all OSU units follow consistent procedures associated with university-sponsored international travel, the university has enacted a new international travel policy that is now in effect and will provide travelers with many benefits. This policy requires faculty, staff, students and others traveling internationally on behalf of the university to enter their itineraries in OSU’s International Travel Registry prior to departure.


The registry benefits OSU’s international travelers in many ways, including:

    • Enrollment in international travel insurance, which includes medical care and evacuation or security assistance, if needed;
    • 24/7 support from OSU’s international health and safety coordinator;
    • Optional pre-departure, travel location-specific orientations;
    • Secure storage of passport copies and emergency contact information; and
    • Ability for the university to provide incident assistance and support communication with family members and others in the event of unforeseen incidents.


If you have questions about this new process or registry, please contact Kendra Sharp, senior advisor to the provost for international affairs, or Samuel Gras, university international health and safety coordinator by e-mail or phone at 541-737-6433 or 541-737-6493, respectively.


We look forward to growing OSU’s global connections and impact with you.




Kendra V. Sharp                                        Susan Capalbo

Senior Advisor to the Provost                  Senior Vice Provost

                                                                 International Affairs Faculty Affairs



13 May 2019


Dear OSU students, faculty and staff,


It is my pleasure to inform you that Dan Larson will begin his appointment as vice provost for student affairs effective immediately.


Dan began serving as the interim vice provost for student affairs at Oregon State University in September 2017. As vice provost, Dan leads the university’s efforts to provide an enriching co-curricular student experience through residential life, counseling and health services, recreational sports, dining, diversity and cultural engagement, student leadership and involvement programs, student life programs and services, the student union, career development, youth safety and compliance, academic achievement programs, and international support services.


During his time in the interim role, Dan has guided this large and complex division to support students in their holistic development and educational persistence to degree completion, and in their preparation and advancement to career or graduate education. He led the establishment of a Division of Student Affairs engagement plan that includes a leadership institute for aspiring student affairs leaders, and he co-chaired the Undergraduate Student Success Steering Committee, bringing greater attention to the importance of faculty and academic units, as well as curricula, as core contributors to undergraduate student success.


Dan contributes to OSU’s leadership as a member of the Provost’s Senior Leadership Team and University Cabinet. Prior to his interim role as vice provost, Dan served as the associate vice provost and interim dean of student life, and associate vice provost and executive director of University Housing and Dining Services. Dan joined OSU in 1996 as a graduate student in the College Student Services Administration program, beginning his professional employment at OSU in 2000 as the manager of Housing Services.


Dan’s experience and expertise spans student success and achievement, facilities, capital planning, finance, operations, crisis management, risk and compliance, and administrative functions. He has a strong record of positive impact at OSU and is a proven leader and contributor to university-wide initiatives and priorities.


Please join me in congratulating Dan on his appointment as vice provost for student affairs and thanking the search committee, chaired by Charlene Alexander, for bringing such a strong slate of finalists to meet with the campus community.




Edward Feser

Provost and Executive Vice President


Oregon State University community members,


During this academic year, we have witnessed tragedies impacting communities of faith, race and college campuses: A Pittsburgh synagogue, New Zealand mosques, churches in Sri Lanka, a San Diego synagogue, Black churches in Louisiana, and Tuesday, a campus shooting at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Precious and innocent lives continue to be taken and communities are forever impacted. With these incidents, we need to examine what is happening and not become numb to the atrocities that are occurring in our world.


Sending a communication after a tragic incident has occurred, though seemingly insignificant, is important as it recognizes the atrocity of these events. These acts cannot be accepted as the norm. We continue to grieve the lives that have been lost and cannot overlook the increasing violence and hatred that is impacting our nation’s college campuses. As members of Oregon State University, it is imperative that we work to understand differences while appreciating the diversity that each of us brings to our university, community and society.


It is understandable that you may be experiencing various emotions. We want to make sure you are accessing the appropriate resources (please see below). Let’s continue to come together during these difficult times in our effort to be strong for each other and those beyond this university.




Dan Larson, Interim Vice Provost for Student Affairs

Kevin Dougherty, Associate Provost & Dean of Students

Becky Johnson, Vice President, OSU-Cascades

OSU Student:


We hope your spring term is going well. As we advance through the term, we would like to share a reminder regarding the religious holiday calendar for the remainder of the school year.


Oregon State University is committed to support those in our community who hold religious beliefs, and understand that observance may have an impact on classes, schedules and the dietary needs of some students, faculty and staff. We request that faculty work with students as outlined in OSU’s Religious Accommodations Policy. It is incumbent on the student making the request to make the faculty member aware of a request as soon as possible prior to the need for the accommodation. Students should work directly with their faculty member on these requests according to OSU’s Religious Accommodation Policy: http://eoa.oregonstate.edu/nondiscrimination-basis-religion. Meanwhile, faculty and staff are able to approve requests for religious accommodations but must first contact Equal Opportunity & Access before denying any request.


This email also provides information regarding the holy month of Ramadan, which is observed by Muslim communities worldwide. Ramadan is expected to start on Sunday, May 5, 2019, and will likely run through Tuesday, June 4, 2019. During this month, many Muslims will increase their participation in religious observance, self-reflection, practicing good deeds, and daily fasting from dawn until dusk. On some days of the Ramadan observation, the duration of the fast can be up to 19 hours.


Oregon State’s Corvallis and OSU-Cascades campuses provide “quiet spaces” which can be used for meditation, reflection and prayer, specifically during this time. Additionally, with this e-mail, we are providing information about different dining and food options available on campus, in Corvallis and at OSU-Cascades.


If you have any questions, concerns or recommendations, please do not hesitate to directly contact the Office of Student Life or OSU’s Office of Equal Opportunity and Access. This message will also be posted in MyOSU until June 4, 2019.


Thank you for assisting our students in balancing their academic schedules and religious obligations. I wish you all a great remainder to your spring term.


Kevin A. Dougherty, Ed.D.

Associate Provost & Dean of Student Life

Oregon State University | 150 Snell Hall | Corvallis, OR 97331-8659 | 541.737.8748 | [email protected]



Corvallis & OSU-Cascades Campus Resources


Quiet Spaces:

Corvallis campus quiet spaces are offered within the third floor of the Student Experience Center which is open Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m., to 8 p.m. and on Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and within the International Living Learning Center (ILLC) Multi-Faith Room, which is located on the 4th floor. The Cultural Resource Centers have the following quiet spaces available: Asian & Pacific Cultural Center; Lonnie B Harris Black Cultural Center;