Monitoring Grade Processing

Several tools are available to departments for monitoring grade submission by your faculty.

Class List

This report provides an avenue for printing class lists for the current term and also a grade roster for a department once grade processing is complete.

  • For Class List — log onto Banner Data Warehouse. Select SIS Student - SIS Reports. Select Current Term Class List. Fill in the parameters. Print the report.
  • For Grade Roster — log onto Banner Data Warehouse. Select SIS Student - SIS Reports. Select Past Term Class List. Fill in the parameters. Print the report.
Missing Grade Report

This report helps departmental staff monitor which grades are outstanding. Departmental staff who wish to monitor every grade roster should print the report at the beginning of grade submission (Monday of Dead Week) and continue to run the report as needed to review the department's submission progress.

AWA Submission Process:
Run Term Select Banner Term Code.
201900=Summer 2018 
201901=Fall 2018 
201902=Winter 2019 
201903=Spring 2019

Print Mode

Select "Detail" button

Part of Term

Enter "1" for Corvallis campus. Enter "B1" for Bend Campus. For Summer term, run report for each part of term separately. Please refer to the session numbers as listed in the Summer Schedule of Classes.


Select department or school code: ART

Campus Code

Enter campus code:
% = all; C = Corvallis; D% = Ecampus courses; B = OSU-Cascades; for others contact the Office of the Registrar, [email protected]

  1. To access and run the Missing Final Grades job, go to the Banner Login page and log into AWA.
  2. Under My Catalog, select SFR2700, Missing Final Grades, then click the Execute button.
  3. Under Results, click on the job request.
  4. Fill in the parameter values. See above for example.
  5. Click the "Submit" button.
  6. The report results will be emailed to you automatically as a csv and lis file. The subject line of the email will look like this: [PROD] JOBP.STUDENT.SFR2700.
Preliminary Grades

Departments are able to run Spring Term Preliminary Missing Grades by using SFR2690 in step 1. The Spring Term Preliminary Missing Grades does not have the part of term parameter.